An International Caucasian Fraternity

This is not a white supremacist institution. Hatred and negativity will not be tolerated in any form.

Attention Caucasian men of Sup Forums. I come here with the proposition that we collaborate together to achieve the goal of consolidating and reforming our people into a peaceful, homogeneous society. I propose we begin to do this by congregating at a central place of discussion and begin envisioning a future for our people. We should also begin expanding our knowledge and skills with a full curriculum, and forming business ventures. As I won't be asking for any means of verifying your pedigree and this is the internet, this first circle will be open to anyone who wishes to contribute to the aforementioned goal. Initially, possible decision make will be made democratically. Naturally, it'd be wise to keep expectations low and there will inevitably be elections for new administrators and moderators to help with furthering progress, which I'll open positions for as needed. As this institution is in it's infancy and will be horribly mismanaged, the member count will be kept small, not much over one hundred active members for easier management.

Other urls found in this thread:

I will now breakdown the structure of our forum and initial proceedings. The first category is simply general discussion and business proposals. Feel free to discuss whatever you wish but I implore our members to make thought out posts and to meet any unreasoned opinions with skepticism. On the business proposal board you can suggest business ideas and look for other members to work with. The second category will be our curriculum. We will be progressing through the Khan Academy's curriculum, every subject having it's own board. Every week on Saturday an assessment will be held and once one hundred members have passed it we'll move on to the next course. The third category is society planning. I've put up several boards here for the discussion of several areas of a society, those being culture, foreign policy, government, and culture. The fourth category is for meta discussion of this organization. There are currently only two boards here, one for board structure and one for discussion of administration. Here's the link to the board, together we create a self-sustaining nation that emblemizes thought, creativity, and self-reliance while fully and efficiently exploiting modern advances.

bump 1/5

oh wonderful, just what we need, egalitarians sucking lefty dick to be 'good'
go be 'right' wing somewhere else

bump 2/5

We already have this, it is called the order of the black sun

bumps don't work like that

I simply want our race to have some internal discussion.

Again, this isn't a white supremacist group, it's a white conservationist group.

I like this nice to take the initiative, I have bookmarked it, we will be glad to participate and answer any questions we can

there's plenty of places to do so, rwa severs on discord are what you should be looking for
you can't conserve whites when you don't actually think they are special in any way

there is nothing white supremacist about the order of the black sun and never was please don't base your view of this world on kike propaganda. If you want to do anything in this world acheive anything you must first educate yourself brother. Everything you think you know, everything you believe is all lies

The Black Sun is here to educate you and show you the truth

I suppose I should of check for something like this first. The white race is clearly special.

if you think they are special, then they are the best to you right? you are a white supremacist
just not a hateful man
in encourage you to keep on, but first see what others are doing before you add another fragment to our already fragmented movement

>greetings fellow 4channers, please come join my cult

rwa as in right wing authoritarianism? That's not exactly what I'm looking for, but unless several people decide the free forum I made is actually worth any time to start posting on, I'll turn this thread into asking if anyone knows of any more conservative white interest groups. Also anyone can email me at [email protected]

meh tried to make a thread it won't accept the captacha

no, it means right wing alliance
they have a discord server
discord gg/26BKxn3

google is doing it to Black Sun IP's at all sites, same thing here, it won't allow our IPs to solve captahcas

I think other races are special as well, and can appreciate things created by other races, but I also think our race is at risk and needs to collaborate. I also think certain groups of people are possibly destructive and need to be resolved.

You want to make a thread in general for us?
Subject: Do you know what the order of the black sun is?

Body:Knowledge is power. In order to achieve anything in this world you must stop being a goy and become a yog. The mission of the Black Sun is elevate your mind and spirit. Post any questions you have and we will be glad to answer them and help those searching put of the control matrix and web of deceit.

sorry not *escape

What is a yog?

but are they the best to you, would you choose a million blacks to die over a million whites? if the chose HAD to be made by you

Bookmarked as well

An Aryan wizard and scholar

I wouldn't pick blacks over whites just because blacks are terrible, but whites wouldn't be my first choice. If I had to choose between a million whites or a million Japanese for example I would pick the Japanese.

that wasn't the question though, which one would you chose?
and stop being a weebo

Of course I'd pick my own race, as I would expect others to.

The question is biased by both parties. So it’s useless to even ponder this quaestion.

don't argue with him, dismiss him he is trying to distract you. What you are doing is sorely needed and will be a platform for the truth to come out. Do you want us to be part of helping you show the world the truth or not? If you create that thread we will monitor it and help guide anyone searching for the truth

We also have an online publication, I wrote these two articles

We know all the dirty little secrets

>This is not a white supremacist institution.
why not?

are whites not superior?

Hello fellow Caucasians. I think we need to wank our cocks to Asians.


I would choose blacks over whites if those were the only two options, but you asked which was the best and the answer is neither. Whites aren't the best, they're just better than blacks.

Can I volunteer to be the Jesse Jackson of the movement?

The guy who gets on TV whenever a white dude gets unlawfully fired or something

>Hatred and negativity will not be tolerated in any form.
then go fuck yourself with your fucking babbys first hugbox you pussy ass fag

Not OP but I have questions about the OOTBS (Order of the black sun) concerning non-whites.
1. Would you accept them in your movement?
2. Do you believe in supremacy?
3. Are you at all influenced by the nazi movement?
4. What do black sun members do?

Race mixing is horrible and the action the fully destroys a weak sentient and it's weak culture and society.


How ya doing Bodhi? I've been watching a lot of your videos. How do I officially join the black sun?

>1. Would you accept them in your movement?
Of course we are an Aryan movement, this has little to do with race, these days anyhow this is complex. We are the guardians of the arcanum and Aryan legacy
>2. Do you believe in supremacy?
We believe in the supremacy of the mind and those that seek to transcend to a higher plane of existence and knowledge
>3. Are you at all influenced by the nazi movement?
Of course the we were the "Nazi" movement
>4. What do black sun members do?
We are dedicated to helping those searching for truth find it and use it to improve mankind and destroy the control matrix and the enemies of men

We are basically warrior monks I guess you could say

sounds kinda gay desu

There's nothing wrong with other people deciding to race mix, I just want to communicate with other men that desire to preserve their race, especially given the possible extreme mongrelization that could be occurring in the near future.

Hello brother. Email or message us at the channel

how would one go about joining the order of the black sun?

You sound like any gasbag politician - full of yourself. This is the most naive thing I've read all day, ya pompous cunt.

Do you know of another group that advocates for something similar to what I've described? It was naive to not provide a better incentive to participate, but maybe I can find like minded people to contact me at my email which I posted.

The same way one would go about getting a college diploma. Educating yourself, the petitioning to join

these are all kikes trying to distract you and keep from unifying don't know why you are bothering replying to them. If you don't want our help and knowledge good luck with your venture perhaps we may stop by from time to time