Why are we supposed to hate jews again...

Why are we supposed to hate jews again? I know it's a funny joke to say that they're all greedy but I feel that there is more to it than that and I'm not understanding. I'm looking for serious answers here.

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books.google.com/books?id=bxAShf81b_IC&pg=PA161&lpg=PA161&dq=zionism is satan's nationalism&source=bl&ots=XNWrSs7Nd0&sig=ufo3y5OmPYrlXVgtIzxDMT4B5xs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQhLyfypbYAhUC7YMKHSJYCTYQ6AEIUjAL#v=onepage&q=zionism is satan's nationalism&f=false

Evil jews are jusrt a meme.
They're an easy scapegoat because they've been fucked over so often in the past that people use this as an argument to say they're evil.
In reality they aren't any more corrput than whites or nogs.

I don't hate them, but they indeed are the nobles and aristocrats of our time. They are ruining the entire west, just because they want to make themselves, less than 1% of total population on Euro+Us, more comfy.

This is just straight satanic. Still don't hate it, just want it to stop.

Greed and a sense of superiority is ingrained in their religion and culture.
>get exiled or killed en masse wherever you go
>everyone else is the problem

A huge part of it is jealousy, the same reason Blacks love to dump on Whites. It's the IQ hierarchy. I'm White and don't think there's anything wrong with wanting an ethnostate, but the loudest proponents of this don't even understand basic shit about life and people and are LARPing Nazi enough to actually become literal Nazis. It's like the extremes of both sides of the political spectrum are making it impossible to have any real discussion.

Ryan Faulk has a good article on how jews are more or less just as conservative and anti degeneracy as whites

Study this meme carefully

Small minded people hate their superiors. Antisemitism by its' nature in no different from whitey hate by Niggers.

Most on Sup Forums are joking, those that are serious are usually poorfags who'd rather have a scapegoat than accept personal responsibility.

>says the person whose culture is stealing, raiding, and raping
kek, enjoy the diversity

> a sense of superiority is ingrained in their religion and culture

pot calling the kettle black. jews dont think theyre superior, or at least the ones who dont read the talmud. jews just realize that they are special from other europeans to their small numbers and highly disproportionate amount of accomplishments.

Other than persistent ritual murder and forced genital mutilation?
How about the fact that they stole the knowledge of your ancestors(assuming you are goy), hoarding it, and using it to enslave us all in their fucked up world.
If your heritage being stolen from you isn't enough, nothing would be enough. And that's another problem.



b-b-b-bbut jewish accomplishments in virtually every single field of excellence doesnt matter becuz dey lie and steal our sooperior germanic brains!!!

While the average Jew isn't a part of the theft, it is still natural for them to lie, cheat, and steal. Their part is also to pollute the gene pool. And their Rabbis encourage it. Jews aren't even put to the death for murder of a Goy in their "territories." They see you as a worthless animal in the end. Respond properly.

They are the enemy of everyone else on the planet.

Winston Churchill thought through this whole thing about 100 years ago.

Generally intelligent and generally support each other over others.

A Jew hiring a Jew wouldn't be a problem other than it's a compounding problem that eventually turns the top of any society suspiciously Jewish.

So it's mostly jealously I guess. Having a clear ethnic identity, very successful scientists, AND a apartheid state?

Even the (((worst))) of racists would settle for what Jews actually have.

/r/ing the list of countries Jews have been expelled from

maybe ask yourself why is it that swedes are so feeble minded and unoriginal that they are willing to be led by the most capable? Why is it that the "master race" of europe is being lead around like children by a handful of jews? Im not even excusing any jewish behaviors but maybe do a bit of self reflection and realize that maybe something about swedish culture is fundamentally broken.

Jews have High IQ > Many jews in the media > Most jews are liberals > Major BUTTHURT for Stormfags.


USS Liberty and her 34 dead Americans.
Israel cannot be trusted and is no ally.
Jews cannot be trusted just like silverstein and 9/11.

it's healthy for people to think their tribe is the best, no one should blame the jews for that.

some of them seem to really have a lot of contempt for goyim though - they really think we're all borderline retarded. you can tell by how little effort they put into covering their tracks.

European suicidal altruistic empathy. Evil so often triumphs over good because there is nothing evil won't do to win. Last person who tried propping his people up was accused of turning others into furniture and cleaning products


The difference is that jews haven't changed over time, and still follow the same principals.
Also, the "viking age" only lasted about 200 years.
>what are jewish schools and summer camps

>worship moloch
>sacrifice babies
>hate goyim
>hate themselves
>killed jesus

They faked a holocaust, they've robbed our country blind, the entire world hates America because of Israel(totally justified hate btw), they kill children for blood rituals, they own all of US media, they own all of the banks, they don't see other races as human, they are behind the porn industry, they killed Jesus, if they end up rejecting Judaism they almost always become degenerate atheist, they are behind a lot of the anti-white sentiment, they promote diversity and they are the world's largest mafia.

and that's not even the worst of it

>Implying a higher IQ population must be dictated by a sociopathical collective behavior to undermine every group they insert in
>Implying it isn't your algorithm of social destruction kicking in every time

Jesus Christ bless you, repent for your crimes!

>excluded Mohammed from their party.
Move on already Ahmed. Move on.

Because Jews are supremacists that seek to dominate the earth with communism.

according to Sup Forums you should hate evryone who is doing better in life than you

I think the reason they dont cover their tracks is because maybe jews actually think that theyre doing a favor for the west by being the agents of change. I doubt people like Milton Friedman or Marx are maliciously conspiring against the west, I think they genuinely think that theyre helping.
If you dont believe me, next time youre in a cultural center or an opera hall/ museum, just take a look at the donor wall and youll be surprised to see that almost every single name on the list ends with a berg, stein, or katz.
Of course there are plenty of bad jews, but thats only because they have the high iq to actually act out their bad impulses.

Jews are responsible for mass uncontrolled immigration from the third world.

>believe they are the chose people
>jews dont think theyre superior

Damn, the Nazi LARPers are out in full force today. Ignore the precocious little faggots who yell that all kikes are inherently evil.

If you want a legit reason to dislike Jewish people, dislike them for the tendency towards nepotism and putting their own kind first. That is literally the only legit thing wrong with the Hebrews. Pic related.

why would they want to do that? Yes its true that communism was a jewish intellectual idea, but it only came from less than 200 jews.

everything checks out

>The goyim tried to shoah us 600 gorillion times! We're superior, cuz we're still here!
Roaches would survive nuclear annihilation. That doesn't make them superior.

Child raping, child ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, organ trafficking, propaganda, censorship, enslaving the goyim and many other crimes against humanity.

I know it may seem like a joke, but it's not. We will kill all these anti-human vampire scum.


This is exactly the same as what Sup Forums wants though? The white race to be more comfy at the expense of niggers of every variety.

The real truth about Jews is this:

Sup Forums hates them because Jews succeed where you fail. Deep down you realize YOU are to jews what niggers are to you - inferior, impulsive, violent retards. Jews are the real master race and it drives you insane.






a master race composed of genetically failing inbred sandniggers
truly a master race

I kek'd, but actually in a darwinian sense if roaches can survive a nuclear annhilation then they are technically the superior race.
Even if jewish behavior is bad, the fact that they can survive as a powerful global elite for over 5000 years since ancient assyria proves that there is a sort of superior aspect to them.

>They got JFK killed
>They caused 9/11
>All wars are caused by them
>Israel is the root of all child trafficking
>Rabbis perform oral on baby's to quench their pedo vampirism tendencies
>Talmud Jews are orchestrating a massive white genocide plot as we speak to one day enslave the goyim.
>They're deceitful in their root nature
>They view you as beneath them, and if they like you, or rather sense a quality in you that you have and they don't, they observe you like a test subject animal for them to exploit.

Just to name a few

Nah nigger. Jews are anti-human scum. If we eliminate them then all the races can rise.

The jewish religion is probably the worst one ever invented.

It's a fixed cast system based on blood lines with jews on top and gentiles at the base.

It openly advocates for the slavery of gentiles (non-jews) and their ownership by the jews. Openly.

We only don't live as slaves in a complete hellhole because they were never capable of breeding and surviving enough to become a majority, and it's our job as free men to keep it like that at all costs.

If you doubt me, just read their sacred texts.

Any proper jewish person has to, by definition of the jewish religion, consider a non-jewish person as trash, as a working animal.

This is why you never trust a jew.

I hate majority of Jews.

Orthodox Jews.
Hollywood Jews
Banker and Wall St Jews
Soros Jews
Commie Jews.
Government Jews.
College Professor Jews.
Social Media Jews.

I don't have a problem with the Jew who fixes your car or delivers your pizza.
Just the ones ruining the west and the world in general.

Look who's talking you dumbfuck. ever wonder why so many italians have black skin? its not beacuse you spend too much time in the sun. Faggots.


>I doubt people like Milton Friedman or Marx are maliciously conspiring against the west, I think they genuinely think that theyre helping.

the analogy I like is a parent tricking a kid into taking medicine by telling them it's candy - ie. deceit motivated by altrusim. the kid will be unhappy when they figure out they've been tricked, but the greater good is served (assuming the parent has the right pills).
there's an *attempt* at track-covering - see the different reasons given for 3rd world migration to Europe, depending on the audience. it's just very lazy - the amount needed to fool a child and no more.
the problem is the patronizing attitude - the two nations of jews and gentiles should treat each other as qualitative equals, not parent/child

Just wait until that kid finds out the medicine was some poison pharmaceutical scam and now he's developing serious side effects.

since im a mixed jew ive had the experience to witness first hand the difference in jews and gentiles in terms of daily habits.
My mom who is jewish( and is good looking not like the inbred looking semite ones) is easily the smartest of her friends group, she reads books non stop and always enjoys talking politics with me. Then when I compare my mother to other women its like night and day, like these people are just consumed by reality tv and the other bread and circus thats thrown out for them. I think that there is something genuinely special about being jewish and i dont mean that in a superior sense.

The Jew says that fucking a child is no big deal. It's like a finger in the eye. The child will cry a little, but back to business.

>They faked a holocaust
That's a Jewish lie. Holocaust denial is a Jewish red herring and a backup plan to keep the goyim from knowing.

The Jews DID the Holocaust. It was a sacrifice to Moloch of Jewish blood by the Zionist Jews to secure their occupation of Palestine.
>‘‘Are you a Zionist?” Adolph Eichmann, Hitler’s specialist on Jewish affairs, asked her. ”Jawohl,” she replied. ”Good,” he said, ”I am a Zionist, too. I want every Jew to leave for Palestine.”
>There can be no doubt that these Nazis found willing collaborators among the highest levels of the Zionist leadership. Those same pro-Israel advocates argue that the Zionist approach to the Nazis changed after 1939, once there was a realization that the Nazis were exterminating European Jewry. That’s not entirely true. As late as 1944, the Yishuv was willing to discuss the Blood for Goods proposal of Eichmann, which would’ve traded Jewish lives for trucks for the Russian front.
books.google.com/books?id=bxAShf81b_IC&pg=PA161&lpg=PA161&dq=zionism is satan's nationalism&source=bl&ots=XNWrSs7Nd0&sig=ufo3y5OmPYrlXVgtIzxDMT4B5xs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQhLyfypbYAhUC7YMKHSJYCTYQ6AEIUjAL#v=onepage&q=zionism is satan's nationalism&f=false
>Zionism became the only other party legalized in the Reich.

Ryan Faulk thinks hispanic is a race so not the brightest bulb

Yeah special as in your people have been enslaving and dumbing down humanity for a long time now and were coming to kill them. Now ain't that special?

well, yeah. the parent in this analogy is also an amateur doctor.

>look goy. italians are niggers, my pic doesn't depict a random nigger protesting for more open borders, it depicts an italian. and it's not like i'm changing subject.
>posting an american film to prove italians are 'niggers'
Admit it kike. Your race is a genetic failure and should be considered separate species from HUMANS (Whites, Asians, blacks, and to an extent oceanian niggers)

unless they use the accumulated power of all those positions for anything tangible I don't think I can be an anti-semite desu

thats a good analysis, and i agree that the jew-gentile dichotomy needs to go. I personally however think that all jews should move to israel and not have to constantly being sweating over annudah shoah and that would be the end of our problems in both sides.

mestizo can arguably be called a new race. also you dont want to go against ryan faulk, I dont think that man has ever been wrong in 7 years.

Probably true. I mean women didn't use to kill themselves and cry this hard about rape for a 100 thousand years.

Listen Abdi, my name is Tyrone Orenthal Garcia-Cohen III, and you'd better fucking call me that or my Irish temper will get us in a bout of fisticuffs.

Are you that fucking dumb? Look around you. Who the fuck do you think is paid to shill these boards to subvert free discourse?


These guys have infiltrated all the world oligarchy ..their religious practice are more than weird

Shut up nigga. your cunt grandmother did orgies with those animals.


how have jews dumbed down humanity? If anything they have worked side by side with the brits and germans to create some of the greatest feats the world has ever seen. The golden age of europe has been when jews were allowed back into western europe from eastern europe

Fuck off pedo kike.

Hey, Hebrew-bro (Heebro?), I'm this poster. Many of my close friends are Jewish, and I hold Jews in high regard. Not a Stormfaggot.

Could I get your opinion on Jewish privilege? Jews putting other Jews before Gentiles? Do you think it's a thing?

this time the holocaust will be real kike.

Fuck off kike. We will hang you all.

I have a Jewish mother too. My dad is an upper class WASP and it's literally identical to having a Jewish mom. Super smart, loves reading, loves politics, is histrionic, says I don't love him at all if I don't do what he wants, it's kind of hilarious. Except when it's not.

Reasonable position, Sven. I agree.

I look at it in a pestilence sense. Pests are hard to kill and destructive.

Plus it scares off the normies so the real work can get done

why are you trying to fuel a fire? Im trying to reach out with a olive brach and your just talking about genocide. why is what I said contoversial?

Because, I want you all dead. There is no conversation to be had. You will all die and humanity will be freed of your evil enslavement. If you need someone to talk to call your kike shrink.

He doesn't actually mean it, senpai. LARPing as a Nazi is cool these days. Didn't you get the memo?

Yeah. I love the fact that jews are helping their fellow jews. just like black people should help their fellow black people. just like italians help their fellow italians etc.

Stormfags just mad cuz we do it the best.

some kikes can be considered loyal to humanity, but most of them aren't

Of course I fucking mean it. This shit isn't a LARP. I will do everything in my power to exterminate the Jews. Final Death.

You MAD?
Go suck nigger dicks like your great grandmother did shitskin.

Actually you don't. Jews have a selfishness hierarchy.
>their mother
>their children
>their father
>their brothers
>their shiksa
>their sisters
>extended family beyond that
>particular type of Jew based on host (Polish, Belarusian, German, etc.)
>particular type of Jew (Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Haredi, etc.)
>global jewry
>their host goy
>the goyim
Jews will sell anyone in that hierarchy up the river if it benefits anyone higher up. I do admire the ethnic cohesion, especially as pathologically altruistic Europeans have decided to love their enemies' children more than themselves. So yeah, Swedes are just as sinful for loving all but their own people just as Jews are sinful for loving only their own people.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Ucciditi ebreo

Read about the billionaire Jew pharamceutical guy and his wife found hanging in their mansion. You'll read a lot more stories like this.

Fuck off newfag

Roll for days til Holocaust. Doubles gets it.

People on here who say Jews are all sneaky and subversive are no different to SJWs who say that all white people are racist and oppressive.

Of course when presented with identitarians on either side who define everyone solely by their race, the idea of individualism and not viewing an entire ethnic group like it's one monolithic block that shares the same thoughts is a foreign concept.

I've seen certain Jews who have fairly Sup Forums friendly views get dismissed just because they're Jewish.

Also there's no proof of the Jewish conspiracy.


>There's no proof of the Jewish conspiracy.

Fuck outta here kike.

I can't wait to make me some lampshades.

Present me with evidence that the Jews want to destroy the white race.

Funnily enough, Muslims think that Jews are trying to destroy them using white westerners.

Then there's some black people who think that Jews are using whites to destroy them.

All a bunch of tin hat wearing retards to be honest.



Jews are Schrödinger's Gentile / Schrödinger's Jew. They play both sides.

"As a goy, we suck."

"As a Jew, goyim suck."

Israeli posters are great because they aren't hiding. I love it when Israeli posters post. And Jews who admit it are fine by me.