Why is Christianity the only religion that's "fair game"?

I was listening to the Communists on NPR yesterday on my commute and they were making a huge deal about some protestant church decreeing homosexuality is against church doctrine. They spent 45 minutes forcing pastors to defend it, in an extremely hostile environment. The entire time all I could think of is if a Muslim imam was on here, holding the EXACT same beliefs, they wouldn't DARE to criticize him. However, when a Christian of any sort is interviewed they shame and ridicule them for holding religious beliefs they disagree with. Why do Muslims get away with literally throwing gays off roofs, but Christians can be criticized, ostracized, and ridiculed for holding the exact same beliefs minus the whole murdering and lynching thing?
I personally don't give a shit about Christianity, but the double standard is infuriating.

We are being indoctrinated more and more every day.

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Jews do not like Christianity and will find ways to push anti-Christian morals so the collapse of the West can be complete

Religiontards should be rounded up and shot

I agree with you, op. This is getting ridiculous. The jews just keep doubling down so the only way to resolve this is to remove them.

dont you know you are the minority? dont you know you are going extinct? in europe islam is the future

Why bother? Naturally in decline anyways.


7% of millennials are gay or bisexual:


Millennials draw no distinctions between discrimination protections that should be afforded gay and lesbian people, on the one hand, and transgender people on the other. More than seven in ten (73%) millennials support legal protections against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing for gay and lesbian people. A nearly identical number (72%) of millennials say they favor these same protections for transgender people.

While no significant racial or gender differences exist on either question, there are large religious divides in support for expanding nondiscrimination legislation. Roughly eight in ten black Protestant (80%), white Catholic (82%), Hispanic Catholic (81%), religiously unaffiliated (83%), and white mainline Protestant millennials (78%) favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. About two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic Protestant millennials also favor such laws. White evangelical Protestants are closely divided on this issue, with a slim majority (51%) favoring laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination, and 47% opposing them. Among religious groups, the pattern of opinion about non-discrimination legislation protecting transgender individuals is nearly identical.

Because white guilt. Nothing more than white guilt. Whites have have to many 1st world problems. Just the weak men part of the rotation.

Christianity is seen as white and the entire purpose of ZOG is to deconstruct and critique away anything that's white.

>only 7%
>the other 83% want to kill em
it doesnt look good for gays either dude



we get that you love cock but none of this has anything to do with the original argument of the OP which is that Christianity is singled out and "needs to be changed" while so much as whispering criticism of any aspect of Islam results in immediate cries of "Islamophobia" and racism.

it's bullshit to make gays feel good, in my life i have seen a gay other than in tv, or some fucked up tranny at night

>is seen as
Fucking memeflags need to be banned.

We may become a minority. We may become marginalized. We may become a remnant. But His church will endure, as it always has.

Sola scriptura! Sola fide! Sola gratia!
Solus Christus! Soli Deo gloria!

Laws are held to be generally applicable and neutral towards religion or they are unconstitutional. Courts have never made a ruling favoring Islam's anti-gay impetus over Christians'.

Because Leftists are brainwashed worthless pieces of crap who don't deserve to live in Western Civilization.

They're scared soyboys that don't want to die. Christians won't bomb their studio.

We will likely die soon. The Gooks will be the next bearers of Christianity. Maybe they can figure out how to customize the human genome and we can have irl golden haired Christian catgirls in the future.

this isn't a matter of laws, it's a matter of the narrative. you can't elevate one religion that holds MILITANT anti gay views that are NOT negotiable, while denigrating another for the same thing. Where are the cries of "Christianphobia" when the beliefs of Christians are belittled? leftists would LAUGH at the thought while they would "fight to the death" for the religious freedoms of any other group.

Because Muslims have no influence on anything in the US other than terrorism, they're not relevant to domestic politics. OTOH, evangelical protestants are extremely important and can actually effect stuff, so no shit they get more scrutiny.

John 15:18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."

As Jesus said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." Agents of Satan must and will work together. It would be unreasonable otherwise for freemasons, mormons, Muslims, atheists, Jews, and other groups to work together if it wasn't for that they have that one thing to link them all together. Yes, they have conflict with themselves such as Israel and the entirety of the middle east, but only certain Muslims and Jews are aware of and recognize Satan as their ruler.

for gays
the world loves you, that's why God hates you

What do you mean "for gays"?

Because they'll forgive you right away.

there are gay people saying it's ok to be gay

Christianity is a soyboy cult.

Yeah. It's depraved.

Google “critical theory”

Because Jesus Christ was the Jewish Messiah and they can't accept it.

Because muslims can do no wrong.

this is not true at all. on the surface, sure, but they're quickly filling government positions in sanctuary cities.

The jews have always hated Christianity since it's inception. All throughout history you can see the jews try and destroy Christianity either directly, or infiltrate it. Why do you think the first thing the jewish Bolsheviks did were to round up and kill Christians?

Although catholicism isn't Christianity, at least it respected it's laws when it first came into being. Fast forward to 2017 and now the jews have infiltrated it to the point where they endorse evolution, gay/trans marriage, and want the end of white people.

Although I will do whatever it takes to fight against the corruption and evil jews that try to destroy Christianity, I know that this was prophesied since the beginning.

>"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:18-20

The world will only increase in degeneracy, violence, division, and it's hatred of Christianity. It's been foretold, and I've accepted it. Let the world do it. Jesus will come in the final moments and put an end to this wicked jewish/demonic kingdom. Standing strong, and spreading the gospel is the only way to properly fight this spiritual war.

Fuck off bug chaser, this isn't plebbit

This. The tool of cultural marxists.

Amen, user

Because Jews despise Christianity and everything about it. Christianity has ALWAYS been the one thing standing in the way of the kikes and their ultimate goalie complete societal degeneration. They will do everything in their power to ensure that Christianity is utterly nnihited in ALL of its forms.

This is really sad. Because i am old enough to remember what it was like when my country was still white and society was still based on christianity. It was on the way out at the time but there was just a sense of community. It is not like people who were different like single mothers or gays were truly oppressed, they were just kept to the periphery and viewed with a sort of pity, as the "normal" person was a married christian. You clould leave your doors open at night and you could assume if, for example, you saw someone walking on the roadside at night, that they were likely a normal person who was in a spot of trouble and not some vagabond or psycho or something. Now all the sex, and drugs and hedonism has taken over and you no longer can expect anything of your fellow man.

Christianity displays signs of weakness. Predators attack accordingly.


This is what actual evil looks like

europeans need to move out of europe and wait to for anti Christ
things are going to hit the fan

They really are doing the Devil's work.

The train of Evil doesn't stop there, user. There is so much more.

Just ignore the riff-raff. Live a virtuous life, and let Christ be made manifest in your works and actions. It is the only way forward.

>Why is Christianity the only religion that's "fair game"?

Because they know Christians won't fight back.
