You are being confronted by a liberal, you have 10 seconds to say the most triggering thing imaginable

You are being confronted by a liberal, you have 10 seconds to say the most triggering thing imaginable
What do you say?

I'm not responsible for the holocaust.

shit at this point?

We must secure the existence of our people and the future of white children

There are only two things Hitler did wrong: Losing the war and killing Hitler

Im white.

It's ok to be white

Hitler didn't kill himself tho.
>CIA leaks
>Operation High Jump

There are only two sexes. Black people steal. Forced immigration is white genocide. Hilary Clinton eats kids. Obama wasn't even born in the US. Traps are gay. Let me see your tits.

It's about triggering normies, not the truth you meme flag using degenerate.


This sadly

I vote fvd

I wish Holocaust actually happened.

I believe in human rights, which blacks are not human. Get the gas.

"I don't even watch Rick & Morty"


I am a white muslim that believes hitler was a saint and wants to start a system of eugenics to purge all inferior genes from the earth. Allahu Akbar and Seig Heil.

this kills the liberal


"Are all liberals retarded, or does your anger come from your BMI?"

i have a black friend


No thanks

Kek. Beat me to it

The Holocaust is a joke.
Hail Hitler

Snap to attention, throw a Roman salute, the elaborate one where you start at your chest and extend your arm out, and yell "Seig Heil!"

Obama was the worst President in American history and it will take another 400 years until we can wipe his stink off of the country.

Trump will do it in 8

Races aren't equal, religion is important part of identity, ones who reject their past and identity don't deserve respect of present or right to the future.
WW2 was a Jewish plot to cause the rise of marxism, and they succeeded but marxist economic model is unsustainable so it collapsed after 40 years.
Now, with misplacement of whites they try to repeat this, but with a revised system.
Jews are currently successful in their schemes, because they wield unproportionate amount of influence in media, so they're the ones deciding in democracy, because they hold sway over public opinion.
They also like to invoke white guilt, via Holocaust, which nota bene even if it was of magnitude claimed (doubtful), would not be the first, nor last, nor greatest; to make whites accept zionism as justified, while nationalism as not.
Zionism is radical Jewish nationalism, btw.

Equality is a spook.

God damn it I was going to say that.

Holocaust is a hoax, nigger.

The holocaust is a hoax and Hitler did nothing wrong, ever.



There are only 2 genders

the pharmacy corporation I work for says differently. We have three genders in our system. Male, Female. and Dog.


“You know, I wish that the holocaust really did happen....”


>ambiguous cia document u dindnt read = massive conspiracy

Keep the moon shining and have a blessed white day..Top kek 1488

" I shoudn't have to pay for your healthcare/food..."

Based Pole.


Hitler was abused by his father he suffered head injuries and was also prescribed a concoction of pills by a doctor no wonder he went a little bit crazy. So actually Hitler the victim because yes he did horrible things however he's been torched throughout time and he was also a victim

I believe all women should exist as property and provide for their children. They also cannot be raped or ask for divorce. All gays and Jews should be killed. Violence against degenerates is a good thing. Also I'm Muslim so you can't say shit about it, whore.

Being trans is a mental disorder

>You hate the objectification of women, right?
>But at the same time, you promote and encourage drag queens (even child drag queens), which are basically a parody of women, both in behavior and appearance
>So what's up with that?
I'd like to see them find their way out of this one.

There is no such thing as the "Palestinian People"

It's not white males, but jewish males that are oppressing you. We have a similar enemy. This has been your daily dose of counter-semitism. Make America Great Again and Merry Christmas.

I believe women should be chained to the kitchen sink, with just enough slack to reach the bedroom

Closet faggot detected

I am actually a bisexual, how did you find that out?
Anyway, what I pointed out is a legitimate case of doublethink by the left. I WANT to see them try and justify that.

I'd add to that:

There are three things Hitler did wrong
>Losing the war
>Not starting the holocaust
>Killing Hitler

There are only two genders and only one of them should have the right to vote.


I disagree

Fuck you, fuck niggers, fuck beaners, fuck Muslims, and fuck faggots. They all need to die