Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one criticism of capitalism

Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one criticism of capitalism

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Niggers like you can post on sites built by capitalism.

The masses are more obsessed with abstract materialism and identify more-so with their consumption habits than their beliefs, communities or self accomplishments.

Can not exist without debt

That's the only thing I can think of really

Private corporations with no checks or balances grow to have more power than nation states that are supposed to be representative of the peoples wishes.

I like murdoch murdoch

I work for myself in capitalism. Fuck other people. Most of them are idiots that don't deserve my respect, let alone my assistance.


You of all people should know that nation states don't represent the people.

this. Communism and Fascism are both failures. Capitalism is the only way for our society to advance to the stage of a space faring race.

Corporatism is born through government policies creating regulations that restrict the free market thus turning the free market into a regulated market therefore it is no longer free therefore it is no longer capitalist understand economics before you speak simpleton


I can barely play videogames anymore because it feels like a waste of time unless the game is a virtual masterpiece, meanwhile my best buds buy anything that comes out and call it awesome.

so consumerism i guess

Honestly I am surprised you said that considering you're from Canada but if you're looking towards America while thinking that we are not capitalists we are corporatist corporatism is where the government has a say so in what corporations and businesses are allowed to flirt via bailouts not to mention that it will partner with certain corporations in order to Grant immunity to those corporations and exchange they will enact policies and actions that the government supports that's why there is so much censorship in the United States media platforms, he'll our media is completely owned by corporations that constantly course with one another

Op eats nuts

Honestly I disagree this is actually a very welcome question from socialist, now if he decides to respond to her comments in grandstand us then I'll be pissed

Oy gevalt goi you criticize capitalism yet you use it???

>debt is bad



So basically you are saying, its not "real capitalism"? Like the commie apologizers do? Anyway, what you are describing has no protection against corporate tyranny/monopoly?

Agreed but i said supposed to. At least we the people have theoretical power over our (preferably, etho-)state, but none over corporations running wild.


In the struggle between monopolies/cartels and unions/strikes there is a clear advantage for the former, so some level of abuse and exploitation is impossible to eliminate.

The best way to eliminate this would be to have an extremely powerful but small government that had license to regulate personally- ie. not with legislation, but with the discretion of personal authority. An authoritarian autocracy, preferably a monarchy, but some other system could conceivably work as well.

It is a very old pattern for the King to put the nobles and the commoners at odds, and the modern oligarchy and consumer class could easily fit those two roles. The incentive to make everybody happy is enormous for such a figure.


It requires strict rule of law and sometimes too much regulation in order to work correctly.

Capitalism and the nations who follow it are extremely susceptible to the influence of those with the largest sums of cash. Once capitalistic society's have had enough time for businesses to grow into wealthy corporations (and this is assuming nothing outside the country influences the government) they can use their influence over media to manipulate the people and there opinions, and their wealth to influence government representatives.

What scares me is that most power in the world is held by capitalistic societies. And (((they))) have the money and influence to persuade any, if not all, of those nations right down to every representive. I mean it's been happening for years already lol


Capitalism is so effective in creating wealth that it draws in people from all over the world to come get a piece of the pie thus resulting in demographic conflicts. Which leads to collapse of the society.

Communism, as bad as it was economically, resulted in more homogeneous society because people did not want to go there to improve their standard of living.

capitslism is still better. But it needs to be paired with a society that has not welfare or safety nets so that the unproductive people in the planet don't invade the country and leech of its wealth/savings


communism is an accurate critique of communism that fails miserably at creating an alternative.

the solution is mixed-market socialism where industries that step too far out of line are reigned in by the government and even nationalized, the problem there is the companies will wind up writing the rules themselves and use their regulatory power to stifle competition and entrench themselves deeper into the fabric of society.

Two different sides of 1 jew coin

The only reason that big cash can influence society is because they use cash on big gov.

Keep government small and you can only do so much with you cash.

With involuntary force from government, the consumers have the power to voluntarily buy what the big cash holder is selling


* of capitalism


you asume they didnt agree to their salary beforehand they didnt want the full output of their salary when they entered a work contract

what ppl critizise is socialist figures like venezuelans purchasing luxury goods not any clothes

again not really a thing
also why you talk about stealing while advocating for no private property

0/10 didnt made me reply i did so out of boredom

What is extracted is the input value of the RISK provided by executive leadership in the chosen direction of the company. The reward is greatest for those who take the greatest RISK. And this value is extracted over decades and lifetimes, to great end.

Oil is only the single most important resource on the planet. It literally powers the world. Without affordable oil the standard of living will plummet( at least with today's technology). So yea he who controls the oil controls the world.

John Lennon was not a worse singer than McCartney. I don't like the Beatles or Lennon but he was an incredibly good singer, like among all those pop/rock groups of the 60s he stands out

>Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one criticism of national socialism

Why did you post a comic about taxation?

Jews are allowed to partake in it.
Corruption guaranteed.


Power can easily consolidate with the rich. Who, have no responsibility for anyone but themselves.


Capitalism laid a foundation for society based soley on money and the pursuit of capital by any means necessary, while forgetting that a private bank prints fiat-currency out of thin air and uses it as a means of power and control. Therefore the whole financial system is a rigged game one that only the select few who are chosen can overcome. The rest of us become debt slaves or wage slaves living in an utterly ugly and shitty world.

>high on killing other communists
>criminalized faggotry
>beat jews
>declared a saint
>keep the USSR from collapsing to both an invading force and lenins eternal revolution
>actually supplied revolutions around the world rather than "inspiring them"
>killed singers singing is gay shit
>spoke at lenins funeral


John Lennon sucks nuts
He was forced to settle in with Chuck Berry because he stole everything from him...
Even Richard stark was a better singer and composer…

The creators of Communism Jews whose goal was to destroy the west.

>you can use drugs in any communist country
the absolute madman

Why do you love cock?

It benefits people that arent white

never understood why people conflate trans humanism and fascism, they are incopatable

The Norwegian Parliament just legalized use of ALL drugs…
If capitalism created better drugs, why do they need laws and thugs to Crush competition?

I'm not talking about lennon as an artist, I dont care. He has perfect pitch and one of the most emotive voices ever. That combination is not exactly common

this fucking meme
during a communist revolution almost all jews would be killed

under-rated post. Humanity is fucked.
Here's an Overton Window from a thread about toys the other day I came up with.
>Gathering resources for free to make physical things.
>Buying resources to make physical things.
>Buying physical things somebody else made.
>Financing physical things.
>Leasing physical things.
>Renting physical things.
>Renting digital representations of physical things. (We are here).
>Whatever kike scheme you idiots will fall for next.

>Marxist fresh out of high school has no argument
Color me surprised

Capitalism sees no fault in exploiting resources in the short term to the detriment of long term gain.

You could simplify this to generally state that capitalism does not take the long-term into account, as by its design, it appeals to investors who want their money back quickly.

Oh yeah, those racial quotas are surely the result of market forces, right?

Capitalism is susceptible to losing autonomy, and has no mechanism of preventing it.



shut up, Mick

If that's so, when was Paul so much more popular after the break up? Truth is John was a plagiarist and nothing more… He even stole lyrics for imagine from Yoko and it took him two decades to admit it… kek

Nice false TRI-Chotomy fag, pic related

>Implying you don't have six dicks in your mouth right now…

>so much more popular after the break up? Truth is John was a plagiarist and nothing more… He even stole lyrics
Dude are you retarded or did you even read what I wrote

>pic related ???

Profit is theft faggot…

>norway is communists
>what are doctors
>what is drug addiction
drugs arent legal in ant communist nation not capitalist one

furthermore the distinction you are searching is between liberal countries and authoritarian ones this isnt an issue of wealth distribution

>he hasn’t read fanged noumena



>Implying I give a fuck what you think…

Marx a Jew
Lenin a Jew
Stalin married and related to a Jew, he believed in Zionism
Historical facts arent a meme

>what is a toy
holly shit this is so ignorant

Usury might be evil, haven't heard any counter-arguments except "it's natural" or "it's necessary".

Absolutely embarassing. Why even attempt to start a debate with this IQ?

Nick Land is not a Fascist dude. He is barely even a reactionary, at most he has 'reactionary' beliefs about race and ethics and social structures, etc. He is basically apolitical in the sense that he more or less rejects praxis apart from some half-hearted support for Singapore and Moldbugs absurd 'neo-cameralist' design

It can be ruined with welfare.

>This is what faggots who spend money to rent pixels actually think

granted i believe you
you still have to provide evidence distruction of the west was their goal
seeing as crony capitalism works thousand times better

Capitalism/free enterprise is nothing more than free economic interchange. It's an instrument independent of whatever society utilizes it, and does not preclude a based, grounded, socially conservative society. You might argue, "Well, doesn't the wealth lead to degeneracy?" Just watch all of this degeneracy disappear if we defunded all of these college Marxist factories, if we were to eliminate the welfare state, the left's system of dysgenics would come crashing down. No more single motherhood, no more safe spaces, and a little-known statistic is that a third of immigrants during the Ellis Island days went back to Europe. There was no welfare state, and you actually had to make it back then.

All of the poison in modern society leads back to the government. All of it. It's the state funding all of this.


nice non argument
ppl can still buy (or rent) what they want poorfag

>Way to ignore the question
If capitalism superior, why do they need to buy legislators, get tax breaks, legislate any competition out of existence, and enforce those laws With a Police state…

capitalists can drive on roads build by communists and communists play hovkey with capitalists.
did you have a point?

pursuit of materialism/wealth as a personal end goal rather than as a way to benefit your people. The Jews have it right and use capitalism as a way to enslave goyim and pooling the profits to increase Jewish power/Israel

>Communism is wrong because of racism… derp

Rent seeking is cancer which doesn't provide productive economic activity or wealth creation, just economic vampirism.

The Protocols Of Zion is about destroying the west. Read it. as well as the Talmudic belief in the Goyim, who are you and I and any non jew; we and our culture are seen as a threat and are meant to be subverted and demolished. This is exactly what we see happening today in western countries.

this doesnt make any sense
are you refering to american phamaceutical companies when you say capitalism?

You kinda have the option to decline partaking in one of those systems. Notice how no one gives the Amish people shit?

It puts the Nation below the demand for profit. This is why National Socialism is superior

>Transnational corporations have more influence than national governments
> Capitalists are ready to import millions of shitskins to White countries in order to have cheap labour
> Just like Marxism its focused on materialism
> Doesn't care about the environment and ecology because of short term profits
> Destroys nations and civilizations to replace them with consumeristic sheep without roots who live only to buy fancy stuff
> Globalist (no more different than Marxist internationalism)
> Can't exist without debt
> No balance between the interests of workers, the middle class, the rich and so on
> Because capitalists are stupid and greedy fucks we have communism in this world
> Destroys moral and ethics, replacing it with bulshit
Still better than communism though.

They pollute the waters of market innovation for everybody else. People who rent pixels should be gassed. They make a balanced free market impossible.

Communism is wrong because it misunderstands human nature and a spiritual world but more importantly It is a masked ideology to divert away from the real goal which is power to a few over many.

You stupid nigger NatSocs invented the rocket and the blommies were the first into orbit.

>exactly what we see happening in western countries
trough what system of wealth distribution may i ask?
maybe the commies where rebel jews

But wouldn't that then be true of all interest?
Capitalism would say that without interest the economy is at absolute zero. And according to them it should be allowed because they are voluntary contracts (except selling yourself into slavery boo).