Trump has intel today that north korea is testing WMD's with anthrax and other Bio Weapons...

Trump has intel today that north korea is testing WMD's with anthrax and other Bio Weapons. If we don't invade North Korea they could unleash a plauge on humanity wiping out most of it.

NK doesn't have shit.

No missile would reach the U.S because it would be intercepted way too quickly and the US would already be sending fighter bombers to destroy launch/com sites to prevent further attacks.

Can WW3 just start already. I actually just want this suffering to end.


Good one
I remember the weeks after 9/11 when (((anthrax))) was a serious problem too...

Missle defence is just too stop panic in US cities. The US really has no counter measures. Its all in once Trump gives the call and count the dead after.

And this would be bad because...?

Too many fucking people anyway. Fuck it.

kind of like how our fighter jets intercepted the planes on 9/11?

Bro Trump would LOVE Kim to reduce USA population by 95%, he won't do shit but expect them to wave their hands in the air and complain some more.

Anthrax is like the MSM's Beetle in a Box.

Have you ever seen Anthrax other than used as a boogieman?

Thought not.


This. Quit blue balling us and nuke LA you fucking pussies.

Bioweapons are stupid and don’t work well

Nobody cares about Anthrax anymore, faggot. This isn't 1932 . these days Anthrax goes away with some cough syurp and a couple Advil.

>citing an unidentified person connected to South Korea’s intelligence services.

Fake and gay. Sage

The plague has already been dispersed.

>happened 2008 when you all elected a black Muslim to fuck the world for 8 years

ignorance is bliss

CIA did that.

this is the lie that always starts the war.

Gay when fake.

>Missle defence is just too stop panic in US cities
You L I T E R A L L Y, T O T E S, L I K E, have no idea what you're talking about.


You're such a retard. What, logistically, is the point of nuking gangland? He could regress American tech to the stone age if he targeted Sillycunt Valley, at least.


>The US really has no counter measures

lemme get some of your drugs pls

So what?
If they use that shit against the US, China, or Russia, Rocket Man will die, along with a few million N. Koreans. It won't be the end of us, but it will be the end of N. Korea.
Let's bring our troops home, fuck N. and S. Korea.
We are broke.
Let S. Korea and Japan build their own nukes.

kekest top

We literally sell a system called the "iron curtain" to other countries

If NK nukes anyone, anywhere, they are totally screwed. China WILL NOT back them up in that scenario. It's unlikely Russia would too.

ww3 will just begin your suffering. you'll probably survive the initial barrage, then it's just wait until succumbing to radiation, looters, starvation, or just a pointless infection, all while watching anyone you care about who's with you do the same. enjoy this suffering you're idiotically wishing for while you pretend that you don't actually want to be a miserable wretch
