Fuck you guys. You guys ruined the best relationship I've ever had. She used to call me daddy and fuck men24/7...

Fuck you guys. You guys ruined the best relationship I've ever had. She used to call me daddy and fuck men24/7. She used to cook and clean for me. She pampered me like I was some sort of God. She LOVED me. She fucking loved me. But she was a hardcore Democrat. And I fell for the memes. I fell for them hard. I treated her like scum. I broke her trust. I went full alpha Chad and fucked around with other women. And now? She's scared of me. Scared I'll hurt her again. She's still with me cause she loves me. But she's afraid. She wanted my children. She thought I was the hottest thing since Obama. And now she's just there cause she's afraid she'll never find someone like that guy she met again

Fuck you guys. Fuck you

Sounds like you have problems

>she fucked men 24/7
>she was democrat
Yeah that's generally how it works OP. I don't understand why you're so upset she's gone

>people I've never met on a website caused me to cheat and ruin a relationship
Fuck off. You did this to yourself and now are trying to literally blame strangers. Take some responsibility for yourself you cuck faggot. Saged.

My problem is I had a potential wife material woman in my life and I tossed her out just because she voted blue

>Sup Forums it's YOUR FAULT I'm treating my woman like shit and cheating on her!

lmao see a psychiatrist you lunatic

I don't think Chad is an r in the r/K selection theory. Black folks are r's, Rabbits are r's. r's are degenerates.
You're the one who screwed the pooch. Don't blame Sup Forums because some Soros troll conned you into degenerate behavior.

who on Sup Forums advocates cheating? Go kill yourself you degenerate kike.

This is what you get for following advice of morons online.

Looks like a whine that belongs in /bant/

Its very typical for guys who learn about the red pill to start overdoing it, there is a fine balance that you must find.

You sound like a homo.

>fell for the memes
>blames autism on others
Get over it, faggot

Read about half your post
You sound like a faggot tbqh, I'd fix that before complaining

The real chads fuck other women together with their wives. You’re just a weak willed faggot.

Not my fault you aren't loyal.

>she used to call me daddy and fuck men 24/7
>you guys ruined the relationship

okay sven


You guys are fucking garbage. Do you know how long it'll take to earn her trust back? Or find another woman that will treat me like she did?

I'm not even sure if I can do either of those. I just want that girl who loved me back..

big if true


Yeah, sure thing.
How about you take responsibility for your actions, faggot

Never had issues with liberal women even though I'we browsed Sup Forums since it's infancy, cause I don't sperg out


>whines /pol destroyed his life
>”I cheated on muh Dem girlfriend”
>”she wanted muh children”

Then be a good Democratic inner-city voter, impregnate your GF, dump her and leave her for other women. She’ll be ok being a misogynist lesbo on welfare, raising a single kid in a failing School system run by liberals.

>She used to call me daddy and fuck men24/7

You liked getting cucked?

>She's scared of me
Good job faggot

Fuck us? Fuck you, fag.

You cheated on her. You weren't the traditional man. You weren't the upstanding man. And you used people on the internet as an excuse for you to act like a nigger.

You're scum, and the ultimate cuck. You will never be alpha. You will never be Chad. You will always be a pathetic cuck

you sound like a nigger. kys painfully fuckstain


You're garbage. You cheated. Because of memes.

>She used to call me daddy and fuck men24/7

This. Saged

>she used to fuck men 24/7

>fuck men24/7
I bet.

Lol. This has to be bait. I'll admit it was pretty good bait though.


She clearly deserves better

/thread. Sup Forums only wants the best for white men and women.

hello there rabbi

I done the same thing. My ex was way out of my league both physically and mentally. She used hop on my cock when ever I wanted it, swallowed my cum everytime, always went out of her way to please me, said that she doesn't care about my career and money (she was studying a masters in Mathematics, pretty smart)

She was also a massive leftist, Islam apologist, feminist, supported refugees. I dumped her eventually.

I regret it man. I've gained weight and have become a even bigger loser since. Also haven't had sex since (2 years)

Fuck you Sup Forums, you ruined my life.


>Fucked men 24/7
>Though you were the hottest thing since Obama
Being this cucked.

>You're responsible for my actions!!!!

you're an idiot. if you learn one lesson from democrats let it be this: don't let ideology go to your head.

Lmao you listen to nazis on internet saying that you should be a idiot to your gf? Totally deserved.

You are absolute retard. Holy shit. I never realize how stupid some people are.

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

What a fag.

Tell that stupid bitch to get over it.

>She used to call me daddy and fuck men24/7
were you a pimp?

It's not my fault you are a giant fucking faggot.

>I went full retard on my girlfriend
>Fuck you guys

Jesus fucking Christ, just off yourself already, you raging faggot.

>sleeps around
>somehow Sup Forums fault
what? Since when does Sup Forums, a Christian board, advocates for infidelity?

This is probably just bait, but
Stop trying to blame your actions on a fucking Moldovan computer science forum and take responsibility for them

YOU fucked up.
YOU did this to her and to yourself.
The only person you have to be angry at is yourself

that sounds disgusting.
Not you gaining weight and becoming a bigger loser but having a gf with those beliefs. You did good sonny boy

>I treated her like scum
Sup Forums didn't teach you that
>I messed around with other women
Sup Forums doesn't advocate being a degenerate...


>I went full alpha

Alphas live their own lives, not the lives they're told to live by anons on a Mongolian wood carving for beginners board.

This thread is bullshit, not one poster here isn't a virgin, especialy the tard who wrote this


>You guys ruined the best relationship
> I went full alpha Chad and fucked around with other women.
GTFO nigger

Accept responsibility for your own actions, you sound like a fucko.

>fucked around with other women
>getting sex 24/7

something doesn't add up here

Conclusion: not Sup Forums's fault