German’s constitutional supreme court rules that grades are not enough

60,000 girl SJWs want to become doctors each year. But there are only 10,000 places at German med school which mostly use grades to accept applicants. The better the grades the more likely is it you will get in. This system was developped after a study many years ago showed entrance exams close to 99 percent correlate in results with grades.

“Other” criteria such as a “social conscious” or active work in social charities like asylum shelters should now be used as additional criteria on whether a student can become a brain surgeon or not.

>germany not adaps affirmative action through it's courts
I'm sorry Hans. You're healthcare is going into the shitter.

you guys are gonna get USA tier healthcare now. im sorry.

Every fucking job ad in IT ever:
"Frauen werden bei gleicher Befähigung bevorzugt eingestellt."
When equally skilled, women are more likely to be employed.

Speaking from first hand experience if you don't mind working in a hospital outside of big urban centers most European med school degrees will suffice. Most of these small town hospitals are starved for personnel you can pick whatever residency you want too.

How many "Syrian" BBCs will they now have to suck to get residencies? Will it be measured in cocks or in centimeters?

You can study medicine in Romania, Bulgaria etc for far less outlay than in the UK, and get in with far lower grades, and the whole thing is taught in English. Pakis do it, then come back here to work.

Weaklings who need health care don't deserve to live anyway.

the rich girl who are not that smart go to Austria, Czechia and Hungary. Austria is the preferred choice because of the language.

Here are the first year medical students in Romania. Notice anything?


jajaja kennt man
bei uns wird ausnahmslos jedes weib genommen welches sich bewirbt weil unsere frauenquote hoch muss unser unternehmen sei so "männerdominiert"
frauen machen laut kollegen in persm etwa 1% der bewerber aus und momentan 12 % unserer belegschaft
und die 12% sind (fast) komplett in buchhaltung helpdesk und verwaltung tätig
keine arbeitet beim kunden als technikerin
meiner meinung nach sind frauen logischen denkens nicht fähig und gehören an den herd

Grams sperm/load meassures the quality of BJ so I would say G sperm/load.

They are dark?

I think the tall white guy on the left might be one of the teachers. Otherwise all bar one seem to be British Pakis and Poos who can't get the grades to get into medical school here, but their parents are so obsessed with having a doctor in the family that they send them to fucking Transylvania for six years. It seems to be a thing.

It's Bulgaria I guess because of the Cirillic Letters.

They're the breeding squad of course.

It’s nice to see you’re preemptive coping with being reduced to a third world shithole.

It's also a thing over here
It costs quite a few bucks, and people who come back are looked upon but they eventually integrate the system, since there is a shortage that still needs to be filled

I couldn't give less of a shit. At this point the whole fucking world is third world, nothing more than hell itself.

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

You mean like here, where niggers score like 30% lower on their MCATs than everyone else, and are still allowed to be doctors? Also, charitable work is already taken into consideration during med school apps, as well.


this cannot continue

Aren't German future doctors niggers from Africa anyways?

Stop fucking spamming this in every thread, faggot.

What's the point of having med schools when doctors cross the Mediterranean in droves?

me guy on the far left
>dr frankenstein's monster

>niggers score like 30% lower on their MCATs than everyone else, and are still allowed to be doctors

In Austria, girls who sat for the medical entrance test consistently scored lower scores. So they changed the test to include touchy feely “social stuff” and “how to deal with people” questions and scenarios... and the female test scores dropped even further. Then they just reverted to rescoring female test scores... to “adjust” female scores upwards.

No, it is all white, bubbly SJW girls.

What happens if you put your sex as female?

Didn't you just use NC to select your students? I honestly don't think that was a really good idea, what you can do in school doesn't correlate with how well you'd do in uni. Entrance exams are more than enough.
But hopefully this will stop the constant stream of german refugees.

That's pretty spot on user.

They look British.


I pretty much consider western europe dead now.
You're all ghosts and a figment of my imagination.

You can remember us by the Pakis we're sending to your filthy medical schools

>It's Bulgaria
The text in the background is bulgarian though it says "Pre-medical" in otherwords either nurses or canditates to become nurses

Jokes on you. Our healthcare is so shit people would rather die than go to a hospital... not that there any places in them or competent people left to operate them.

I think that it is ok, as long they use it to raise the competition during the education
->more students start, and only a little more finish

Competition is important to maximize efficiency and there is currently only little during medical studies in Germany (usually below 10% of them drop out as i heard)
In comparison the quotas from the hard sciencesand civil engineering: pic related

Then you are a fraud... unless you identify as a woman and can grow a beard.

better pic

>what you can do in school doesn't correlate with how well you'd do in uni

We used your medical entrance exam for many years. You copied our old and the Swiss test. We abandoned the test because the corrleation between medical entrance tests and Abitur grades was close to 100 percent, meaning only a handful of applicants would have made it through the test but not through high school grades.

This is what they would teach in school in sociological and racial sciences , if professional academia were allowed to take race studies seriously. Instead we have intellectual castration in all form of learning that could be useful to owr race in general, instead there are government programs for "we wuz kangs" tier shit

Maybe just train more doctors? The demand is there.

What part of our Islands were called Al Andalus you Moorish rape baby? Fernando Torres looks British.

They are most cucked!

> Fernando Torres looks British.
But that's not possible, Fernando Torres is white.

Say goodbye to quality care.

this is why I'm a neet

>“Other” criteria such as a “social conscious” or active work in social charities like asylum shelters

This is a none story... All med schools do this same thing. It's a test of your personality, you can't just let anyone care for vulnerable people.

I can smell the affirmative action from here.

Jokes on you this will be the norm everywhere soon. They are pushing the "women in science and technology" meme so hard it's becoming true and since in many cases marks limit entrance they are going to be making a man mark and a woman mark (lower) to get in difficult degrees like they already have softer physical tests to get into the police or firefighters.

Do all medschools in yurop require you to suck muslim cock?

Not here, but you have to have almost a 10 in everything to get in.

It costs 250,000 to train a doctor. And it costs 80k to 120k per year thereafter.

We have 400,000 doctors in Germany costing Germans around 40bn per year.

If we added 5,000 doctors more per year in addition to just replacement doctors, in 20 years we would have to pay 10bn more in a year... about as much as we pay for asylum seekers.

i can buy it, but where will the good doctors be? who will train them? where will the rich, the elite jet off for their surgeries and tests?

Asylum seekers are all women and children who are also doctors and engineers, so it all balances out. Your system works, Eurobro. Congratulations!

Fuck NC at german Unis!!!

Private hospitals won't hire morons I guess. Then again many pajeets/ladies/fucking whyte males go through the degree by studying 24/7 and once they have passed the tests they make a reset (problem of the system). Many will drop after the first year but the problem is potentially good doctors will have lost their opportunity.

I don’t think this is quite correct. Asylum seekers are mostly unskilled and unemployable men.

Our interior minister just announced, this year “just” 200,000 illegals will illegally come to Germany for gibmees. That is the equivalence of around 1 million illegals in a year in America...

It's the same thing in France since 20 years.
Students are going in Spain, Belgium, or worse, Romania.

its true tho

The execution is likely to entrench the grasp of (I hate using this term) 'priviledged' individuals within the system.

Let's say you have two applicants for the same position in the school, both with equal grades. One has a wealthy family, and has plenty of extracurricular activities to their name. The other does not have a wealthy family, so at best has a part time job to their credit.

Which one is more likely to get in? The second you move away from 'hard' grades, you undermine the ability of those without wealth to enter in. We see it all the time here in the UK, where the best Universities (Oxford/Cambridge most notably) often select based upon activities outside of school (as everyone applying has the top grades anyway). This, inevitably, leads to only those who went to the best schools dominating the intake.

I know man, I was just tossing out (((their))) talking points for a laugh.