

why they got the good end

Fuck my shit up family.

Because it was unexpected.

How did they not know they were living each others lives 3 years apart? Did they never see the date on their phones?

obviously not, did you even watch the movie?

I think Shinkai was tired of doing the unrequited love thing. 10 Centimeters, Garden of Words (except the manga) and Voices of a Distant Star all have sad endings.

It's really weird that he likes making the same movie so much. Someone must've broke his heart or something.

It just doesn't make sense. Especially when writing in their phone diaries, it should say the year and day of the post.

you are retarded

not in whatever app they were using.

Also they mentioned that whenever they woke up from switching bodies it would feel like a dream, so assuming that, details were fuzzy at best.

Because they said body-swapping was like a dream, and you forget stuff when you wake up from a dream

nice shill

good point, but please stop being so fastidious and start enjoying good things. after all, the first thing you must accept is the whole body-swapping thing, which is not exactly realistic.

nice try miyamoto, your movie was shit though

kimi no na wa saved anime you faggot

I like how everyone gets held up on the "why don't they look at the dates!" when the more glaring moment is, Why did the diaries start to delete themselves?

I was more irked by how you can apparently miss an entire day of Japanese school and not notice until other people comment on how possessed you were. Is the curriculum identical every day? Do they not cover yesterday's homework?

Butterfly effect. I mean, it's fucking flawed because it would happen instantly and not somehow gradually change things, but there's no other real explanation.


are you ok

Mods must've thought you were posting the meme that shall not be named.

Its not really a butterfly effect, nothing changed when he found out what happened to mitsuha, and he didn't start messing with the timelines until later. You could argue it was schizophrenia type shock but that seems a reach.

But in the end this is a movie for the Heart.

Hol up, I get that the bitch is covering her face from the sun, but why is the guy doing the same when he is not looking at the sun?


Please stop watching the movie.

watch the movie

literally impossible

i'm always rewatching it

>watch one shinkai movie
>you've watched them all

delete this

Didn't he say in one of his interview that his first love broke his heart and he was bitter about it this entire time?

But it's true.