"Oh you're alt-right, is that like nu-male or something?"

>"Oh you're alt-right, is that like nu-male or something?"

That girl belongs with a nu male, they'd compliment each other well.

>implying a woman with those types of glasses wouldn't immediately try to kill me with a shard of that tea cup after she smashes it

>implying a woman with those types of glasses wouldn't immediately try to kill me with a shard of that tea cup after she smashes itt

What the fuck

>*Roman salutes and goose steps out of Starbucks*


> No news to process
> mods are asleep

lol you sound like such a little bitch

u sound mad

holy fuck, what a sad bitch you are

Pretty sure you could get by with posting anything right now. There's a thread outright asking for a dox here, and mods aren't doing shit.

>he thinks women say nu-male
that's sad.

*Wears muscle shirt that says "TOXIC MASCULINITY"*

>And you're a democratic socialist, right? I'd say I'm more of a national socialist, you should look it up

does anyone actually describe themselves as alt-right??

>"I bet you dont even have imparied vision, whore"

then I throw my boiling hot coffee straight into her eyes


Does he?

Why would someone know what nu-male means but not alt-right?
You sound like you wanna get cucked by a guy in a Porg onesie, seek help

>implying a bitch will be made aware of my political beliefs
Sorry, you must be mistaking me for a virtue signalling beta male communist soyboy cuck.