How do I raise my daughter not to become a whore?

How do I raise my daughter not to become a whore?

Don't be a cuck to your wife.

The strength of the parental relationship dictates how the kids grow and what schemas they use mentally for their own relationships.

If you show dominance and leadership with your wife and she follows you, your daughter will do the same. Otherwise, she will consider mom's way of doing things the best (i.e. be a slut).

love her, establish boundaries

Fuck her early and often. She won't stray too far

Cuck detected

kill her, all women become whores

Wtf? You fucking idiot, are you unironically shaming her for living her own sexuality? Fucking incel

While this leaf's meme post is true, OP already fucked up by having a daughter with a degenerate woman. Degenerate women are attracted up degenerate men i.e. men who will allow them to continue their degeneracy. You need to 'man up bucko' BEFORE you find a woman so you will attract a good woman

Also it start from day one. If sges the age in the picture already then its to late.
Also theyre all whores OP even your daughter. By age 17 shes had sex and sucked and swallowed her BFs cock. But OP while theyre all whores your wife included, they can behave with strong loving male leadership that enforces boundaries.

t. Paco the sex slave trader

Hire a nog to scare the shit out of her and set her up with a decent young white man early.

That's fucking racist you asshole

move somewhere wholesome, it doesn't matter what you do as a parent if your kid is exposed to degenerates every time they leave the house

Female genital mutilation?

marry her of early to a good upstanding conservative male. This is a guarantee to stop degeneracy any thing else wont work

Be a man.
Don’t let her have degenerate friends.
Pretty much it

In a metal cage

It sure is you wetback.

Tell her the truth. That while riding the cock carousel may be tempting it turns her into a used up piece of shit no quality man wants and get cats being the most companionship she'll get after the wall.

How about dress up as a rapist and rape her on the way home from school. That could traumatize her.

Force her into self defense programmes and actually good Christian programmes. She'll think the world is a dangerous place (tell her because of men), and she'll enjoy religious groups (so she'll think men are dangerous but not be a feminist).

Also don't stigmatize sex or you'll just make her curious and eager for it

sell her into nobility

Wetback is a term used only for mexicans (and latinos) who are ilegally residing in the US. My flag clearly is from Mexico, you dumbfuck. Are you mentally unable to discuss without looking at the nationality of someone? Is that the first world's fabled reasoning ability?

shaming keeps the thots legs closed and their inherent insanity in check.

get gassed cunt



you can't use reason they're not men user
except christians are degenerates these days apart form a few select sects
shamming doesn't work woman already do that to each other

Join a cult, basically your only hope at this point.

Get to know her friends and chose her friends wisely for her

You cut off your balls and not procreate. That is the only solution. Everything else is just brainwashing.

No, it's a term used for all mexicans cuz ur all slimy and sweaty,

>avoiding the interracial breeding grounds

Mr. Skekelstein will not be happy about this.

Make fun of whores. Seriously. Get her to laugh at them.

Build up her confidence and a strong sense of independence (real, not "Independent! ;)") by giving her reasonable (appropriate for her age) challenges for her to overcome. She has to learn to mainly accomplish them herself, but you can give guidance when she asks her for it (DON'T SOLVE THEM FOR HER). This includes expected normal social situations she'll have to go through growing up, like other girls bullying her. Finally, make sure she develops a skill-set that lets her be as independent as she can: how to manage her finances, how to think critically and take initiative, how to cook for herself, how to fix basic things, etc.

The reason why these women became whores is because they're basically useless and they use their sexuality to have people give them stuff. Dignity goes out the window when you need to survive (for most people) and opening your legs for things is one of the easiest ways to do: hence one of the many reasons why whores are hated in society.

You foster a strong sense of independence and confidence in her, for the most part she won't be a whore (at least on her own terms).

>My flag clearly is from Mexico
Keep it that way you shitskin. Stay the fuck out of my backyard.

Teach her how to be feminine and how to be a woman early.
Talk to her calmly and dont ever act angry in front of her
Also Love her but do not spoil.

Don't live in a city

Oh, and you have to give her a balanced sense of love & attention as a father. Do everything for her and she'll become a Daddy's Girl with issues. Give her barely any platonic love and she'll just have serious Daddy Issues she'll try to compensate with male sexual attention and lust (dick).

It's simple, you just need to put in a serious effort to raising someone and make sure to check yourself in your parenting once in a while.

whats worse i wonder? fucking your daughter, or her fucking a nigger?

Teach her why it's bad to be a whore.

This is a good idea. Straight up telling her not to fuck Tyrone could backfire. Find ways to implicitly make her view nogs and sluts as unsafe. Get her to watch romance movies and read romance books about whites building a family, and also show her videos of nigs being nigs (i.e. chimping out, single moms, etc)

Equip her with life skills suitable for a higher-paying career.

Dumbass, then you just make it more tantalizing: taboo shit is high as fuck. You're gonna end up making OP turn his daughter into that Asian pianist who went on Facial Abuse.

hot as fuck*

Wow, that one on the left though.

Convince her she’s a boy and make her cut her tits off. Get her a decent quality fake dick (good if you love her)
Far from a sure thing, but she will definitely have fewer partners.

Pr, if you are a fucking retard, you could always teach her to love Christ and lead a life of virtue. But you don’t seem like a total faggot so why bother?

Put that bitch on a leash.

lol not if you raise them in a functional environment. You don't have to trick your kids into learning shit, just inform them and reason with them.

1. Had an episode in the club behind the DJ booth with a guy she never quite saw.
2. Currently sleeping with a father/son combo.
3. Got out of a DUI last month.
4. Known as the chick from the "Sigma Nu Episode."
5. Slept with her professor. Her female professor.
6. Her married, cokehead car-dealer boyfriend will kill himself next week.

>How do I raise my daughter not to become a whore?
Maybe don't ask here?

Whenever she is rude give her a good spanking. Do it for me user.

Fucking leaf giving it big.

>That's fucking racist you asshole
Either your trolling or a retarded newfag

Beat her and do not allow her go to party and so on, then, marry her to one of her cousin.

Rape her daily so she fears all cocks.

o god far left pls

Jesus Christ those chicks look heinous. Who thinks this style is attractive? Fucks sake they look like raving mad homeless people.

Tell her the truth that kids are better off raised in intact marriages and losing her virginity before marriage massively ups her divorce risk, so if she values being a good mom she needs to not be a whore

And lead by example, of course

Early... and often.

Tell her to fuck black guys and then she'll rebel by not doing it. It's called reverse psychology.

Western girls all become whores. A whore is any girl that has fucked guys before marriage. You can't say that she only fucked one guy before marriage so she isn't a whore. She is.

The only way to combat becoming a whore is for societies to not give into such degeneracies. Over here, women who have had sex before marriage don't get married. They become completely unmarriable no matter how good looking they are. And if a guy marries a girl who has fucked before marriage, he's automatically a cuck and everyone makes fun of him.

Make her autistic.

Dont have kids.

Move to Asia

This group of ladies is most definitely british. The linoleum floor is a dead giveaway. Who cares they will be getting knocked up by shitskins within the next 6 months to get on welfare and put up in a council house.

Former britbong here I know what I'm talking about. Now I live in Texas with my redhaired waifu, two kids and my guns.


Yeah I used to have a suicidal egyptian friend over Skype tell me if they fugged they needed to get hymen reassembly surgery to get a chance a marriage at again.

Damn. But how can you know for sure that she's a virgin?
Also what if she's only been with a few and is ashamed and repentant about it? Does this make a difference?

>1 post by this ID

all you stupid faggots not saging obvious antifa slide threads

>How do I raise my daughter not to become a whore?

Respect her.