How can you Ameribros resist the light skinned black women?

How can you Ameribros resist the light skinned black women?

it's easy. they look retarded and think they're smart

easy, my dick wants none of it.

Because the darker the better.

I can't resist them hnnng

Fuck off mapleabbo

That's just gross

Less than 5% of white people race mix due to strong in group preference.
Yes races are real, no, no matter how much they push it race mixing will never be popular

white women think the same thing but atleast you have a chance to have a small child with them.

I can resist them because they don't want to be anywhere near me because i'm asian.

>How can you Ameribros resist the light skinned black women?
I trained my penis can detect a low IQ [spoiler]no wonder I'm a virgin[/spoiler]

Why are white women jealous of black women?


plus i'm cool with not getting HIV.

or herpes

>All women are dumb.

T. Soyboy

jesus, i feel like i can smell her nasty snatch

If that's true then how come black Americans are 30+% European?

You'll understand how we can resist them once you hear them speak. I swear to god the light skinned ones are trying to prove that they really are black by speaking more ghetto.

Cause you’re a rape baby. That’s why.


Yep, pretty much this.
Which, ironically, means you as a black person in America are far more likely to be descended from a slave owner than a white american.
So.....when are you paying those reparations?

Can you prove it was rape? You sound like an SJW.

just remember that literally all of them have gonorrhea or chlamydia

Farm equipment can't give consent, thereby rape.

there aren't many ofvthem who are attractive and if they are they go into modeling or acting immediately, it's like winning zeitgeist lottery in teh current year.

im jealous of their lips, especially now when huge lips are in. It makes me more self conscious of my little mouth

They can't deny consent either.

Because nigger

Their hair. Blacks have stringy brillo pads for hair.

Based leaf.

When I visited the states almost everybody was short and obese, something like 90%. Very few actually attractive people.

Big lips are disgusting.

it's a joke or couldn't you tell?

I'm not into bestiality.
If you polish a chimp, it'll still be a chimp.

I don't know any white woman that would trade places with any sheboon. Not one.

Shes hot af but..
Are they degenerate? Talking loud, playing music off mobile phones in public etc?

T. Memer

Black women have that nasty metallic iron smelling body odor. It's a big turn off. And their giant asses create a strong stinking nether region. I think it's because they can't fully wipe their asses.

those lips are fine the way they are

i fuxking hate people who play music on their phones in public. it's always bad music and just so disrespectful

haha you got me dude on a meme site and everything

Randomly stopping everything and suddenly dancing in public because music.
Nigger detected.

thank you! as a woman, all i seek online is validation from strangers!

When I had a layover in CDG, literally every single person working there was black, except for one guy who was Maghrebi. Felt like landing in Mogadishu.

>*smacks lips*
R u taking the piss m8? I was trying to paint the picture

don't act like you don't do it in person too

This better?

What was that ladies name? The fake black lady.

Why do they tan and inject collagen?

I agree. They smale. They say white people smell gross to them. Guess nature is telling us something.

with a flamethrower

You mutts are such fucking liars. You mendacious horny children were calling an user fag in another thread for not being attracted to shovel faced mudsharks with big photoshopped asses.
Most of you are non-white anyway.

they should pay reparations to the descendants of whites that died in the civil war.

Tits or GTFO

Similar to the abo

Resisting black """""women""""" is as easy as walking out the front door and seeing what they look like ;^)

well duh, but I figured that was a given

I can't even resist the dark skinned black woman

>people working shit jobs


If I was ever going to plow a black chick, I would find the blackest one I could. Like the one in that webm where she's laying on a bed naked, and a white guy is playing with her butt. He spreads her open, and the contrast of pink on black is pretty aesthetic.


It's pretty tough OP

White girls smell fucking delicious.
Asians smell like urine and something sour. I guess smell is saying something.

that was easy

Abos do this ? It's good to learn something new everyday.

Why are American women always titcows?

British women and Jewish women too actually.

I have a hard time resisting

Some days are harder than others to resist their lightskin charms

Who dis?

Yeah, they think they are African Americans

But in the end I find strength through God to do the right thing

Last one was from Brazil. Same as American nigress


Because Lupita

they just look like tan whites with pig faces, why would anyone risk having goblin babies for that?

If you believe that image it’s no wonder your country has fallen to the sand people.


Even a half breed is a downgrade. I want my children to look like me and be as smart as me. Fuck racemixing.

>light skinned
Pick one, abo

Better shooping skillz?

>Be me
>Met qt black woman
>She was really into interracial shit
>Ended up practically RPing a plantation owner and his housenigger
It was a pretty crazy experience desu, more?


they still identify as black and have 60% african genes

With pitchforks and torches

It's a moral imperative to bleach mulatto broads.

These black nationalist flags are the best ways to spot larpers. No true black nationalist would spend time posting their women on pol trying to convince them they are attractive.

Greentext thread? Go on...

I know the one you're talking about but can't remember her name. She was head of the NAACP in some city in Washington though, should be enough for a jewgle search.

did I miss something?


I don't know why it's so funny, this must be how niggers feel about mudsharks.

i woman that can pull off sarcasm?
you must be a trap boy

rachel dolezal

You worried you'll have to settle for a guy like that? Have you already?

Thanks alleged femanon.

Frankly those are gorgeous lips.


getting accused of being a trap is the highest compliment i've received on this site, so thanks

>Greentext now!

>One white women (Rachel Dolezal) out of tens of millions of white women faked being black
>all white women want to be black

got discord?

>Sweat smells like urine
>Pussy smells like moldy cabbage
>Higher risk of STDs

Woohoo! Where do I sign up?

I can't. Love them.