Multiculturalism & Multiethnic states for the win!

I for one am excited that we live in an age where the possible unification of all Nations under one banner is a real possibility through globalization.

The only place all nations will be under one banner is in heaven

young fool, only at the end, you will see why you are mistaken

Almost as hilarious as trolls who constantly bad-mouthing Sup Forums and the newcomers who believed them. To be fair, I once believed Sup Forums is a bad board and should be avoided, but after lurking around for a few weeks, I realised Sup Forums is no different than Sup Forums, except for a few perks i.e naughty pics/videos or the fags to show a poster's mood.

No borders and no nations would mean that no more wars for territory. It would also mean more economic efficiency from goods and workers being able to go wherever they are most valued. But I want for my descendants to look and act like me. That won't happen if they marry Nigerian immigrants.

I dunno a global state will be in my opinion, rife with corruption at best. I believe it will take a very, very long time for us to see a single race and culture emerge (that is to say, if) and it would be quite disappointing to see many exciting and curious cultures and cultural practices disappearing to fulfill western ideals of progress. I say let humanity fight it out for a few more thousand years, we're just not at the point that peaceful unification could take place. I'd imagine such an early unification would cause severe social unrest, several independence movements, then wars that will ultimately be detrimental to humanities "progress".

I surprised how genuinely positive you two are being.
Sup Forums is full of tumbler tier rascist.
You guys actually see potential in a unified human specie's.

Well the God emperor has risen yet to unite us and squash the retards.
So we'll be a long time waiting.

Except Jews because they protect their genetic lineage and have an ethnostate.

Except Chinese and Africans and Arabs and Indians and Hispanics, as their have ethnostates and have large enough populations that racemixing them into nonexistence will take hundreds of years.

Hooray for white genocide! They were only filthy goyim anyway.

JIDF Thread #543322b

If you read the Protocols of Zion, you'll realize a couple things.
1) Sup Forums is always right. especially about kikes.
2) the kikes genuinely think they're doing the right thing and that they're helping us with their superior minds.
3) The one world government will collapse and Jesus Christ already knew this was going to happen. Rev 3:9.
As the Free Mason shabbos goy (((Alex Jones))) would say, it's laser smart bomb accurate.

There they are.
Yes, the "red pilled".
Yup, you guys are sure smart.

You're right, just breeding white people out of existence will create utopia because you say so.
>but it's the good kind of genocide because it will make the world a utopia once whites are gone!

I never said anything about breeding anyone out of existence soyboy.
All I said is that a unified species could lead to an Uber over powered Nation that could conquer the stars.
Something we can't do if we are going on about
"Uhhh muh race" bullshit.
We must colonize other world's.

The whole "white genocide" thing is a meme. There will always be whites due to in group preference. The vast majority of whites will choose to reproduce with other whites.

How do you know it won't lead about to the degeneration of the race?

Yea pretty much this.
Same with Mexicans and blacks.
They prefer the same color bread. Same as you same as me.
Some like wheat, some like potato, some like white.

When I look at the world today that's what I see, Unity.

So you want to genocide the muslims?
What purpose do sub 80 iq africans serve this star travelling utopia of yours?
What government will unite us all and what means will they use. If it's force, we're only united by the sword.
Anyway Jew tricks end up failing my dude. It's actually kind of boring, God shouldn't have told us the ending but I guess if He hadn't the softer Christians would lose hope.

>Muh future can only happen if we abandon out roots
Um no sweetie we can still colonise the stars without being Brazil.

Yep, it's 90%+ for all races. In group preferences is strongest among whites, so we're the least in danger of being race mixed to death.

Yeah, (((RIGHT)))

>Multi-Culture is to get rid of white people... and that's good.

>What purpose do sub 80 iq
There's always a place in the world for dumb labor.
Just look in the mirror and you'll see the our specie's most promising janitor.

As for all that other negative Nancy talk. The world has been shifting together for years.
To increase happiness and resources.
Trade means both you and I can be happy.

for territory

>without being Brazil
Yes, in fact not being anything that resembles most governments to be honest.

And I for one am not so I guess it won't happen. The end.

Ohhh you called me a soyboy! I guess that means I'm wrong and we do need to breed Europeans into this perfect race of mulattos that will take us to the stars. It's not like any unmixed race ever did anything for anyone. All the great achievements in history were solely by mixed mutts.
We can see through your bullshit. We actually like diversity and want to preserve it. Our differences are beautiful and not to be reviled and eradicated so we are all identity-less consumer drones ruled over by Israel. The world and humanity can only progress through the competition that comes from diversity in nations, and homogeneity within those nations.
I'm sorry for your shit coloured skin and flesh splat nose, but you aren't fooling anyone i to thinking the eradication of the European gene pool benefits humanity.

Have you ever even bothered to look up the statistics? Whites marry other whites, generally hang out with other whites. The real problem is low birth rate, which is due to lack of faith.
>implying you wouldn't rather have a smart janitor than a dumb one who can't even clean properly
>implying niggers work when lefties give them welfare
If we cut welfare, I think we'd all be happier.

If you keep at this, everything you love will be taken from you, and destroyed.

>Purposefully missing the point entirely
If you're the poster boy for the average mulutto humanity is doomed

The best the most powerful leaders could manage was a partial continent and having advantages in trade. There is no way a single person or even country for that matter could control the whole world. Globalism will fail, history repeats itself.

Let’s start with Israel.

I didn't miss the point. I just don't think it's worth talking about.
Who cares about Russia or Brazil if you can have a United Earth.

You can't have a united earth. There are too many different people in every corner of the planet doing whatever they want. The only way it would work would be with a unifying race and religion. Then there is the issue of when the unified group starts fighting about small things then breaks up again. In summary, its impossible.

The best you could do is Christianity with 2+ billion followers or Islam with their few billion or a country that has total financial control like the US, or something with a large landmass like Russia.

>implying you wouldn't rather have a smart janitor than a dumb one
A smart janitor doesn't want to be a janitor.
Have held offices on multiple levels, own successful businesses and even been have members in the 1%.
It's less about race and more about education and having a special circumstance.
You're a very sad man.
But you'd make a great janitor.

>You can't have a united earth. There are too many different people in every corner of the planet doing whatever they want

Just stop. You don't know history. You know nothing about Russia.
You're a faggot.
Let me say it simply.

Thousands of years ago people loved feudalism and before that they didn't think having a unified anything was possible.

A unified species will come in time. It will just take time.

>A smart janitor doesn't want to be a janitor.
Depends on what their priorities are. I'm detecting a commie shill, usually only commies have such disdain for working class shlubs who lack ambition and want to earn an honest living.
Also, how are you going to afford going to space while subsidizing nigger voting plantations ad infinitum? For every 100 city niggers only 1 is not a net deficit.

It is about race. Niggers who are successful are fewer than than any other race. There are too many low IQ ones on this planet and they won't bend the knee to a world government because they are simply not smart enough to go along with it. There is a reason why the whole continent of Africa is in the position it is in, that should be more than a enough proof.

Not really.
They're have been failed attempts at this so far. Like the EU and the joke that's the UN.

But with more experiments will come better stronger platforms that will draw the people.

We are at the earliest stage's.

Mulattos aren't human. The very concept of humanity is restricted to Europeans.

Everything else is just animals, and ours is a history of having slain more fearsome beasts than these.

This creature? It dreams of the stars, by way of self-destruction, by way of subjugation of itself and its kind.
Its dreams of a utopian existence which lies ever beyond its reach.
Its ilk will never conquer the planet, never escape this world, never rule the stars. It will die here, stagnating, if allowed.

The answer IS a unified Earth... But only after the conflict which leaves one victor standing. We are on the cusp of such a conflict.
And the weak, ever fearful of the strong, bay and bemoan, cry out for a warm embrace, that shall never come.

I was born to destroy its dreams, and I feel no pity, no sympathy, no remorse. I am only the beginning of this thing that is happening all around us.
For the lion does not lay with hyena - its sups upon its flesh, tears apart its young, consumes its very hopes. And the same we shall do unto such creatures.
That is why I was born... Too late to explore the seas... Too early to explore the stars... Just in time to embrace destiny, and the death of the Enemy. I am the little death, offering such creatures no succor, no aid, merely one outcome: the complete and total obliteration of every one of its hopes, of each and every of its dreams.

This knowledge brings me great joy, for what greater joy is there than to crush the enemy? What greater joy, than to twist his dreams back upon him, into nightmares?
What better, than to force such a creature, to watch its dream of a united planet, twisted into its greatest nightmare - a planet united by blood, in the wake of much bloodshed.
A planet of European might, reaching out to conquer the stars - and beyond.

You stand in a crumbling temple, screaming that you are the beginning, even as your end closes in.

Yet, I have no pity for you. No empathy. No remorse.
I have only death to offer you, the death of your dreams, your hopes, and the prospect of watching - no doubt horrified - as that which you loved and cherished is crushed to ash and memory, from whence something truly amazing shall rise.

*Tips fedora*
I actually design the bridges your mom drives on.
But that's besides the point tumblerina.
You're funny. I like funny people. You'll make a great janitor.

Keep writing, I love your style.
I want to absorb it for my novella I'm publishing in next year.

The peak of Russian power was the USSR and it only lasted a few decades at best. The Romans, Persians, and Greeks lasted millennia. The US can't even control the whole world even with a big military, financial sector, and media apparatus working together.


Your snark has no bite, and your dreams are dying all around you. The smell of fear is all about you. Panicked, you reach out, grasping, for that which you shall never reach.

You have no future.
We own the future.
We are the future.

And you will be nothing but a memory - if you are even so lucky as that. Which I rather doubt.

Too bad it's not real. It's being spearheaded by an elite ruling class that's only in it for themselves and disregard those they claim to represent with their stolen wealth and positions. Hellfire will rise to consume them all and the Maelstrom of devastation is fast approaching lest they repent. They know it not because they lie when they claim they have the all seeing eye.

It's a problem to be sure.
To have an unambitious work force is a problem.
That's something that needs to be socially engineered.

Yeah they work this hard to make money......they already have the money.
The kikes genuinely believe they're uniting the world under Judaism, they're just retarded and don't realize God hates them and sees them as whores.

They don't even work hard. They will literally admit that they take and seize everything. They admit they don't create or contribute in any meaningful way. Whores are better than they.

Shut up and watch starwars! Truest form of multiculturalism and multieethnic regime. And it even has magic to satisfy some of you more autistic folks.

Why do you think there will not be wars for territory? There will be brutal wars between the emergent nomenklatura. Also innovation will come to a standstill. A one world govt will be a dystopian nightmare. Power corrupts and absolute power will corrupt absolutely. Our overlords will not share any cultural or familial connection to us and very quickly this will devolve into murderous political decisions

The USSR and communism is a great example of why you can't have a world government. The communists wanted a global worker's revolution, the USSR was a collection of communists states united under one ideology. Problem is communism ran into opposition from another global ideology which was islam. Islam wants to rule the world under one religion and muslims do not want communism. then there was the in fighting among the communists themselves like China and Russia, ripping the communist world into pieces. Communists also couldn't convince the Americans that communism was good, thus we got the Cold War. The USSR broke apart in the most inglorious way possible, by the ballot.

eh you're being too emotional.
They do work hard and they do think they're working for the greater good. In a way they are, their damnation is part of God's plan. I pray for the individual kike, but as far as the people go....maybe praying to the serpent wasn't the best course of action.

Talos isn't here yet so we need to wait a while before we get a demigod.

Oh my sweet summer child, don't forget to leave milk and cookies for Santa Claus.

Talos is here. Yet to be actualized Tiber Septim, or as he is known in this realm: The AntiChrist.

Well, to be fair. I don't think every individual is bad. I'm sure even among their own people they have plenty of people who have nothing to do with anything they're cooking up. I bet you they'd sacrifice their own though. Also, a good indicator of who works hard is a person's waist line. The wider it is, the less work they do. It's true 99% of the time. As a matter of fact, today my job provided a free lunch for everyone in the facility and when it was my turn to eat I filled my plate up like a fat person would and every overweight person literally were joking about how much I eat and how fast my metabolism is, yet they'd argue they work "real" hard. They literally ignored the sweat all over my shirt almost down to my pants and salt lines and came to the conclusion I have a fast metabolism. I chuckled and smiled, but in reality, the reason why I can eat more than them and stay fit is because I actually do work hard. There was a time I didn't I was fat then. Not anymore and I eat more now compared to 7 years ago when I was fat.

Read on the concept called "The European Miracle." Political freedom aroused to a large degree by having small independent ethnically similar political units competing with eachother. Freedom makes the state more productive. In large empires the elite keep the people oppressed.

You should read up more on them. The protocols of zion is a really fascinating read. The whole Jew thing is a lot deeper and more complicated than most of Sup Forums thinks.
Also for the record according to (((them))) yes Jews are fair game but they think 1 Jew=1000 goyim.
Their ultimate end goal is good and would be fine if there were no God. Feudal utopian Jewish Monarchy with ruling elite not given over to sinful thoughts. Definitely better than democracy, communism, fascism, or any system other than Christian Monarchy really.

Freedom is a Jewish venom designed to encourage self destruction.

It is only the beginning

>lower the ceiling 10 feet to raise the floor 4 inches

Your intentions may be noble, but the machinations are not.

Their end goal is delusional though. If you plant a seed with evil intents, it will always spring up a corrupt tree.

I even have my own version of that. I purchased a house, something I would have never done, but I did it in hopes of fostering a relationship with a woman I was with at the time. Time passes and at the end of it all, she ends up leaving. I did go into it full of lust as well too and disregarded my normal morals I would apply to everything. Had I chose to stick to my ways instead of fantasizing about what could have been, I would have been living a happier life now. My evil intent was in trying to win her over via a great show of unconditional love and giving. That want, that desire, was the sin. They're drenched in sins. It's bound to fail.

Yep, plus it's foreshadowed in both the Old and New Testaments. Jews are like God's recurring joke character. The wacky guy on the sitcom who says the same wacky things and gets a laugh every episode....only instead of laughs they get the wrath of God

>multicultural future where the moon has a giant metropolitan city on it
more like pic related

also lol at the idea of building shit on the moon, it has no atmosphere to deflect anything

You're excited about famine, police states, riots, and uncontrollable crime? Wow.

oh sweety...