Does anyone have any third-tier redpills?

Does anyone have any third-tier redpills?
What I mean is, often there is one belief that is mainstream that is utterly wrong, then there is the thing that was hidden, but doesn’t give the whole story, then there’s the third thing that synthesises everything before.
Eg racism is wrong, racism is correct, specific genetics are less important than traits and the same traits can recurr in genetically separated populations
Or what Jews?, Jews are responsible for everything they’re accused of, we like having Jews around partly because they’re parasites, partially because we’re ignorant, and partially because they give us what we want
Another would be: conspiracy theories are inherent wrong, many conspiracy theories are true, conspiracy is a misnomer since most “conspiracies” are half-public anyway and it’s that people don’t want to believe since “conspiracies” are so weird, complex and immoral that they make peoples’ head hurt

A basic one would be
Capitalism is good
Communism is good
Political extremism is Judaic and these systems were once synthesised in “national socialism”

Give me your third, fourth, or fifth tier redpills

Other urls found in this thread:

Emus run Australia

Currency is a corrupted meme to quantify time spent.


Language is a construct used to define your universe.

Change the definitions and you change perception.

All stereotypes are true
All conspiracy theories are false
With Jews the stereotype and the conspiracy theory are the same

MGTOW is necessary for men to stand up to themselves from the continued mistreatment of women.

MGTOW is the male reaction to feminism and is the early stages of what will become male gender politics.

MGTOW and feminism are not sustainable movements as tenants of both result in their ideologies not reproducing and those individuals will be out of the gene pool in a generation.

Would you mind elaborating on this?

> mud pies

Concepts like debt shouldn't exist. It's the anti-thesis of the nature.

communism is never good
fucking kike

concepts like "enter whatever stupid shit point you are trying to make" shouldn't exist. They are not natural.

Sapir-Worf theory has been discredited pham.

Tell that to people who keep subconsciously sliding definitions, and it continuing to afflict the societies it happens in.

Resonance is the most powerful force in the universe, if you have the right frequency.

Society is prejudiced against minorities

Society is prejudiced against white men

White men will win because they will become ever more unified while the liberal coalition of separate races, sexual predilections and genders will shatter under the least amount of pressure.

Homosexuality is fine
Homosexuality is disgusting
The societal repression of homosexuality has caused genetic susceptibility for homosexuality to proliferate due to forced breeding and doomed women to marry men unattracted to them. The best way to keep homosexual numbers down is offer no penalty for homosexuality and allow them to marry each other or form civil partnerships as a lesser evil.

Technology is slavery, we would have been better off remaining as hunter gatherers.

The best way to deal with homosexuality is to keep them closeted, and steer them into fields where family attachments are undesirable: such as military, clergy, avant-garde art, and sports that involve frequent head injuries.

If they start marrying, they'll stop going into these fields, and the fields will suffer as a result. We need soldiers, priests, crazy artists/writers/freaks, and single-minded physical-prowess junkies to protect, comfort, enlighten, and entertain us.

Gay people have important roles in society, and none of them involve acting like a fruit in public, owning a pug, wearing a rainbow flag, or arguing about who takes out the garbage.

Get back in the closet, you faggot. Society needs you.

Jews are eternal victims
Jews are a plague who should be genocided
Jewish identity is grounded in antisemitism and Jews only accomplish what white people let them out of ignorance, illogicality and immorality, all of which jews pander to. Antisemitism is ultimately a distraction that stengthens Jewry and prevents the self-reflection necessary for white people to strengthen themselves.

msg is bad for you

i worded that like a retard, i ment so say msg or Monosodium glutamate is not bad for you

So you like antitheses.
In this case try to take the same problem from various angles.
I find that political economy often destroys endless discussions about politics. What ultimately matters is who owns the banks, the media, the corporations, the rest are sheep.

Another angle is history. The Romans have left us a story of decadency that, by some sort of revenge is played again right when we don't know Latin anymore.
Many writers had warned us, or saw first-hand the eruption of the ideas that ravage this world. Read Tolkien and Joyce and Chesterton.

The most daunting angle is perhaps anthropology - scientific, not Boasian of course.
The greatness of the modern West comes from things westerners did not choose: individualism and discovery (ocean), science (printing press), wealth (best climate), genetic diversity (peninsulas) and aptitude (past natural selection).
But then, if we didn't choose all of this, then we may lose our own self and take the means for the ends.
We are indeed discovering new limits to push, writing new pretexts to destroy our social order, our wealth and our race. Degenerates are objective.

What happened?
17th century England united the conditions to create a new economic and political order based on the individual, on apparent equality, and on capitalism which later begot a religion of progress.
Now people are looking for answers and culprits.
But it's pretty obvious that the causes of our decline were already there from the start.
First, there was a tension - a creative tension between land and city, dogma and evidence, between sacred and secular.
Read Spengler, for whom Napoleon marks the victory of those later ideas.
Then there was 1914-18 and 1940-45. Materialism won over civilization. Since then, Whites give in and Israel advances.

If there's a red-pill that's hard to take, that's the one that makes us see our primal mistake. Our Faustian pact with Mephistopheles.

Big Spengler fan

There are people with Jewish blood who are genuinely good people, who don't hate goyim or look down on them, and who want what's best for the world. An example would be Robert Downey Jr.

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

Just found this from Gustave Le Bon, 1895
"There is no psychologist, no traveller, no fairly intelligent statesman who is not aware how erroneous is this chimerical notion of the equality of men, which has thrown the world into confusion, brought about in Europe a gigantic revolution, involved America in the sanguinary [Civil War], and landed all the French colonies in a state of lamentable decadence; yet in spite of this knowledge they are few indeed who venture to combat this notion.
Moreover the idea of equality, far from being on the decline, continues to make headway. It is in the name of this idea that socialism, which seems destined to enslave before long the majority of Western peoples, pretends to ensure their welfare. It is in its name that the modern woman, forgetting the deep lying mental differences that separate her from man, claims the same rights and the same education as man, and will end, if she be triumphant, in making of the European a nomad without a home or a family. "
- The Psychology of Peoples, 1898, introduction

who could overturn Spengler's arguments?
Dugin maybe, making the case for Russia?

a slightly bigger government does not require more taxes
just nationalize the resources that ploutocrats have conspired to declare only theirs
but we'll admit that no welfare state can survive with leeches at the top and the bottom

I like where your head is at

You mean a second-tier redpill then

White people need to face near extinction before anything meaningful will occur (i.e. white revolt, white population explosion, make whites great again). The odds we will be fighting a race war is low, but our kids or grandkids might just fucking have to when most western nations officially are