Something that I've come to realize is that Christians don't really believe in God...

Something that I've come to realize is that Christians don't really believe in God... they just pretend to out of tradition. Modern society loves tradition, we do plenty of bullshit just because it's tradition.

Think about it. When a Christian gets sick he seeks surgery/medicine just like anyone else. Look at John McCain, who is a Christian. He's getting chemotherapy for his brain tumor. Why? According to Christianity if he dies he goes to Heaven. He's trying to stay alive as long as he can just like anyone else though... because he knows there is no such thing as Heaven. That's dumb make believe.

God doesn't exist. Heaven doesn't exist. Hell doesn't exist. None of that shit is real and people know it.

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good shizzle mah fizzle
>takes sipp

Hello /leftypol/

>brainlet thinks everything came from nothing and the laws of the universe exist from random chance and the singularity with two extremes in every factor in existence have nothing to do with the classic dichotomy of light and darkness in theology.
Sage, I guess.

Though there are some people who regard themselves as Christians out of tradition not belief, they're very much a minority nowadays.

Trust in God and you can look forward to eternity in heaven. But this life is still precious, and ur days in it are scarce. Prolonging life by getting illnesses treated is not evidence of a lack of faith.

Christians on Sup Forums are only so because they are rejected by society and have nothing else to live for. They try to make sense of a degenerated world with no value.

Also, by being Christian they can more easily hold and articulate their traditionalist views. It's also useful for giving themselves some sort of identity which they would otherwise lack.

Most Christians don't care in sex before marriage bullshit anyway. Example right wing chads who probably endorse christian values but wouldnt think a second if they managed to hop on a tinder broad. Same goes with cam whores who wear crosses lmao. Has any Christian bothered to help a homeless person before?
Its all a meme so lets stop pretendng you actually care about values.

>unable to understand religion or why people are religous
Get fucked idiot

>try to make sense of a degenerated world with no value

Hello retard people want to live because they have family and friends which you clearly don't have. now kys


All of these religions are based on worshiping sand people in a desert. All descended from worshiping Jews.

1. Jews: Read the talmud and see that non-jews are cattle and other sick shit like they can rape a non-jew girl at the age of 3, but no less than 3!!!

2. Christianity was started by a Jew named "Jesus" who was preaching the talmud to the head Jews and telling them they were doing it wrong so they killed him for it. Romans then used Christianity as a way to quell the slave uprisings. It's a slave religion.

3. Mohammad was a warlord pedo who also worshiped a Jewish religion and twisted it to help his followers conquer other lands and rape other women and children.

Time to stop worshiping a sterile-desert sand people religion folks...

Jesus didn't teach the Talmud you blasphemous faggot.

Life is the greatest gift from God, so we christians enjoy it while we can. Beside,
>Not treating a obvious deadly disease is just suicide
>suicide is the greatest sin of all
>you kill someone (yourself), which is already REALLY bad, but you can't repent
>it's a one way ticket to hell.
At least thats with orthodoxy.

McCain is in his 80s and has cancer.

Since he's a Christian... why doesn't he decline treatment? He's old anyway, and since he's a Christian he believes that if he dies he goes to Heaven. Heaven is way better than here.

It's because he doesn't really believe in Heaven. No one does. That shit is all make believe.

I refer you to my previous answer:

>jesus stood against the talmud and actively condemned it's followers as kike satan worshipers
>modern day user doesn't understand shit other than he hates christians for retarded reasons


Don't forget Roman aristocrats were converted to Christianity to allow jews entrance into Europe. Not much after the rebellions in Palestine, jews were almost extinct. That's when a Christian roman allowed a rabbi to set shop in the Mediterranean (don't remember the exact name, but it isn't hard to find)

>brainlet thinks something must've come from somewhere, so OBVIOUSLY it means some human-written fanfiction, written back when humans didn't understand shit about physics, somehow revealed THE universal truth about it all

>suicide is the greatest sin of all
What a load of shit, nowhere in the bible is such thing mentioned.
Only the sixth commandment prohibits it somewhat, and only if you interpret it so.

Bury the kike gods with them.
