The west is so degenerate that women have to go husband hunting on Morocco!

The west is so degenerate that women have to go husband hunting on Morocco!

That women is not white. She is a female shitskin hunting male shitskins in a shitskin country. So, what is your point?


Um, sweetie she is Iberian and hence white xx

she’s an old lady. doesn’t she know this? her hope is gone

They don't look for husbands, these women look for pets.
They probably have a pension and house almost paid for, they just want some decorations.

I honestly wasnt expecting this from Spain. Seriously wtf.

Nvm. Shes doing this crap all over the world for the likes.

Thanks for posting with the meme flag so I know not to click the link

>I honestly wasnt expecting this from Spain. Seriously wtf.

Wait, what? How?

Spain is the most degenerate country in the world.

Literally the Sweden of southern Europe if not much worse.

A country where our "right-wing" puts more socialist economic policies than your portuguese actually socialists in power.

A country where men are literally second class citizens before the law, where jailing men for "gender violence" without any burden of proof is the normal procedure. A country where if you divorce your wife you are ruined economically for the rest of your life.

I have no respect for Spain because it's not my country anymore, it was stolen from us from within, it's a social-democrat dystopian shithole. I was born here and all my ancestors are Spaniards, but according to the progressives in power now I'm as foreign and as local as any Moroccan or Sudanese who lands in a boat from Northern Africa.

So go on, roast this fucking shithole, Spain is in agonizing dead, just give it a quick and merciful ending, another one bites the dust after so many others, just let it die already and maybe something better will be born out of its ashes.

Single post-menopause women are made up exclusively of two categories, crazy cat ladies and crazy migrant ladies.

Why is Spain like this? A reaction from a Franco era?

What you're describing frustrating you is normal everywhere in every era, in every city you can think of that had prosperity and an easy access travel.

Pick your community and start your own tribe with a woman. You'll feel better, promise.

Spain is a fascist state masquerading as a democracy

Hm... Old looking skin, wrinkles? Go figure. Women are having a very rough time after the age of 30.

Look at the state of her,wrinkles droping face and horrible aged features everywhere,I know how real women look buy this one is no loss as she is a shit skin who is 30+and has no value,cant even look after the one thing we look for in a partner

From personal experience, moroccans are actually the chillest muslims of all i think. Although that woman is clearly a slut what is all that about "husband hunting" wtf... and of course if you are a western woman who respect yourself, you wont look for a husband in a backward and discriminatory society like the muslim one. Even the chillest muslims are fucked up about basic values compared with the west

Leftists are the real fascist! Maga fellow pede!

Don’t lose hope. Your ancestors have prevailed against worse odds, once shit comes to fighting to the death, you will prevail as usual.

This, these women are satisfying their fetishes, not looking for a peer or life partner.

She's Italian.

Morocco is quite chilled when it comes to muslim countries and as far as I’ve heard the locals are pretty good and friendly people, even to obvious Westerners. Moroccans in Europe are a different thing though, because usually it’s the trash who abandons their homeland to go and leech on a different continent (see: your overtly heretic trash going to the Americas).

Literally like those sexpats in asia, but when a man does its called 'bleaching'

are you sure that's a woman?

I want a white mommy like her

so not white, moorish
spain must be cleansed! Ave Maria!