Ask someone who was raised as a hardcore Muslim anything

Ask someone who was raised as a hardcore Muslim anything

Who diddled you first? Dad or Uncle?

How many goats?

how do camel taste?

Have nothing to ask, just want to tell you how sorry I am that you went through all that.

No sexual approaches from any family members but, my sister was harassed by a older man from the mosque we went to. My Dad punched him in the face. It's one of my earliest childhood memories.

Lived in a big city all my life, never had a chance to pleasure the goats.

Fatty, salty beef. Strongly disliked it the few times I've had it.

Fuck off back to your country?

When and where is the next terrorist attack?

Why do you ignore that Christ is Lord? The New Testament compiled by the Catholic Church which was inspired by God the Father (Who you attempt to call ‘Allah’), the only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit states it as such. Do you deny what God has said? Even God said twice at least, “This is My Son, in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.”

why do you say you are different from jews when you reject the devinity of Christ as they did

The truth.
So by hardcore do you mean you were raised a jihadi or do you mean that you have not really settled into that mindset.

Did you enjoy being a subhuman?

How severely does your dad beat your mom? And is he nicer to the goat than to his children. Also how old does dad start fucking his son vs his daughters

Why haven’t you killed yourself yet?
I wish your people would leave us alone.

Probably somewhere in Indonesia, they've got a serious homegrown terror problem that is not reported in the world news too often.

I've had my fill of religion for this lifetime. One can live a moral life without an appeal to a higher power. If hellfire is what awaits me for leading a life of simplicity and empathy, then so be it.

Muslims hate and envy the Jews for being able to do more with less resources.

That's not a question.

Why are you in Canada and not eating sand in the middle east where you belong?

More like: prayer five times a day, obligatory after-school religious classes, constant adhereance to any vague hadith (no music, no bright clothing).

My Dad has never raised a hand in violence against my Mom (so far as I know). My Mom is also white (from Kentucky).

Anime and video games.

I was born here.

Ah I see you are a man of culture as well.

Fuck off back to your country maybe?

What did you enjoy about being muslim?

What made the other hardcore muslims keep doing their thing?

Why dont you want an intimate relationship with God?