For the athiests of Sup Forums, where do your morals come from?

For the athiests of Sup Forums, where do your morals come from?

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anime and video games


Do you know where you are?

Just like everyone else, society and our family faggot.

you think you got your morals from god and the church? your family instilled those morals in you as you were growing up before you even realized what they were talking about in church. what the fuck is parenting?

Do you really need an old book to tell you how to act?

Harry Potter.

t. liberal

empathy and reason

Atheists leech off of objective, Gog-given morals practiced by good believers and claim it as their own. Literally the niggers of belief systems.

they don't come from the bible
I will never kill my children or put them in harms way no matter who asks me
now fuck off cuck

Life filters

What are you referring to. Abram never killed his son.

Animals have morals too, they are innate, especially mammals. How else would a herd of animals survive.

do you know where you are?
not in your country anymore...

an i bet it will stay that way untill 404

this is a poke the shit tread again to devide us,
have a nice day all

and for anyone wondering, look up "code of conduct"

Well, they certainly don't come from a god who drowns babies because he failed to convince people to be moral.

My morals come from observing Christians what not to do.
>The number of abducted children is estimated to be up to 300,000. The kidnapped children were sometimes also victims of child trafficking and illegal adoption.
>The Spanish Catholic Church, had an important role in hospitals and social services because of Franco
>The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem
>Deus vult (Classical Latin for "God wills it") was the Battle Cry by the Crusaders
>Deus lo vult is the motto of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
>campaigns in the Eastern Mediterranean with the aim of capturing Jerusalem

I base them off of what millions and millions of years of change, test and correction has endowed me subconscious with as well as the philosophy and dwellings of geniuses the past, mostly of European decent. I also incorporate my years of experience of people and events into my moral framework.

Where do Christians get there morality from? A book from 2000 years ago that claims to be inspired by the creator of the universe?

Jesus is anti all those evil actions. Those people who did those crimes are going to hell fyi.


From game theory, obviously.

The categorical imperative

Progressive Jewish elites - morals for the upper/middle class
Nigger thugs - morals for the lower class

That's moreless what current western morality is rooted in. These are the role models.

how do you know?

Private property

Society combined common sense, and critical analysis of what I believe is ultimately best for me and said society.
A world where maximum potential happiness can be achieved.

According to his words. Have you read the book of matthew?

But if God would ask you do kill someone, including your own son, you are too obey like a sheep

That is irrelevant. God did that to test abram faith. Abram never killed his son.

So jesus said those specific people are going to hell? If not, then how do you know how god will judge them?

Jesus was clear on his laws. If we are going off of Christian laws then yea committing an act of murder and not asking for forgiveness is going to probably send you to hell.

You are overthinking this ha.

From my own conscience, just like everyone else. Religion has almost no effect on people's morals, as evidenced by Christian crime rates and vastly different interpretations of the Bible. There are even nationalists that think it supports them.


It’s impossible to be a Christian on this planet. The sodom and gomorrah story does a great job in explaining that.

Ummm, reason? Lol.

Is this even a question.


I'm not convinced that I have any. Outside of work I pretty much just do whatever I feel like doing.

Society gets morals from the Bible tho, the Constitution is built around Christian values. So your values are built on Christian values you disagree with?


They don't.


the Pope of the atheists gleefully calls himself a liar and a coward

Atheist will never accept that. Yet compare the results of the French Revolution to the American one.

The American revolution was built on true Christianity and the French Revolution was built on muh government.

Just look at socialist nations they always fall. Sweden for example is going to be an Islamic state soon. Evil god (Islam) always beats no god.

>Is this even a question.

technically not since you had no question mark at the end there

petty drives, instinct, convenience and power

Common sense.
Don't know I can be considered an atheist, but I don't worship any god.

Don't forget stah wahs

Enlightenment values

why are my fellow atheists lying

you cannot get morals from "common sense" or "logic"

common sense

The life filter theory makes sense to me.

You don't need to be a Christian to consider murder and rape immoral

I'm not sure where they come from exactly. Probably a mixture of things really. They're informed by what I see as the nature of reality. For the most part I see something like a quality friendship as a person I can extract a valuable resource from while providing as little as possible. Basically it's a Darwinian thing.

Monotheists literally worship the same God ("The God of Abraham"), and yes it's an evil god.

I didn't say you need to be a Christian to consider murder and rape immoral

For all the religious people of /pol, where do your morals come from? Did you read the bible in Greek, Latin or the King James edition, written 1500 years post Jesus? The original bible's shit as well, it was written to be more popular to a Roman audience post Jewish rebellion. Otherwise nobody would give a shit about a failed Jewish nationalist. So, tell me, do your morals come from the bible, a book whose followers have vastly different beliefs, (Deus vult to tolerance and peace) or from the classics of Western civilization: Plato, Cicero, Aristotle, Voltaire...


Nah nigga nobody actually follows the Bible, they just interpret it whatever way they want

>Self preservation
>The law
In that order

No, Abraham started the tribe. Christians dint worship Abraham. They worship the trinity. Get your facts straight.

Not being able to comprehend how morality can exist without supernatural beliefs is literally brainlet tier levels of poor reasoning.

Last Thursdayism.

Utilitarianism and freedom of the individual

The problem is people don’t read or study there faiths. A lot of Christians, Muslims etc has not read their dogma.

>Christians dint worship Abraham.
Of course not, monotheists worship the same god that Abraham worshiped.

not from this pseudo intellectual kike faggot.
kys leaf shit

>A lot of Christians, Muslims etc has not read their dogma
Not true for muslims, ISIS follows the quran and the hadiths pretty much literally. As for Christians, there are no people who follow the bible literally because it's full of crazy shit (there are some who say they do but they don't)

i dunno, my natural internal morals almost paralel the 10 commandments long before i learned what they were.

i thought all people were like that, untill i met niggers.

Why do you people assume that you cant have morals if you don’t believe in a higher power? The morals that you follow were not told to you or your ancestors by god they are the personal morals of an ordinary man 2000 years dead.

This is a very good criticism of the atheist community though there is a solution that would be to teach your children first principles and the non-aggression principle the first principles are literally the principles that build up all logic of the science heres video

First principles are literally Kryptonite to socialist as well.

Define morals, common sense, and logic.

If you really need some bearded kike in the sky to tell you to behave yourself, you are horrible person. KYS

That's not the point the point is that religion also gives morals why brainwashing you at the same time it's kind of a trade-off that's their point what is your alternative no need to create straw man just because you want to be defensive.

I'm considering there are assholes like the Amazing Atheist and Jeff holiday out there I can definitely see the legitimacy of the question

The point is how do you justify those morals?

Respond to me

Social contract.
Dont do shit you dont want others to do to you.

If we're supposed to love God above all, like it says in the Gospel of the Holy Lord Jesus Christ Amen!, shouldn't we not love God above all things? And not worry about trivalities like matierial possetions such as food? To eat is to sin and to sin is to turn away from God.

So, one should destroy all his matierial possessions, so as it doesn't lead others, especially children, into sin. So sayeth the Lord Jesus Christ Amen!

Those that don't shit on everyone around them have greater mating opportunities. Easy.

From Immanuel Kant

You just put it really well. I think just to expand on that it's having the image of that good person which is important. Behind closed doors unless in the right company you should be ruthless.

What about the fact that there are horrible people out there they have a desire to do bad things? Under what authority do you stop them? What gives you the right to judge their behaviour as bad? Obviously all of these are answered by pragmatism on a micro scale but when it comes to organising a society, there needs to be a strong moral foundation. We can see the consequences of the destruction of that moral foundation. You can justify whatever cruelty you want now so long as it is couched in the correct language. While this is somewhat true of a religious society as well, religion acts as a limiting factor to just how insane a proposal you can justify.

>Define morals, common sense, and logic.

Fuck that's socialist bullshit there is either someone who helps other people and cares for other people for the right reasons such as actually caring about their well-being and their success in life or there is an ass-whole who specifically goes out of their way to take other people's earnings and ultimately destroy the lives of the process and not give a damn morality is very objective. Once you see past the fancy wording of socialist and politicians who are simply using it to push their political power further.

Common sense oh look there is a stake in the ground with a sharp Point sticking up I am going to put my hand on it cuz I do not think anything will happen to my hand oh no I impaled my fucking hand, pretty self-explanatory.

Illogic is a tricky one especially coming from a Christian or any religion ultimately logic is simply figuring things out with the information you have available to you AKA critical thinking you have no morals and you have no bottom line to follow therefore you could easily just go in anything there's no invisible barriers of your own making based off of your morals for example you could support government taking huge portions of money from the rich ruining the economy and giving it to the poor and then overtime continuously doing it until the rich class stopped working and then they do it to the middle class and then to the poor and then everybody is enslaved at this point all because you have no morals you blindly follow the first thing that gives you purpose in life that is the life of a socialist and that is the birth of a socialist state.

Well it's very objective when it's not watered down by Dogma.

Religion is a minority on the Internet. Especially Sup Forums. Only Christ chucks have to act loud to seem relevant. Atheist know they are in good company so they don't need to make annoying threads everyday about "wut r favurit bed tiem bibble quotes are". To answer OPs question, my morals come from what I perceive to be destructive or justified behavior. Pedophilia? Destructive. Murder? Justified. Rape? Destructive. So and so on

>(((my fellow atheists)))
>(((my fellow white people)))
>(((my fellow ....)))
i'd love to see you idiots start to use "my fellow black people"
lol ... that would be a party ^^

Is there some Frankfurt school in australia now? or are you guys using proxies ?

>you cannot get morals from "common sense" or "logic"

"code of conduct" it's even the most direct-democratic voted set of rules by a community ever on this earth.

sailor moon

>Under what authority do you stop them?
See pic

>and still one post in this devide and conquer shit tread

Jews don't have morals. That's why they're winning.

Ergo, morals are for retards.

Under authority of myself and other people who want to stop them.
Everybody has a right to judge and a right to criticize judgement, we come to a conclusive decision through an argument the one with the most reasonable argument convinces the other people what's good for them and we do what he says.

He asked a question for the Denizens of pol. It's not like OP needs to say anything. He asked a question and we answer. So simple even a brain dead Nazi should be able to figure that out.

Moral? How need this shit?

You're a fucking idiot you have a very deep bias if you think the atheist Community is in the okay. And I understand I'm not a religious person at all I understand why religion is required though it's no longer required because we could easily just teach our children the first principles but at least I am unbiased enough to actually look at their points of view and trying to dissect what they mean what they mean is what about morality what are you going to teach your children is good and right you don't realize how hard of a topic this is if you look at the atheist community and look in their background you will find that a good amount of them are absolutely shit people.

Here's the video to the first principles;

I'm not exactly sure what you mean but I think I do this too. I look for the evolutionary reasons I feel certain ways or do certain things. I think morality is an evolutionary evolved thing.

However, what do you do when you can fuck over your friends and get away with it? You probably wouldn't because of your evolutionary morality which stems from empathy which is definitely an evolutionary developed trait. But really you can get away with it, and from a Darwinian perspective you have a responsibility to do you best to spread your genes. So the logical and best thing to do would be to fuck your friend over. The only arguemnt I can see against this is that the emotional distress of screwing over a friend wouldn't be worth it, but we push through and fight negative emotions to improve our life all the time so why not in this situation too?

>You don't need to be a Christian to consider murder and rape immoral
Cuckstains dont even consider those immoral in many cases. Crusades, genocides and child diddling just some recent examples.

I'm agnostic, but it's my opinion that morality is both learned and innate. Many of your morals are learned through observation and instruction from your society, and therefore your culture. But some morals seem innate, instinctual, by which I mean most if not all cultures share them. That could be due to natural ideological diaspora, but since morality is such an abstract feature of people, it's hard to pin down precisely the cause.

What are you talking about? I never said atheist where the pinnacle of righteous and morality.

my Neanderthal/Cro-magnon ancestry

As a follow-up, I found this pic today while on Sup Forums, it's semi-related.

Literally egoism. Only by acting good towards each other we can create a well-functioning society that's safe, comfortable and secure. We act good in our own personal interest to create a favorable environment for ourselves. It doesn't even matter whether we are aware of it or not.

This is also why multiculturalism doesn't work. People with completely different mindsets and beliefs can't cooperate to reach a favorable environment for all because everyone's definition of it will be very different and conflicting with each other.

Our athiest morals come from the same place as everyone else's - absorption from the social environment during childhood. 99% of people never question what they were raised to accept, because they don't see the point in asking those questions.

Yes I 100% agree with you... this is a fundamental law of nature. I think you should do this whether you agree with my ideas or not.
However I can say that I do not want you to rape my daughter but that does not mean that you are morally in the wrong to be trying to rape my daughter. This is the position of the atheist, you cannot hold absolute morality. This obviously does not translate to allowing people to rape you daughter.

Ultimately the pragmatic elements are irrelevant on a micro scale because we will always have people with conflicting desires who strive to achieve them. It is relevant on a philosophical scale and by extension in the organisation of society.

Polls have been done here loads of times over the years and it's about 50% atheist depending on the time of the day, so it's majority stance.

Moral behaviour is an emergent property of conscious beings having to interact with each other and those groups of people having to evolve along side other groups. Its kind of like asking where speech came from. Speech evolved because tribes that had speech could communicate and the tribe became more effective and that made them more likely to survive against competing tribes, meaning the culture of the surviving tribes as well as the underlying bioloigical traits, were passed down.

Morality is really no different, you don't need religion for morality that's just one set of rules, as it turns out because religious morality is dictated and unable to change, it's unable to evolve to meet the challenges of an evolving society. Whereas secular morality evolves over time to incorporate new behaviour and new paradigms.

It depends on your own personal sensibilities really. You can have the same view on morality we're talking about a be a person who does or doesn't shoplift the can of coke or whatever when they have the chance. Personally for me as far as I understand it it's not so much about morality as it is risk vs reward. If you can fuck over or do something shady to this friend in some way, I think about the risk of being caught vs the reward of the action.

There is no such thing as morals, dude. I just don't do anything that could get harm me or I don't like.
So I wouldn't fuck a 13 year old because it's not legal. If it was legal, then why not?
The same is with weed, I did smoked in Cali and Amsterdam, but I don't do it at home cuz I can get problems.

That's is. Morals is an artificial consturct which represents general public opinion. Religious morals is just public opinion several thousands years old.

>If you can fuck over or do something shady to this friend in some way, I think about the risk of being caught vs the reward of the action.
Then you are a sociopath and the fear element of religion was designed to keep people like you in check. Unfortunately it is least effective on people like you.