Dreamers being deported!!! YOU BASTARDS!!!

Look upon what you hath wrought, Sup Forums. Are you happy now? Are you happy that HUMAN BEINGS are being sent back to their home countries?? THE RULE OF LAW IS OPPRESSION - NO LAWS IS BETTER THAN THIS.


Other urls found in this thread:


eat shit

They aren't human beings, they are Spics, not people. Mexicans are subhuman assholes with shitty food and a shitty culture.

you're lucky we don't hang them


>sent back to their home countries
Oh my, how awful. Sent home. Not shot, not jailed, not in a chain gang breaking rocks.
>sent fucking home

Only 24 million to go and America will be Great Again

for real. should have send them to the pit of misery.


Blame Congress' ineptitude for this.

>Only 24 million to go and America will be Great Again

That's just the start.

Read your own words. They belong in their own country. Why don’t they make Mexico great again? That would be the responsible choice. Now, suckstart a shotgun.


>Human beings

They're not human.

You have to go back.

Great news, thanks for the thread OP.

It's a good start.


We should also deport anyone with an IQ below 110.

That number needs to be higher.

Why aren't you posting comments about it in the Jerusalem Post and other izrayli media? After all, they're doing it at the end of a gun

Now to rid the country of the legal spics

Troll thread is troll but I'll bite

I went to school with what I confirmed were 11 DACA kids. 9 of them were in a gang. Male and female. One of them was just a weirdo who refused to learn English and fit the stereotype of lazy Mexican to the T and the other was a homely looking girl who stood about 4 ft tall and carried like 30 books around all day. So 1 out of the 11 DACA kids I knew in highschool seemed like a decent human being. That's a bad track record their Paco.

Oh and 4 of the gang members were in jail by the time I graduated highschool. This was in 2010 so I imagine all of them went to jail at some point. I imagine the lazy kid is working construction and the homely girl is pissing her pants at her local office legal assistant job where she probably works trying to defend immigrant rights.
And I'm a legal immigrant btw.

>My parents robbed a bank and the govt won't let me keep the money.


nice touch

common faggot you actually think we believe you actually give a shit, defend this instead



Dumb question: How, actually, do they send them back? Are they flown on commercial jets? Military jets? Put on trains? Shoved over the border at a checkpoint?
Has anyone seen someone get sent back, and if so, what happened?


Not to worry, Dahnald.

I have split myself into an infinite number of skelegates to help round up these unsavory individuals.

We'll have them deported within a few days.

He meant human beans.

Captcha: stop puntos

Working on it captcha, working on it.


Good. Only 788,00 more to go. Fuck em.

Surely you mean 300 and 24 million?
>ak ak ak

Looks like whitty has to pay more for vegtables. Also I want my 15 per hour. FYI that won’t increase consumer cost.


>I have pride in where i come from!
>just don't send me back to that crime infested hellhole of poverty and failure

No DACA has commited a crime. You can’t have a record if you are a DACA. Those people you list are probably just illegals.

ONLY 12,762?

You gotta pump those numbers up!
Those are rookie numbers!

Deport em all and stop more from coming in then we can talk about being happy.

Thread theme:

Poor Democrats. Their scheme to import voters is over. But thanks for showing us how because we are gonna import White Christians from all over the world! 20 Million at least. Merry Christmas!

Yes, thrilled. Any other questions? You have to go back too.


lol what?


2k out of 800k committing crimes is a great stat number.

>Be me
>Be spic
>Don't care about being deported since I already made tons of money
>Go back home with all the burger's money

So much winning, am I right?

>Sent back to home countries


I can’t believe this has not been posted yet

Consider it a parting gift

Man, /nu/pol doesn't recognize high quality shitposting. Go figure. Good job OP, and I know I don't even have to tell you, that your a faggot. You know this.

Everyone is happy about Trump fixing the border.
In particular, attractive women love the idea that all these spic rugrats,(offspring of retarded criminals) are being sent back to the asshole of the world, Mexico.

Only soy boys, faggots, and feminists want unchecked immigration. They are too stupid to see that, if we were not superior, people wouldn't risk their lives trying to get here.

Honestly, if you returned and invested it into your country and Made Mexico Great for Once, that would be OK.

Beaners don't belong here wtf.

This is why I love America

So you ignore the facts? I don’t like dreamers because they take so much money from free tuition.

Font forget the extra $100 tax detheft.

Fucking Cook County keeps that faggot in office.

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discord gg/JZJGtGf. Type ?join in #welcome to get full access.

FUCK YES. Deport 100% because fuck you that's why

Twitter is CANCER


800k out of 800k have committed a crime because crossing the border and not processing through border agents is illegal.

Thank you based Rato!

Not enough. Nowhere near enough.

what is so bad about rejoining your culture your heritage your people your families? Minorities offer no benefit to the USA we have enough low IQ low skill hungry asses to fill as it is

My buddy is a dreamer who came here when he was 10. I hope he doesn't get deported, he's a good guy. He's a white Mexican, I honestly thought he was Italian before I heard him speak Spanish.

They were force to come here. I love how you moved the goal post ha

Just deport the ones not working or getting trash degrees.

>le tears are delicious.

That doesn't stop their illegal entry from being a felony.

>Are you happy that HUMAN BEINGS are being sent back to their home countries?
Unbelievably so.

What right does the US have to deprive other nations of their citizens?

No way 87% of Americans support DACA half of the people that voted for Trump want illegals gone

Holy shit
byebye nofap
I love you, President Trump

You know how bad it would be to deport 800k people that have been here since kids. Just repeal the 1960s immigration act and legalize the dreamers.

It would be great. Let's repeal the 1965 immigration act at the same time.

roughly .04% of all estimated illegals. god damn it all

Other side of the wall for you

He has to go back.

Lol. Do you believe your own shit? Fucking retarded shill.


I posted that source because the right is anti DACA.

You have no idea of stragity and making deals. Hopefully trump can pull that deal off.

Kids suffer all the time for their parents' bad decisions. Not my problem that their parents decided to put their kids in legal limbo.

Witnessed!!!! Dreamers btfo

I'm fucking outraged, Only 12k ffs.

Burgerbro, do you think those mexicans would improve the country? They're just in America for gibs. I have no empathy for those subhumans, whether they're here or anywhere in the planet.
Decent mexicans (yes, those exist) try to make the country better, but as the narcos and the illegals prove, about 40-70% of the population needs to be gassed and the PRI cartel needs to burn before anything can get done.

Yea, too bad I'm not a mexican.

>The poll put Clinton's favorability rating at 36%
>Gallup found Bill Clinton's favorability rating is 45% and Trump's is 41%

Also, 1-in-10 Americans think me being a Nazi is OK;

>1 in 10 say it's acceptable to hold neo-Nazi views (POLL)

You pretended to be rhe majority. You mocked us. You insulted us. You told us we were losing, because you knew how much we feared that. Some of us even believed you.

I never lost faith. I always knew they'd get rid of DACA, and they'd all go back.

Take your divisive ass and get the FUCK out of my country with them - pic related. You lost, and if you insist on staying in our way, the government will murder you in the streets. We don't have to touch you.

I remember when you guys were saying that Trump supporters would be the first up against the wall. I remember you beating Trump supporters in the street;

>"You voted Trump" yelled at man while he's beaten in Chicago streets

You'll get as good back from us.

I don’t care either I am just speaking in optic terms. Trump won 29 percent of the Hispanic vote, and I would like to see that number increase.

Do you even want realize what happens with multiculturalism multiculturalism will just destroy the economy instantly because of the instant flux of people who are coming to the country not to mention the crying that they can bring the Warriors they can bring the game or if they can bring the weapons they can bring Etc you idiots think you're intelligent while as you completely contradict yourself with your actions

12 thousand?

that's not nearly enough

If Mexicans love Mexico so much, they can stay in Mexico.

If we somehow block sending money to the third world, the illegal problem would solve itself and they’d all go back voluntarily. Or just stopped giving them free food, healthcare, rent, and schools. Either way.

That’s terrible we need to raise that number

There is only one law
Our survival
If anyone comes into conflict with this they will be destroyed

You take that back about Mexican food being shitty!!

Their food makes you shit but it isn’t shitty, their food is the only convincing argument for why some of them should stay.

I'm working to become a cop so I can one day feel comfortable enough to join ICE.

>No DACA has commited a crime. You can’t have a record if you are a DACA.
That's wrong. They're disqualified if they're convicted of violent felonies specifically, not just any crime.

787,238 to go

What if we gave them the option of serving in the military in exchange for a temporary visa and to begin the path of becoming a US citizen?
