Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Feel Edition

GroKo talks start in January
Majority of Germans prefers GroKo over minority government or reelections
Parliament uniting against AfD, the only party whose members are actually present

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>fake Höckecaust memorial trolled


>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


thread theme:

Another one of these threads??


Could anschluss ever happen again?

>imagine being this retarded

Seems it was a succes

FPÖ and AfD need both a majority

i'd love to fuck the jewish outta her. that little whore makes me kinda horny

I approve

What are the chances that Germany uncucks itself before us?


You are doomed without any hope, resistance in Germany is growing each day

we dont need a license to buy kitchen and butter knifes. also we dont put people in jail who walk around with a 12mm "knife". so yeah its basically this aaaaand this

fake and gay





>Majority of Germans prefers GroKo over minority government or reelections
How the fuck did you Krauts give up already, was the whole thing a temper tantrum?

but this aint /hc/ so... back to topic and sry for OT

what a bad shop, didnt even need to count pixels

Shouldn't have invaded USSR
If you wanted lebensraum so badly you could have asked soviet government to let you in because you want to live in communist paradise.

pls stop ;_;


Germans have a penchant for radical solutions once they feel they're day to day life is being negatively affected. You Britts on the other hand are too trusting of your government and just keep calm and carry on. Kind of like us, except we cuck ourselves because doing otherwise could be rude and create conflict, and anything that can't be solved over fika is not worth discussing. So sayeth tillika-lagen.

If the race war starts in Britain I'd unironically travel there in an instant and help you get rid of the commies and mudslimes.

Oh fugg!

this world

Thanks for the input. I would say there quite a lot of problems with your country as well, but I see where you are coming from, especially since we basically have no right wing party in a position of power apart from the (((Tories))).
It goes both ways. Germany should have won WW1. I feel really bad for what we did to Germans and whites in Africa.

and this country are DEAD


is the UKIP dead?

>Doch an den psychischen Folgen des massiven Übergriffs leidet die Heilpädagogin noch immer. Die Vernehmung vor Gericht kostete die Frau sichtbar viel Kraft. Sie schilderte, wie sie sich 2013 im Marokko-Urlaub in den Pferdetrainer verliebte, sich später um seine Einreise nach Deutschland bemühte, bevor im November 2014 der gemeinsame Sohn zur Welt kam. Doch der Marokkaner sei nie richtig in seiner neuen Heimat angekommen, habe das wohl auch nicht so sehr gewollt. „Er war von Anfang an stark von den kulturellen Unterschieden überfordert“, so Sylvia C., „er widmete sich nicht der Familie, war intensiv im Nachtleben unterwegs.“

There's still so much more in the description. I don't know if I should laugh or despair.

Stalkerpost deserves a rare pepe


is that from the film STALKER?

Damn (You)! Have never seen this one. Saved & Stolen

Yes, when they're arguing about whether to enter "the room" in Zona. It's the "Writer" (Pisatjel) in the screenshots.
There was even an episode of the POZ Button recently about that gem of a film.

I wish foreign legions were still a thing
I was in the US Navy and didn't feel like I was doing shit. I'd gladly sign up for a better cause

UKIP fucked themselves by basing their party around Brexit and not branding themselves as a right wing party that supports Brexit. They need a name change and organisation so that everyone in the party works together. They treat their leadership like musical chairs. I assume some right wing voters will hop back over to them as the Tories continue to fuck things up but it doesn’t seem like they’ll reach that ~13% of votes that they got in 2015 atm.

You holding up, Mourning-user?

Do worry, but do not give up!

Eductae your social circle, but not by trying to explain to them, you have to ask the normies questions, so that they have to come to inevitable conclusions.

>wanting greens in the government

Immerhin hat er sie dann ordentlich geritten.

I feel miserable and I don't think that will change anytime soon. A giant part of my life died with him.

Everything reminds me of grandpa and what makes things really hard is that my grandparents live next to us and so everytime I look outside the window I can see their house.

its very easy when you live at a border
>see masses of shitskins camping at the border
>hearing rumors about happenings
>hearing reports from friends about their behavior
>see their behavior
>everybody redpilled

>burning the sandcoal
geliefert wie bestellt

Bist du Swifter Sachse?


>Es ist okay, traurig zu sein. Nimm dir soviel Zeit wie du brauchst. Lass aber nicht zu, dass dich die Trauer krank macht. Als mein Opa starb, waren wir nach der Beerdigung bei Oma. Trotzdessen hat sie einen riesigen Tisch mit Essen vorbereitet. Ein Freund fragte, wie sie jetzt noch ans Essen denken kann.
>"Ich bin nur traurig, aber nicht krank."
One month later everything was all right. They were together for over 50 years. If she could continue with her life, than you can do it aswell. Stay strong brother! Times will get better by the day.

Bleibe stark okay?

Er ist der user, der Kraut/pol/ urspünglich erschaffen hat wenn ich mich nicht irre.
Bin übrigens wegen Weihnachten bei meiner Familie in der Ukraine. Hier ist es so beschissen, ich will zurück nach Deutschland.

I always wanted to watch the film, loved the game, but never came around to it.
Might be something for the Christmas days.

Ok, thanks. I believe we should write in English, otherwise the mods will delete this thread.

I asked because there seems to be a Kraut/pol/ user from Dresden just like me who got in contact with Sellner over Twitter. He uses Taytay pics.

Other topic: In which part of Ukraine are you? Leiberg?

Be aware that it is a highly esoteric film. No resemblence to the video game. All the game took was the "Zone" and the optics. It's god-tier cinema for cineasts.

Be thankful that you could spend time with him so you can live to remember these moments.
My paternal grandfather died before I was born, my maternal grandfather died when I was an infant. So I barely have any memory of him.

>Ich bin nur traurig, aber nicht krank."
I cried so much the last few days that I have headache and I had stomach problems too.

>They were together for over 50 years
Mine for over 67 years. 2013 we celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary. That's so unbelievable long. Next April they would have been married for 65 years.

>Er ist der user, der Kraut/pol/ urspünglich erschaffen hat wenn ich mich nicht irre.
Ja,in 2 Tagen haben wir unsern ersten Geburtstag übrigens. Ich wollte eigentlich ein best of zusammenstellen und die alten threads nochmal überfliegen, aber dazu bin ich echt nicht in der Verfassung. sorry

That first speech was fantastic. Good luck my German lads, one day we'll share a game of footy on the wintry grounds of no man's land. Fighting together this time around.

>Be thankful
I'm thankful and I know I was really privileged but that makes it so hard.

>So I barely have any memory of him.
Sorry to hear that user.

Übrigens tut es mir leid wenn ich so viel blog poste in den letzten Tagen, aber ich habe niemanden zum Reden außer euch.

>Er ist der user, der Kraut/pol/ urspünglich erschaffen hat

Well, depends on what thread you mean. We have "original user" who did the AfD-General last year. Then it went silent. In summer this year I thought about reviving a German general thread and decided to name it Kraut/pol/. That were the threads regarding the Defend Europe mission. Then came the elections and Origin-user went bonkers and maintained the newly branded "Kraut/pol/ & AfD General" almost 24/7.
Dunno if he's around ATM.

t.based Kalligrafie user

Deutsch/pol/ on 8ch exists way longer.

>In which part of Ukraine are you?
Near Kiev, my mom was born here

The game is closer to the book.

>Hier ist es so beschissen, ich will zurück nach Deutschland.
what's so bad about ukraine?

When I remember correctly TayTay user is the original user

>Sorry to hear that user.

It's fine. You can't really miss what you never had.
I sure would've liked to have known some stories from his service in the war. Did some research recently -- took 2 years -- and found out he served in the LAH ... and I found a photo of him in a chronicle.

The infrastructure is shitty and the most people too

ich kann Dich gut verstehen!
trauern heißt verarbeiten
aber wisse
wir werden wiedervereint
dt. Übersetzung

>closer to the book
halp ... pls no book-faggotry




>We have "original user" who did the AfD-General last year.
> Then came the elections and Origin-user went bonkers and maintained the newly branded "Kraut/pol/ & AfD General" almost 24/7.

Yeah that's me

My grandpa was born in 1931, he was too young to get drafted. But a lot of other family member served in the military.

>aber wisse
>wir werden wiedervereint
Mein Glaube gibt mir zurzeit viel Kraft. Wenn jemand einen Platz im Himmel verdient hat, dann mein Opa. Jedes mal wenn ich einen Weinkrampf die letzten Tage hatte, hat mich dieser Gedanke wieder etwas beruhigt.

With a mother like that her sand kids will probably just turn out like their father.

t. Analphabet

Just kidding, I don't like book-faggotry myself.

I know but it's a bit too autistic.

been there a few weeks ago and actually enjoyed it for a few days, especially the nationalism and that it looked like Germany in my childhoold (in ethnic terms)

lies den Brief, hat mir sehr geholfen!
Ist von der Schwster, über die letzten Tagen/Stunden von Aldous Huxley
Glaube ist etwas Gutes, zum festhalten


I just think since the last 50 years or so have been trending towards separation (Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc.) Would there ever be a scenario for reunification?

unlikely, eve in FPÖ only a minority is still deutschnational

Would you want to join Merkel's club right now?

Hey, you blonde German, stop harassing the girls at Cologne's New Year's Eve party! Show RESPECT!

funny thing is that SPÖ after WW1 was for Anschluss because they felt a better chance in lefty Germany

Considering their current situation they were not even wrong, kek.

Was, zum Donnerwetter, haben Sie niederes Lustmädchen soeben über mich verlauten lassen? Es sei Ihnen zur Kenntnis gegeben, dass ich an der Militärakademie seinerzeit Jahrgangsbester sowie seither in mancherlei hochgeheimen Überfall auf studentische Einheitsverbände verwickelt war - mit mehr als dreihundert mir schon bestätigten Gefallenen! Ich bin für den beaffneten Kampf ausgebildet, ferner der schneidigste Uhlan des gesamten Heeres seiner Majestät. Nun ist es mein Anliegen, sie mit auf Erden zuvor nicht erahnter Genauigkeit zu annihilieren und gedenken Sie meiner Worte: Sie glauben, Sie können damit davon kommen, solch einen Mist an mich oder das Zwischennetz zu tragen? Überdenken Sie's, Haderlump! Während wir noch sprechen, habe ich bereits mein Netzwerk von freischaffenden Geheimräten im gesamten Einzugsgebiet des Deutschen Bundes kontaktiert und eben sind wir daran, die Herkunft ihrer Brieftaube zu determinieren, also bereiten Sie Made sich auf den Sturm vor; den Sturm also jene Erbärmlichkeit fortreißen wird, welche Sie ein Leben nennen! Denn ich kann überall sein, jederzeit, und sie allein schon unbewaffnet in weit über siebenhundert verschiedenen Arten und Weisen zur Strecke bringen. Und nicht nur das; ich habe des weiteren Zugang zum gesamten Artilleriefundus von Sanssouci und gedenke von selbigem zum Entfernen der Ihrigen von der Oberfläche dieses Kontinents Gebrauch zu machen. Hätten Sie ahnen können, welches Ausmaß an Zerstörung ihre so klug daherkommende, jedoch törichte "Witzelei" über Sie bringen würde, hätten Sie womöglich gleich den Rand gehalten. Doch Sie konnten nicht, Sie wollten nicht und nun bezahlen Sie den Preis, Sie elender Idiot. Ich gedenke einen Darmvoll Wut über Sie auszugießen, dass Sie drin ersaufen. Sie sind des Todes, junger Freund.

I bet this is now considered racist.

>tfw get to visit Opa and Oma only once a year during Christmas
>each year I can see Opas dementia get worse each time
>Oma can barely move
>read your posts and remember them
>get sad
>they could die any moment and I wouldn't be there
>only 1 more week until I get to see how their situation has worsen
God fucking damnit OP, now I'm feeling miserable too. But I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all of this, hope you get better.

Kraut/pol/ sounds way better than deutsch/pol/
Thus it attracts our foreign comrades better

>not keeping an armlenght distance
>not wearing her respect bracelet

Dementia had mine too. Luckily it wasn't too bad but I know how you feel user.

I wish you and your family a blessed Christmas.


Thank you.
I hope your grandpa can rest in peace.
Also frohe Weihnachten to you and your family, too.

sweet dreams kraut/pol/


>Knife beats wristband
>blame racist physics


i bet they will
they already did with mathematics!!!!!


gn8, thanks for the template


wtf, kek