Why are you against net neutrality?

Why are you against net neutrality?
I don't want BS Larping replies. Nor external links.
I don't know anything about it to have a pro or an against opinion.

Why would you go on Sup Forums if you don't want shitposts?

Fewer Indians on Sup Forums

I don't know how NN will decrease Indian users on Sup Forums but ok.

Sup Forums is too autistic to keep up anything important



seems like it.
The other replies are not trying even in their insults.

The internet was fine before net neutrality. The idea that internet providers will suddenly start selling internet "packages" is simply retarded paranoia. The main actual issue with net neutrality is throttled internet speeds, but while this has often been portrayed as regular people getting worse internet than major companies the most notable case was the opposite with a major website (netflix) getting their speeds throttled. However the issues regarding internet throttling should be considered on an individual basis regarding relations between companies and other companies or consumers.

Put simply if Comcast says they have internet speeds of X and start throttling your internet sue them. If Netflix has their speeds throttled they can sue Comcast.

Not against net neutrality. I'm against the FCC in charge of enforcing net neutrality.

Regulatory capture will just ensure the ISP monopolies will remain entrenched by lobbying the FCC and using it to destroy its competition.

I'd rather fight against a few corporations where the market can at least possibly provide alternatives rather than fight against the FCC.


Because it's a scam for the government to slowly usurp power over the internet. Every thing you fear will happen due to the repeal of NN already falls under current law.

Fuck off you kike. This shit is over. Move On.

I want American off this board

Why do you want 5 unaccountable bureaucrats (on an agency dedicated to censoring shit) to have unlimited regulatory control over broadband internet behind closed doors that was intended for Hillarys' FCC to censor "muh russia" (sites like Sup Forums)?

I fully believe the internet is going to be ruined no matter what - but let me put it simply.

The term 'net neutrality' SOUNDS positive, it sounds like a somewhat good thing - but the man who coined this phrase is an academic who had previously worked in government (specifically law and law enforcement, not the side of people, but on the side of 'Leviathan'). His book is basically a long argument that government intervention and control of the internet is GOOD - now it should be noted that he's reasonable liberal and isn't arguing for complete control, and part of his argument is that some controls are necessary to make it safe to provide for 'free expression', etc - but the reality is that his view is overly statist and anti-freedom. He literally believes that limits on free speech and content ARE justifiable, in the interests of wider society.

'Net Neutrality' really is the banner movement for groups like the Open Society which is a group funded by literal billionaires who believe in shaping society in a way that they desire by funding fake political organisations. It's no joke or conspiracy, this is literally what they do. Here in Australia there was one organisation speaking up and making a big deal about net neutrality, and guess what? They're an Open Society front. Regardless of whether you agree on their actual values - these are money-funded groups POSING as "grass roots" movements to alter the political landscape...and one of the major sub-movements involved in this group is feminist activism.

Ask yourself - if there is one major threat to freedom of speech and action on the internet, who is it really? Is it people using bitcoin? hackers on OSRS? Anonymous? Nigerian scammers? Russians?

Or is it women who openly demand that certain speech be curtailed because of the "offence" it might cause? I'd say it's the people who OPENLY ADVOCATE CENSORSHIP - those feminists.

See this:
NN exists to control you and everything you say.


>Soros funded

Why do you think it was neutral?
Because it wasn't


More requirements on ISPs (or whoever builds that internet stuff) makes it harder to build profitable infrastructure. When it becomes harder to guarantee that you can actually make a profit after investing tons of money on internet tubes, fewer companies are going to take the risk.

If you want fantastic internet, get rid of every last government regulation and restriction that could possibly get in the pay of making a buck off it.