Fuck this is actually pretty good, 4 episodes in and it's a non-stop train :^) of fun

Fuck this is actually pretty good, 4 episodes in and it's a non-stop train :^) of fun.
Nice animation, fun cast, great music and visuals, but apparently it turns to shit, do i proceed or nah?

It gets bad starting at like episode 7 or so, and just ramps up the retardation from there.

Episode 11 is the stupidest episode in an anime I've ever seen.

if you are enjoying it so much why the fuck would you stop watching it?

stop watching it when biba comes in, it goes shit to dogshit real fast

>Kabaneri was good at first! It only gets shit when Biba comes around!

It was always edgy derivative shit. Not a single original thought in this anime. Anyone who thought that it was good at any point has a double digit IQ

it never turns to shit
it's a decent anime, great production values, and satisfactory story

Do not watch this tripe.

What anime
It looks edgy

It wasn't amazing or anything but it was perfectly watchable.

Who do i believe?

It was watchable, even fun. But it was shit. Just like SnK.

They get noticeable lazy somewhere near the end and stop trying.

>It only gets shit when Biba comes around!
But it's true. It was really nice until Biba came around swinging his retarded "muahaha I am a villain" attitude and dragging the entire quality of the show into the bottomless pit.

See for yourself.

Kabaneri of the iron fortress, i think i'm just gonna proceed, it's not like i have anything to lose i'll finish it later


>>decent anime, great production values, and satisfactory story
>contrived bullshit like pic related, panning still frames beyond episode 2, and other nonsensicality

>it was fun but it's also shit
Explain yourself

I was a little sad when they went full resident evil boss but I regret nothing

It crashes and burns harder than any anime I've ever seen. I've even illustrated it. If you are having fun with it, then keep watching but the last 2 episodes are the shittiest anime I have ever seen and I'm a no-life anime neet and have seen a TON of crap.

Code Geass is fun but it's shit.
SnK is fun but it's shit.
Naruto is fun but it's shit.

But how can it be shit if you enjoyed it?

Because people can like bad things.

But why is it bad if you said you had fun watching it? Doesn't that mean it's good?

No. English must not be your first language.

Believe yourself. Watch it and form your own opinions you fucking parasite.

It's great and it's getting a continuation in 2018.
Have fun OP.

>getting a continuation
Who in the actual fuck asked for this?

Except that the narrative and the writing in general got measurably and objectively worse the moment he was introduced. Sure, my interest in the show was waning well before then, nearly to the point of dropping it all together, but Biba made me actively hate the series as a whole, and to continue watching it, which is even worse.

Keep watching and realize that anime isn't actually that great

Wait until near the end where it gets so horrendously stupid

Best memes.

I don't know who asked for it, but I'm happy that it's getting a season 2.
Araki seems to be really interested too, since he'll continue as Kabaneri's director while SNK s2 was handed to someone else (I know he's still going to help though)

Just rewatched it yesterday. Its retardation is much more bearable when you don't have to wait 1 week between episodes. While I thought it was fun and at times annoyingly stupid during my first watch, this time I'd say it was simply fun and stupid without becoming annoying and I really enjoyed watching it. Finishing this show a second time made me actually look forward to S2.

It stops being this.


Episode 7 was a good slice of life episode.

There are still a lot of fans in Japan.

This. It was best series I saw in 2016 other than 3gatsu. I didn't like the Biba arc, but I don't think series overall deserves the hate it gets.

It truly had some decent potential IMO. I liked the the characters and the premise, then when ANTAGONIST FIGUREHEAD comes along it heads south really fast.

The whole reason the show went to shit.

ha ha it seems you are new

>you're retarded if you found the good in a beautiful, action packed, thriler.

Take it easy, contrarian-kun. Us adults can actually watch a series for enjoyment instead of Sup Forums cred

I would pick Ikoma's pepper.

Like a lot of anime that end up being shit it starts out with an interesting premise, interesting characters, and interesting setting but suffers from an absolutely retarded plotline that fails to make good use of the premise, characters, and setting.
This is an exceptional offender because as stated above, the main antagonist's motivations and actions are beyond retarded and make no sense within the setting.

Drop it when the guys they threw off the train catch up to it by foot.

and anyone who didn't manage to notice the massive drop in quality on every level when Biba comes around has a single digit IQ. You don't even have to like the series from beginning to notice it.

Isn't 7 the one where they defeat the smog monster and MC kun gets told he won't be able to succeed but then he goes shonen and I CAN DO IT and he does it.

No, that's episode 6. He can do it because he has an indestructible habanero body.

Episode 7 is where they go buy supplies for the train and MC-kun promises to fill the heroine full of rice.

It starts strong but stagnates in the middle and Biba is a fucking terrible villain. Maybe the second season can salvage it.

Oh that was decent, yea.

>Episode 11 is the stupidest episode in an anime I've ever seen.
I don't even remember what happened in this show

The OP was good though

>it had fucking psychic powers capable of derailing trains weighting tons of kilograms from the start
I went in expecting zombie-increased strength,as advertised in the first 4 episodes and at the end I got all habaneros suddenly becoming the fafnir knight with telekinsis.

A new Kabaneri novel comes out today. It takes place between episodes 6 and 7 and seems to focus on Mumei's past.

Well that's neat. I'm kinda surprised they're putting so much effort into making something out of this series.

isn't a season two in the works?

The series seems to be a labor of love for Araki and the other staff, such as the setting supervisor Junpei Kasaoka who is the one writing the novels.

I'm reading the prequel novel Akatsuki right now. It gives a lot of detail on the setting and insight into the characters. It's also written better than most light novels.

Yes, coming out in 2018. To bridge between season 1 and the next one, they added a new scene to the end of the compilation movies that came out a few weeks ago, and also released a drama CD (which I really enjoyed. I can summarize it for you if you want).

So if it's a labor of love and they have good writers, what in the fuck happened to the second half of the series

How about the big bad in the zombie apocalypse?

Nothing, it was great.

I think they got overambitious and tried to cram too much story into a twelve episode series. There wasn't enough time to develop Biba and his motivations, so to go from introducing him as a hero and then killing him as a villain in only five episodes didn't leave much room for nuance.

While his character is technically one of the major fuck ups I don't think knowing his motivations and why he became a villain would help.

Also, "introduced as a hero"? He screamed bad guy from the instant he showed up.

As far as the characters knew when they first saw him, he was a hero who had slain many kabane when the bushi couldn't. They didn't know he was evil until he started to put his plan into motion in episode 9.

It was shown why he became a villain; I meant that it would have helped if they had written him with more shades of gray instead of as a completely merciless sociopath. They had the genesis of something interesting by portraying him as someone with similar views as Ikoma (hating cowardice and fear, wanting to fight the kabane head on instead of hiding in walled fortresses), just with very different views on how far to go. But they went too far and made him too detestable to sympathize with.

Mumei is my musume.

I found it really enjoyable.
People who shit on it usually are just apart of a hivemind.
I think they were just baited into thinking it was gonna be something more profound.
It's definitely enjoyable though.

It's enjoyable for the first half

I don't know what gave some people the impression that it was going to be something profound. The main draws of the first couple episodes were the action and setting and didn't contain anything particularly deep.
I do think the characterization, especially for the MC and heroine, was better than average quality for an action series though.