Someone explain dis tax shit

>cut taxes
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people pay more taxes

Wait, wait, mofuggin wait, where does this extra money come from? If these tax cuts are going to pay for themselves(no long term deficit), this growth isn't just going to appear out of thin air. Who we robbing?

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It's bullshit, no more money will be spent - corporations will just save it. Liquidity isn't a problem as the interest rates are already really low.

Bassically this tax bill is a total trainwreck and republicans will pay for it.

Lol they don't pay for themselves. The deficit and debt explodes. This is what Republicans do every time. They're gunna bankrupt the country.


>are they going to pay for themselves
Trump can do no wrong pleb

>debt explodes.
BASED Obongo

Its basically a reverse of California, where they keep raising taxes and everyone has less to spend so they adjust their behavior, thereby creating a net-loss in tax revenue

retard i already fucking massacred you

you were told to kys

Lol are you delusional? I hate California but it's one of the most successful statements economically with the highest real-estate values.



almost like Obama inherited a crashed Bush GOP economy and a $1.4 TRILLION budget deficit that he reduced by 2/3

Well to not have a larger deficit we need to cut healthcare, eduction, and everything in between. Sadly most of the money you save (if not more) will be for these things that the government will cut.

>99% of people get 300 dollars
>nothing changes
>economy boosts because the rich just got 1 trillion dollars in tax cuts
>pay stays the same for 99%
economy crashes thanks to GOP policies
>you bail them out
>you become poorer

>"muh Bush"
>double the national debt like a nigger would
what did obongo means by this?

rinse and repeat

imagine being so fucking retarded that u posted this

lol you're obsessed with me because i've been massacring u for 2 years straight. how have u not killed yourself

>this fucking leaf poster
Dude are never not on Sup Forums? multiple boards too. I see you posting Obama shit and the same laughing into her sleeve ugly girl at all times of day and night

Obama wanted to increase spending in order to boost the economy, but the republicans cockblocked him. Your image shows the republician's work.

basically the only way this works out is if we produce enough goods to sell to other countries, but I haven't seen anyone talk about that. If we all just exchange money within the US there's no way the government can make more on taxes. someone correct me if I'm wrong.

They aren't really tax cuts.

they have to borrow even more money to pay for the lost revenue which has to be paid back with interest.
it is fucking retarded that any conservative would support this shit.
It's like paying a credit card with another credit card.

Actually Republicans are the huge spenders. They're already spending huge under Trump and exploding the deficit.

> Giving less money to the government
> Bullshit


It doesnt mattet if he reduced the deficit he still increased the national debt by a massive amount.

its like the Trump voters haven't figured out that the GOP is hired by the rich to loot the country every ten years.

The country is already fucked.

Remember that Ryan's 2018 goal is "entitlement reform". GOPe will never learn.


OP is larping and you took the bait, great job obamaleaf.

Don't worry guys, Goldman Sachs loves their billions in tax cuts. Thanks Trump! I'm sure it'll trickle down

>for 2 years straight
lol how long have you been shilling for a foreign country political party? how long have you been wasting your life doing this? sad!

another retard who has no clue what the debt and deficit is

jesus christ u retards are 5

Y = C(Y - T) + I + G + NX

Learn that equation. Take a simple macroeconomics course and you'll never support a tax increase again. All the "bad things" that happen when you lower taxes are government problems, not economic problems. Government spending is inefficient. Keynesian Economics are a fraud.

And the state government has massive debts and the public sector pensions are almost completely unfounded.

who gives a shit

u made the most retarded statement of all time and i hve it capped

you've been my bitch for 2 years and u will be my bitch for all time

You know what the funniest part is? Right wing retards don't know that govt spending increases GDP growth. So right now Trump is bragging that he got GDP growth up because he's a big government spender. And all his retarded followers are too stupid to realize it.

Are you asking about what the proponents of this think will happen? Or what will really happen?

The proponents think the lower taxes will increase the incentive to make money, so people will make more money. But that's a load of rubbish - incentive hasn't been the limiting factor for at least thirty years. The real problem is lack of opportunity.

However the deficit itself could boost the economy. For far too long the neohooverites have been in charge, trying to balance the budget even though that's harmful at this stage of the economic cycle. And the higher the short term deficit is, the faster the recovery and the sooner the economic cycle can move on to the stage where the private sector runs a deficit and the public sector runs a surplus.

More government spending would be a more efficient way of achieving that objective, and skewing the tax cuts to the rich while getting the poor to pay more is likely to be harmful. But even so, it stands a good chance of reviving the economy.

Obamaleaf and the angry polish baker. Constant

taxation is theft

The idea is to make america more competitive with a lower corporate tax rate and lower taxes for everyone

Your a retard who doesn't understand that obama increased the national debt and spending by massive amount, it doesn't mean much to trim a bit off a extremely bloated government.

How are people keeping more of what they earn "looting the country"

if the tax rate drops by almost 20% (from 39% to 21%) that means that a company earning let's say a billion dollars a year is currently taxed to the tune of $390M, whereas after tax reform it will be taxed only $210M.

in order to reach the remaining $180M it would need to earn around $1.9B annually. I don't think that's really realistic. Especially not in the short run.

>Cut taxes
>People save more money than they spend
>Can no longer fund dem programs
>The year is 2042 at the end of the great race war
>The jewish menace had betrayed their white brethren with the help of liberals
>However in their folly Iran had wiped them off of the map
>Now the world is ruled by the Chinese who is in a constant state of war with Japan

Well, you see "blah, blah, blah poors, empathy, government, caring, evil drumpffft."
Glad I could clear that up for you.

>corporations will just save it.

top kek

Yeah I bet the corporations save their money by hiding it under the corporate mattress, never to be touched.

Then its time to cut spending.

It grows more when you leave it in the private sector. More Keynesian lies that any economist who deals with numbers instead of ideologies knows is horseshit. Typical Leaf. Do they have any real economics departments there anymore? Maybe McMaster has one. I know McGill doesn't.

Where are your graphs of Obama's GDP growth vs. historical levels? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Fucking moron!

Imagine the paranoid faggot who posts this then the thread gets pruned or removed?? faggot.

conservatives are useful idiots for corporate America

nothing more

Aren't these the same corporations u retards were bitching that they sent all your jobs to China?

Here is a wacky idea.
The government should spend less fucking money.
Revolutionary for sure!

none of this debt is paid for, the GOP were hired to steal almost 2 trillion from the next generation. they do this every ten years now. you or your kids will pay 2 trillion more in taxes because of this.

lol ur just the british retard on a proxy

lol holy shit you're so fucking retarded u think deficits aren't related to debt

>conservatives are useful idiots for corporate America

Good thing I'm with corporate America. Sucks to be you poorfag.

yeah but for the american people to get rich enough to cover the deficit of these tax cuts we have to be getting that money by selling shit to foreign countries? That's the only fucking way right? that's my original question.

Republicans don't cut spending. They explode it. Have u corporate shills been paying attention at all the last 30 years or are u all really 5 years old?

We don't talk about cause and effect here, friend. Bush crashing the economy is Obama's fault and Trump destroyed ISIS by himself.

lol dude no I don't even know who the fuck you are, you have schizophrenia and you're clearly shill because no one with a healthy brain would suck the dick of a foreign country's party especially the fucking Democrats in this modern day for 2 fucking years unless they are being paid for it. this will be the last time ever I will respond to you because you clearly a psychopath and not worth arguing with.

Wow the tism is raging Obamaleaf. P Proxy change das what happened yea...hahahahha

>manager at Walmart

this guy gets it

did you not graduate HS?

Over the last decade or two countries like Ireland have cut corporate tax rates to make their country a more attractive place to locate. Not entirely sure it will increase tax revenue but American finally did what other countries to be more competitive. It is in some ways a race to the bottom, countries bidding for corporations with low taxation. Lowering the tax rate makes america more competitive. There were other things they could have done like tariffs, or subsidize companies that locate inside the country, but organization such as the WTO frown on those practices. It is not a great thing but it is better than the alternative. Remember when Pfizer was going to leave the US and Trump jawboned them into staying. They probably stayed because they expected US corporate tax rates to decrease.

I agree, but how will you do that when we just increased military spending a-fucking-gain and we are still getting raped by interests. these two items alone contribute to over 25% of our entire Federal expenditure. a dead weight if there ever was one.

lmao this butthurt british retard posting the same shit over and over and then claiming it's not him

u have to keep denying it's u because i massacre u every fucking day

>tries to make himself feel better about cutting out coupons from the newspaper


Meanwhile libshits have never seen a government program they didn't want to expand. You're always bitching about the debt nowadays. You should love the idea of cutting federal spending.

Wealth can be created by ways other than selling stuff to other nations.

>good soyim cut our taxes by billions and stfu u cucked little bitch

OP doesn't into economic growth

u really think republicans are going to cut all those gibs for their old geezer voters watching fox news?

i have a bridge to sell u

explain it then fuck face. How do we ALL get so filthy rich that miraculously we all pay more taxes even though its a lower percentage and the government gets richer too? Someone is paying for us to get filthy rich.


>cut taxes for the uber wealthy
>money gets shipped straight to off-shore accounts
>doesn't do a goddamn thing for the economy

From 2008 to 2015 federal spending increased by about 900 billion dollars.
Your image is cute, but misleading.


I do this but I use someone else's credit card to pay off my card. I learnt it from a jew

Gonna have to get rid of whole federal departments now. In ten years the austerity needed will be even more drastic. Problem with leftists is they only want to cut the military and the rhinos are too intimidated by the old "the GOP wants to throw granny down the stairs" attack ads to cut anything.


It's not just misleading. It's an outright lie.

>rich people getting tax cuts means less money for me

I took a shit on your mom's face last night lmao

No faggot. They love ruining the nation almost as much as pilosi and schumer do. But as a partizan shill you only want to discuss the rhinos while praising about king niggers many fuckups.

u fall for all the gop memes don't u

you're such a good little cuck

what actually happens is the deficit and debt explodes and republicans bankrupt america

what would happen if we didn't spend so much money on the military? what would happen if we just decided to cut back on 10 billion.

I would not give a single fuck if we became Ukrainian-tier poor as long as we get these fucking spics out of the country.

>trickle down
straw man

Friendly reminder that we need a wall to keep cancerous leafs like this out.

The tax cut is to end China.

>China fears that hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars of accumulated trade surpluses will flee the Middle Kingdom's shores to return to the U.S. to be reinvested here as the American economy takes off.

>That would not only weaken China's currency, the yuan, but force China's central bankers to jack up interest rates and impose capital controls to protect it and keep inflation from ravaging the economy.

>As the Wall Street Journal's Lingling Wei has reported, "What they fear is a double whammy sapping money out of China by making the U.S. a more attractive place to invest.

it continues to amaze me that right wing retards still don't know that Bush was president in 2008.

how do u retards STILL not know that US fiscal years are?

FY09 was Bush's last budget.
FY17 was Obama's last budget
FY18 is Trump's first budget

this shit isn't complicated retards. turn on your fucking brains u morons

im trying to educate u retards but why r u so fucking stupid it's mind boggling

i g2g ill be back in an hour

Yeah those first two years of obango budgets when libshits controlled congress didn't have trillion dollar deficits or anything.


daily reminder that taxation is theft.
IF we somehow are cucked into tax, the only fair tax is a flat tax.
believing that any 'tax plan' the government is pushing is 'going to help you' is

>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money
>people have more money to spend
>boosts economy
>people make more money

Why do people from other countries even comment? How shit is your country that you comment on a Japanese sushi fetish board about American tax plans?

tremendous progress after 11 months TREMENDOUS

Almost like Bush crashing the economy in the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression fucks up the budget a little bit.

Obama cut the budget deficit by 2/3Trump GOP are exploding it again because that's what they do.

>a fucking leaf doesn't know that deficit literally doesn't matter and it's debt which does

Deficit is a fucking made up number given by Congress since a lot of the most important expenditures (eg TARP, the bailing out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Social Security, etc) are declared "off-budget", even though they're the biggest contributors to the national debt.

So it's more swamp fuckery-- hide all the debt off budget, then claim that "we reduced the deficit!"

Considering hes the "one man political party" yes i do believe that is tremendous success. It makes me smile though, that you have to look towards us instead of your own country, leaf. I would want to look at Canada either under Justin "thats my wifes son" Trudeau