Anyone else going back to democrat after Net Neutrality? At least they care about our internet freedom

Anyone else going back to democrat after Net Neutrality? At least they care about our internet freedom.

Other urls found in this thread:

>be reddipleb
>think repub govt bad
>wants repub govt to keep magic internet powies

Is there any other choice?

no. your stupid. educate yourself before making yourself look like a fool. also possible bait. sage to be safe.

Your a clear shill,but for people who click this thread here

to understand why net neutrality is retarded all you have to do is think what do you have to do to make everything equal on the internet,simple the government must create regulations and place stress on the internet in order to make everyone the same it is literally socialism for the internet by creating regulations you restrict the voluntary actions of businesses and you restrain any competition from existing businesses those existing businesses will become monopolies overtime or die out,not to mention the fact that the corporate Elite you know the people who actually own monopolies support net neutrality it's almost like they're lying about what net neutrality actually does because if it in fights monopolies then why in the hell would monopolies support it.

The only problem with that neutrality being repealed would be that the government can easily just create more regulations that'll be even more strict than net neutrality,a net neutrality 2.0.

This is a generic ass response because you're not worth the individual effort to actually reply to because quite frankly you're too retarded to even look up the most basic information on it

KYS worst LARP Ever

Well yeah since it killed me i have to vote democrat

I don't even think you're an actual shill because that file name is just too blatantly bait. But for people who actually are worried about NN, understand that what the FCC voted to do away with is bullshit constructed by Tom Wheeler. Net neutrality is a concept, not a specific piece of legislation or policy. The net neutrality alarmists either don't understand the context for what the debate is actually about at the policy level, are willfully ignorant and only watch John Oliver for news, or are partisan hacks looking for anything to chimp out over.

>Anyone else going back to democrat

I never left traitor. Glad to have you back though. Resist user!


I'm so scared I won't be able to watch porn you guys.

>Government regulation
C'mon man

B-, C+. It's decent bait. Have this (you) and this sage.

Yeah. Burnie was right.


>Doesn't have extensive series of external hard drives filled with porn.

>giving control of something to a government that is accountable to your vote is less freedom then giving control of something to corporations that are only accountable to the top shareholders.

magapedes, ladies and gentlemen

Trump keeps up this Israel shit I'm voting straight democrat

I never said that. I'm neutral on the subject of NN. but saying that regulation is freedom is just moronic.

Betraying the nation and your people for "Internet Freedom"

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Who gives a fuck about NN. After the new tax plan hits I will be able to afford a Bonded T3 line for my scorpion.

"Freedom" means "lack of coercion", not "getting what you want".
You can choose to not do business with corporations that have regulations in place which you disagree with. You can't choose to not do business with the government.
I.e. freedom dictates government doesn't regulate the internet.

>but muh corporations are supported by government subsidies, tax benefits, government-assisted monopoly
I agree, all those things are violations of freedom.

Oh I know what you mean user! I'm with you. After net neutrality was repealed and the world ended I had finally opened my eyes. After about a week of net neutrality being repealed and mass murders and wide spread rape happening, well let me just tell you I regret my decision to elect doland blurrmpf. I mean, I haven't been able to browse Sup Forums since that day. My life is in shambles right now. Somone should seriously shoot and rape the corpse of these people that have opposing views


THE dems want what they always want for the people
You completely distracted while taking away your strength and making you hopelessly dependent on welfare
The matrix redpill was waking up and seeing you were Really connected to the internet and on life support being owned by robot masters
Red pill isn’t waking up to fight the dems it’s waking up to realize you’re in the dems world right now and you must fight it
Ban internet all together take down the machines start a new reality

No sjws have ruined the left.

Repealing "net neutrality" was a good thing.

Fuck off /leftypol/

I was just larping about nazi stuff. I don't actually want to lose my neet freedom. I don't want to lose the stuff I actually care about.

>At least they care about our internet freedom.
lmao 10/10