Wtf is their problem?

>sovereign country plans for all eventualities so that it isn't caught off guard

Wow it's habbening

G*rmany needs a good round of firebombings again desu.

Well no shit they war game ops against NATO.
We war game ops against Canada and Mexico.
Doesn't mean we expect to fight that war, it's just a convenient sandbox exercise.
The fact they did an actual field game of this is also a nonevent, every major military does these exercises for training.
Only real news is they released the info to the press and named names.
Even that is just saber rattling though, no intent but to get a little attention.

> bombing germany
What did we do wrong this time?
It cant be the muslims, because puting is allied with them

What did you do wrong? Everything. You flaunt around your surplus budget even while poor Greece wallows in debt.

well, if you destroy a nation twice and it still kicks everyone's ass economically then maybe you should get your shit together

~30 000 usa troops in germany , first to react if shit hits the fan as part of nato force

>westcuck in muh rasssha hysteria
>Russkies do military Grills within their own border, parnering with beloRUSSIANS
>Drills Finished 3 months ago
>Nothing happned again

Everyone who even utter "muh Russia" needs to be firing squaded in line with Killary Cunton

you cant satisfy ur women so chief pimp merkel imported expensive muslim cock.

>Russia simulated going to war against NATO
>Wtf is their problem?
NATO, apparently.


fuuuuuck its over huh?

They’re planning to ethnically cleanse Europe of the Muslim hordes.

they're prepping for the fall of Europe at the hands of niggers and muslims. wouldn't you be worried that you neighbour is allowing his home to into a crackden?

what? Russian army completely unprepared for any kind of military activity. We have no navy, tanks or air force and people who willing to fight for Putin, but many willing to fight against.

Who else would they practice going to war against? Fiji? Uganda? Ayyys?

12 year old weaboos on cambodian carpet sewing forum are going to overthrow putin any day now

surely this is the end of putler's campaign

Russia is scared of nato, back during the Cold War Russia or in this context the Soviet Union had a nice buffer states that protect Moscow and key soviet targets from immediate attack by western countries such as america or the uk, put this into perspective Russia went apeshit and armed the commies in Cuba with nukes in retaliation to the USA moving icbms into turkey. But now since the Soviet Union was dissolved and nato was formed by almost all soviet buffer states Moscow is in reach. Ie if nato wanted to fuck Russia we could. Yes post soviet block countries like Latvia or Estonia don’t have large military’s they have the backing of nato countries, that would most likely include th EU military power aswell seeing that if Russia ever tried the shit that they where planning for Germany would assfuck the commies aswell. And yes Russia still has a commie mentality. there’s a reason why they don’t give a shit about Belarus still being a commie state. But the fact of the matter is that Russia understands they are walled on all ends the only thing they have going for them is the fact that they are allied with shitty regeams ie if they go down they will fuck up global politics to there fullest abilities , nato will behead the snake of push comes to shove don’t try us ruskies

>bombing germany
Oh god, yes please.

>Russia once again wanting to liberate Europe from invading forces
>will kick out the shitskins

In all seriousness, where else are they gonna practice?

DM article type 1:
"Ebil Яussia"

DM article type 2:
"Oi our sniper lad killed ISIS/Taliban from 1,000 km"

But we do that with russian/china/Korea all the time user. It's just politics :^)

I fear the day they come for us.

Will it be Russia or the EU?

It sucks to be small.

Putin allied with 'slims? Quite unlikely

>Russia is based

Putin banned nationalist/fascist/far right parties, while the communist party is still around.
Hate speech laws in Russia are on par with those in Europe, and only white russians are prosecuted. Not to mention illegal immigration issues, on top of Russia having a large muslim population.

Putin isn't the savior of the white race.

meh... is it time again to kill 20m slavshits?

every country has plans on what to do in case they are in war with their neighbour

Peculiar how this nonsense about imminent russian invasion emerges just now, two three months after the exercises and two weeks after Mogerini and Schulz announced EU army.

Can't wait for the real thing. Germany deserves to be destroyed.

pure coincidence goy

>his country doesn't prepare for every circumstance

hell, we have plans on how to invade Leafland

USA troops and NATO nuked are stationed here.

Every country does this. US probably has invasion contingency plans for half the world

Thank you.

Next thing you'll see in western media is the case for "preemptive attack" against Russia. Napoleon, Hitler, the British and French during Crimean war, every western invasion of Russia was justified as preemptive defense. A thousand articles like this and they will actually start believing their own bullshit.

How come that nationalistic countries never make it tho? Every empire was multinational.

Well the EU literally threatened to NUKE poland if they dont change their justice system. Look it up, europe is voluntarily sabotaging itself for refugees.

I can see russia being uneasy about NATO.

I wanna see them fuck Europe

Let's get it started then! We need a war to scare away the coward african and arab rats.

You have to be a complete idiot to believe this BS

Always gotta be prepared for the eternal kraut

All functional countries have contingency plans for war with unlikely enemies. The US, for example, had a plan, codename "CRIMSON," I believe, in the event they had to invade Canada. Shit happens, man.

>Well the EU literally threatened to NUKE poland
Source please.

Catched some fallout vibes.

>Bomb Germany
>Invade Baltic
Who gives a shit

Ayyy lmao, no they didn't

What would a national empire look like?
Have you considered ending your own life?

we plan against canada all the time. it doesnt mean anything

That's a lot of inferring from a few ruskies doing donuts in tanks and shooting rockets from helicopters at journalists.

NATO held drills where they simulated executing Russians just a few months back.

I believe they did not take Crimea back in "native harbor", like Russian army did.

Russia lives in the 20st century
Governments will soon be no longer needed
with ethereum smart contracts

Why bomb Germany? Just genocide the baltcucks and leave it at that (or kill the men and liberate the women so you can get more of them tall blond genes).

>it’s a russia thinks it can take the EU let alone NATO episode
Laff every time

War plan red was created in 1920 in case we had to go to war with GB and thus the commonwealth, it was withdrawn in 1939. GB was quite aggressive internationally in the interwar years.

I thought GB was Red, but wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly. Thanks, user.