Whats the actuall difference between the slovak republic and the czech republic?

Whats the actuall difference between the slovak republic and the czech republic?

Everything looks the same, language seems to be the same as well and the people look the same way as well


not that much really

prolly some cultural little things but I think that's it

maybe some hardcore slovak nationalists could give you more indepth answer you are looking for OP

Why do you think Czechoslovakia worked so nicely? Czechs and Slovaks are like Northern and Southern Germans, there are differences but there's not a lot of them.

nice double


literally the only thing with some distinct difference present is the cuisine.

In theory, our nations are both Catholic.

One is athiest and one is catholic.

To be honest, Czech people don't look like anything to me. I've been there quite a few times and I can't pin them down.

Slovaks are tainted by Magyar mud blood

Whats the actuall difference between Germany and Turkey?

Everything looks the same, language seems to be the same as well and the people look the same way as well

A Czech guy I know told me that Slovakians are shit tier garbage people and I tend to agree with him even though I don’t have any first hand experience or know anything about Slovakia

wait arent they one country?

since when

Less gypos in Czechia, richer, nicer architecture
Slovakia has better nature

makes you thing

West Slavs living under German/Austrian cultural hegemony for centuries
West Slavs living under Hungarian cultural hegemony for centuries

Do Slovaks have that weird trilled R that the Czechs have, like in Dvorak? I was discussing Joseph Suk with a Czech once, and I mentioned Dvorak's name. That Czech tried to teach me the letter, but I mostly failed. That Czech wasn't satisfied with my pronunciation. He said I didn't do an adequate job of pronouncing it the right way consistently.

Since you guys stopped running the show in Eastern Europe

most of the Slovaks have Hungarian ancestors, that's why they using pretty much our coat of arm, only with slavic colors.
> uploaded the old Hungarian and the Slovakian cc

Same fate as with any pan-Slavic country, the stronger nation in it used the upper hand to suppress, and then got dissolved like the Soviet Union, just they managed is less embarrassing than you or the Yugoslavians

This. Czechoslovakia decided to peacefully separate as one nation back in the early 90s citing differences as a people. Soviet Union and Yugoslavia went the shit house route.

that's what I said