Accused rapist Liam Allan goes free after victim's texts revealed she enjoyed the sex

>Liam Allan, 22, faced up to ten years in jail charged with six counts of rape and six counts of sexual assault against a young woman over a 14-month period that began when he was 19.
>The alleged victim had claimed she did not enjoy sex, while Mr Allan claimed it was consensual and she was acting maliciously because he refused to see her after he returned to university.
>Now, the judge has called for an inquiry at the “very highest level” to understand why police failed to hand over critical evidence including 40,000 messages from the accuser to Mr Allan and friends.
>Outside the court, Mr Allan said he went through “mental torture” over the two year period and relied on the system to uncover evidence that would exonerate him.
>“I can’t explain the mental torture of the past two years. … I feel betrayed by the system which I had believed would do the right thing, the system I want to work in.”
>The life-changing discovery was made at the 11th hour when a new prosecutor, Jerry Hayes, took over the case one day before the trial began and ordered police to hand over records — including a computer disk that contained 40,000 messages.
>Mr Allan’s lawyers had already sought access to the accusers’s telephone records and messages but their requests were denied on the basis there was nothing of interest in them.
>“The defence quickly saw the information blew the prosecution out of the water. If they had not been seen this boy faced 12 years in prison and on the sex offenders’ register for life with little chance of appeal. This was a massive miscarriage of justice, which thank heavens was avoided,” he told the BBC.
>Judge Peter Gower said Mr Allan was not guilty on all charges.

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Too bad there's hundreds, if not thousands of guys sitting in jail right now that didn't get this kind of pass.

Who all was involved in the coverup? They need to be made an example, will dig more when I get home.

it seems homeboy is suing and the House of Lords is getting in on this

Any consequences for the whore?

tbqh using texts as proof is dodgy since if you're in an abusive relationship you're not going to send your partner honest texts saying "it was really horrible when you raped me last night and you're a piece of shit" you're going to be keeping up appearances like you do when you're face to face

this is that british case? Seems like the police started something they shouldnt have and then thought they would look bad if they gave up. Which means justice in that country has nothing to do with facts.

so you're saying he did it?

What rape victim texts their rapist saying “I had such a great time last night when you fucked me”?

No that would just discourage real victims!

I'd rather let a 100 "innocent" men go to jail than let 1 walk free

and let's face it, when is a man ever completely innocent?

only solution is to burn the whore

Ah yes, the Bizzaro Ben franklin approach.

Forgot the source:

>The messages showed how she had continually messaged Mr Allan for “casual sex”, said how much she enjoyed it and discussed fantasies of violent sex and rape, The Times reports.
She repeatedly texted him asking for more sex and wanted to play out rape fantasies.

hi rabbi

Bitches main

The police should be thrown in jail.

Best part is how they imply there was absolutely zero evidence FOR the charges yet he still would have been convicted without the evidence in his defense.

>Id rather beat around the bush than give an actual response.

If youre a man, kys.

Nice bait

>ill just say the opposite if what everyone else thinks. when they all call me retarded ill reveal that i secret agree with them and was just pretending to be a retard so they would get mad at me for no reason! LOL!
damn that's so cringey when you really think about it.


Dude nobody is going to have so much as a red mark in a quarterly review for this shit.

It's fucking tragic. Welcome to Weimar

Feels over reals, bro.

That's the world we live in now.

>the message that cleared him was her literally saying "it wasn't against my will or anything"

holy shit yurp

and do what, exactly? Stop acting like youll do anything

>I feel betrayed by the system which I had believed would do the right thing, the system I want to work in.
If you don't want to see, it hits you before you can evade.

>Too bad there's hundreds, if not thousands of guys sitting in jail right now that didn't get this kind of pass.




Excellent quality bait but the flag gives it away.


The UK police were overworked arresting people for hate speech

Waste not want some

The UK is notorious for not punishing female law breakers, even when they have giant criminal records. Nothing will happen to the woman who fabricated these claims (most likely).

The police didn't submit any of the recovered texts to the defense until the judge ordered it iirc?

Most likely a police woman that dealt with this and coerced the female into making a false rape claim. And Judges are cunts, they rule with emotion, not evidence, not facts, not precedents.. But this judge wasn't a cuck so it's a good thing.

>the Bizzaro Ben franklin approach.
William Blackstone, Franklin stole the quote.

>male victim: innocent until proven guilty
>female-on-female crime: innocent until proven guilty
>male-on-female crime: guilty until proven innocent, in this case it's not a crime if the alleged victim lies to the police and the judge
That's how modern gynocentrist justice operates and it's beautiful.

6 million you say?

>The UK is notorious for not punishing female law breakers
That's bullshit.

Rich women are spared, but poverty whores are not. Learn the law and learn the rules.

It would appear she was texting her friends.

only sharia will save us now desu senpai
(woman in prison for this).

I can post more if you want? Women get fucked up here if they step out of line. It's America that rewards female criminals with free money and drugs.

>made an example

>being this new
>being this retardedly naive

awww. so cute

God why does everyone treat adult women like little kids. If she is constantly messaging the guy for sex that means it is consensual.

>only sharia will save us now

Der Erwige Kanadien

We need a final solution to the women problem

Potential rape is still rape.

I was almost one of them. Never stick your dick in crazy kids.

You dumb faggot, if she was texting him, he'd have the fucking texts

It's fucking blood boiling.

I'd expect this kinda post from a leaf....

The police had the texts, recovered by a warrant issued to the mobile phone provider. The police kept it hidden and this guy is going to sue the fuck out of them for what they did and some resignations/suicides will most likely happen.


Yeah unless the rapist is not white that is.

The whole fucking judicial system in the west is fucking broken and only based on feels and public backslash.

Yeah, great. And now, for the two years of hell he went through, he'll get like $200 and she'll get like 3 weeks in women's jail with a $400 bailout.

For false accusations like this, you should get the punishment the person you accused would have gotten... x2.

>I feel betrayed by the system which I had believed would do the right thing
>manworm believing it's something more than just an expendable drone and a self-propelled vibrator

You shouldn’t stick your dick in ANY kids you fucking perv

Someone who is happy to see an innocent person go to jail for 12 years because he dumped her really is a danger to people she will be involved with in future. The thought of her having children one day is frightening.

any idea who his accuser is?


>private communication channel
Would you mind getting inside the oven?

This is one time where stupid phones are actually helping. I had grand jury duty a few years ago. (We are presented cases and decide if they should go to trial, or not go to trial, and if it's felony level.) So this woman comes in with this sob story about how she was raped. She describes a night where she met a man at a bar, they drank until the bar closed, they travelled to another bar, and when that one closed they both went to her home, where she took her clothes off to go to sleep and he "crawled in and had sex with her and she didn't know what to do." Then, THEN.... we were given a record of her text messages.
>Oh sweetie I love you.
>I can't stop thinking about that night.
>When can I see you again?
>Ooops my boyfriend found out goodbye.

"Rape." Nobody on the jury was pleased at all. Threw it out with much disgust.

(((nothing of interest)))

Welp if the justice system isn't going to deliver. We have to do it ourselves I guess. We need a network to find false rape accusers and punish them. The lefties have networks to ruin the lives of people that are waicis.. Why can't we do something similar?

>typical british person.jpg

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot.

I would like this information as well

Doesn't surprise me coming from a leaf. I hope you go to jail then have fun.

Hmmm Google isn't helping with all the news articles, let me try facebook.

Is hiring special people that can "say hi" to our enemies in person for bitcoins a thing yet?

>their requests were denied on the basis there was nothing of interest in them.

wtf, how can they deny it on that basis?

Nah must have been deleted. ''Victim protection'' probably.

>Never stick your dick in crazy kids

got it

Go drink your soy, leftist.

If this sets the precedent that men have to prove women enjoyed the sex in order to not get punished you are fucked.

But what about the lying whore?
What happened to her?

He's still fucked because he got accused. Just having that hanging over you is as good as being sentenced as a sexual offender. No one will hire someone if there's any chance they'll cause issues for the company.

Once again, roasties: 0, men: -1

False rape accusations should result in the criminal's tongue being removed so they can never lie again. That would deter people from trying. At least she can still get a job then, unlike her victim.

Is accusing falsely in bad faith a crime in the USA? It is here.

Nah, just stone the bitch.

>maymay flag


75 million teeth, please show them.

Then why did the police and former prosecution aid her?

just give the accuser the punishment that the defendant would have had, had they been found guilty

No, she needs to live on to serve as an example to like-minded criminals.

That's not bad. It would have to be a 1:1 punishment, though, so it couldn't be lessened for women. And you know it wouldn't be.

people are much more likely to confront someone over text

my gf didn't really complain to my face at the start of the relationship either, instead bringing everything up over text until I managed to cram it into her head that I'm a big boy who can handle criticism

speaks for itself

Boost arrest statistics to get funding, yes our police are corrupt. But police and judges are different, you do realise that don't you?

The whore will get 5 years in prison, screenshot this and when sentencing comes and the judgement is made against her the article can be linked with my post.

Her face and name should be on the front page.

It should be that way, but I doubt it'll ever come to that. However, false rape accusations should be made into a crime, as long as there's absolute proof that they lied on purpose.

I'd like to say you have to go back, but unfortunately this is typical British cuckery.

How'd you avoid jail?

That would deter actual rape victims from coming forward. The current system is fine.


The government should create "Registered False Rape Accuser" legislation where people who have lied about rape on purpose are put on a list similar to "Registered Sex Offender" which prohibits them from being in a 1 mile radius of schools, prevented them from working in certain fields where trust is important, and employers should be allowed to reject them. They should also tattoo a symbol on their arm where people can know that they are a "Registered Rape Accuser" so potential sexual partners will know that this person cannot be trusted.

Can anyone see anything wrong with this legislation?


So did she accuse him of rape so that everyone would know she was a victim (because she thinks that's hot) or did she accuse him of rape because the BDSM sessions they had were starting to take a toll on her?

I hope the girl spends 12 years in prison.

>Cops hiding evidence so innocent people go to jail.

Why the fuck do they do this. Do they get bonuses for each pleb they send to jail or something?

well, you'd lay nice while texting but you wouldn't agree to meet up with your rapist on multiple occasions

Tattoos can be covered, scars work better. What do schools have anything to do with this?


fucking roastie cunt should get 10 years for false accusations now.