Whats with all the UFO news lately?

Whats with all the UFO news lately?

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Identifiable flying objects have been around for around a century so the rage is mostly gone.

$21,000,000,000,000 unaccounted for in your defense budget. wuz alienz n shiet

Trying to distract whites. Everyone knows the UFO community is 99% white males 35 -65. They want us to not focus on shutting down shills and fake news.

I wish aliens would visit. I wanna fuck one.

Slowly creeping towards a new world order.

Project Blue Beam. They will fake an alien encounter and people will beg for a single world government.

The great Australian Star Empire has just finished its new planet destroyer fleet.
We're coming for you Earthlings.


back to your cuck thread, fagboy
this shit is literally in the news daily now


They probably realized the normies were maxing out on their Trump rage and all of the propaganda they pumped out wasn't shifting the needle any more. They needed to let people recharge with a distraction for a while until the election cycle gets into full swing.

What's up with all the trailer park boys memes lately?

Somethings fucky

You'd expect it to be leafs posting it, but no

>Whats with all the UFO news lately?
It's been around since Roswell. Where the fuck have you been?

Test fighter pilot probably did something stupid

It's about Solar Warden
fleet armament and maintenance
that's all I'll say

Nigger, the pentagon never admitted studying this shit until the last two weeks.
>old ass roswell shit
got to bed grandpa


Probably some gayass alien movie or tv show coming out soon, so they are pushing UFO stories in fake news to get people wet for alien shit

We are memeing aliens into reality, they are listening to us. They will give us what they want, the real question is.

Do we want them to save us or destroy us.



it's government testing aircraft- take off your tinfoil hat occam's razor

Insider here.

its a soft disclosure. The government had to release information about UFO's eventually. Especially when trump is talking about going to the moon. Theres literally bases on the moon. They just can't hide this shit anymore.

We're living in the disclosure age. You're going to see some scifi tech enter the public sphere once To The Stars Academy finishes disclosure.

Imagine sliding your dick into his warm fishmouth.

They save us by destroying us.

You're why they won't visit. They read ur post and said "Nah".

cuz aliens are real have to slowly educate people so they don't become hysterical

Why must you LARP?

>To The Stars Academy Inc.

they would only fuck you, and you girlfriend instead. Isn't that so, mr. Schmibly.

Speak english beaner.

>I believe that consciousness is not as trivial a thing as it appears in the standard biological picture. In fact, it's not a trivial thing at all. It's a fundamental property -- a fundamental emergent property -- of nature, a natural consequence of the outworkings of the laws of physics. In other words consciousness is something that doesn't depend crucially on some specific little accident somewhere along the evolutionary way. To nbe sure, the details of our mentality will depend on the minor and accidental specifics of evolutionary history, but the emergence of consciousness, somewhere and somewhen, in the universe is more or less guaranteed, I claim.

sounds like a good book, that made me feel good.

They are trying to prep the world for when they false flag an alien invasion in order to bring in world government. This was the final step in their globalist plan, but then trump started rounding up all their pedophile cabals, BTFO the EU and UN(tpp and paris agree), about to solve north korea before they can use it to kick off ww3 (alien invasion woulda happened during ww3), about to solve peace in the middle east, getting the tremendous amount of chains off the american free market economy, confirming 50+ young conservative circuit judges that follow rule of law and not rule of feels, kicking out the illegals leaching off the system, preventing anymore sanctuary cities, uncovering massive fraud, massive sexual assault, massive pedophilia within the political establishment, bringing the deepstate to the forefront of the news (saying the word deepstate in public made you sound like a lunatic just 2 years ago), exposing the msm for the fake as fuck lying sacks of shit they are, exposing the left for the commie anti-american scum they are, cutting taxes for every US citizen except welfare leeches, and liberal subsidies, eliminating thousands of red tape regulaitons, and more. So since they can't kill him without making him a martyr, they cant impeach him because their investigation has been exposed as a total fucking farce, cannot 25th amendment him because 3/4s of the country would hunt the ones who did it till the day they die, they have started going to plan 'x' ahead of schedule hoping to distract enough so they can false flag ww3 against man-made ayys that they will say are real ayys. Ayys exist but the majority are good, want us to choose to do whats right for no ulterior motive and not force us, we have to make the decision to become better humans (and real ayys would destroy us within seconds, we are ants in comparison). Everything the fake as fuck msm will be putting out about ayys will be our own secret tech that weve mastered since the 70s

>that's all I'll say
you don't know shit faggot kys


just pisses me off how it's reality only after CNN reports on it

>insider here.
how to spot a larping faggot for $200, alex
>dude ayyliums
fuck off to glp forums dipshit

Female greys are pretty timid
I believe in you

They're time machines from the future with future historians observing us.

My dad that works at Nintendo says the opposite.




At this point I'm calling it a shill to try to control the conspiracy theory vote.

You and I have something in common, Leaf.

We are living in the end times

Yeah WTF even the local news here where I am are talking about it...

The UFO fake news was released as a way to cover up for the fact that Harry Reid wasted $22 million of your tax dollars. He's toted this as a national security concern, despite the fact that the program has since been disbanded.

Speaking strictly hypothetically and personally, it's much easier for me to consent to alien surveillance than human surveillance. The basic reason is that if humanity discovered an alien race, we would obviously surveil them as extensively as possible. There's really no question about it. We would study them intensely and we would just need that to be okay. We wouldn't be willing to make contact otherwise. So, I'm willing to extend the same courtesy. I'm willing to be okay with aliens surveilling us extensively before they're willing to make contact, too. My opinions about surveillance are suspended for purposes of interspecific diplomacy.

Not that my opinions matter, but hey. I like this topic.

Conspecific leadership should be able to come up with enough information to guide policy without surveillance using their powers of conspecific insight. There's also a more significant concern with corruption of powers from conspecific leadership. If humanity found an alien race, we would be unlikely to use surveillance over them for corrupt purposes, and if we did that at all, it would happen when/if interactions became extensive enough to generate interests of shared domesticity. Conspecific leadership already has interests of shared domesticity which make corrupt deployment of surveillance more likely.

Ding - we have a winner.