Question: Should the poor murder the rich?

Ive been asking myself and friends this question lately. It comes from something Napoleon said. So far nobody is able to give me a good reason as to why the poor would not be better off by murdering the rich.

What do you think user-san?

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Gib reasons as for why they should. Elaborate on something that is not HURR IT'S TRUE BECAUSE SOMEONE SAID SO

there are 2 things in life that matter: what a man can do and what a man cant do.
I can pay 3 homeless guys to stab you, but you will never be able to convince them to kill me if you dont have money.

i see you are a swede you have one of the lowest gini index in the world why would you think about shit like that no wonder your women like muslim dick

there are 2 things in life that matter: what a man can do and what a man cant do.
I can pay 3 homeless guys to stab you, but you will never be able to convince them to kill me if you dont have money.

i see you are a swede you have one of the lowest gini index in the world why would you think about shit like that no wonder your women like muslim dick

Charles Manson already tried it....didn't work

Go back to somalia


>all the geniuses, all the skilled will die because you are sick of them.

Yeah great enjoy your economy fuck-ups you cunt.
You'll be crying the moment you realize oppression-pink hair dye ran out because supply-chain doesn't work anymore.

>zimbawe "kills" the rich white men
>zimbawe starves and regrets "killing" the rich white men
You're medically retarded.

Since murder is by definition unlawful killing, no, the poor shouldn't murder the rich because no one should murder anyone.

>rich guy earned his fortune through hard work and good business deals
>poor guy does fuck all and demands gibs from the goverment
>"lets kill teh rich guise and teke ther monies"
literall niggers

The only reason you would consider murdering the rich is if you believe the economy is a zero sum game, and if you believe that, you are a brainlet nigger. Violent niggers should not be encouraged.

No but fyi... The World's 8 Richest Men Are Now as Wealthy as Half the World's Population. Amancio Ortega.
Warren Buffett.
Mark Zuckerberg.
Carlos Slim Helu.
Larry Ellison.
Michael Bloomberg.
Bernard Arnault.
Charles and David Koch

yes; but only the niggerloving parasite rich, not those who contributed

in sweden the rich grouped together to import shitskins so they could get cheap labour and lower peoples wages

That's 9.

>leafs can't count

Sure, go for it. Just don't be surprised when the rich use their vast wealth to bring the fucking hammer down. Everyone wants to grab as much as they can before they die. Sometimes the poor get lucky and get the rich's money, and usually they go right back to being poor after killing each other to get the bigger share. Why do you think lottery winners all either get killed or become broke after a few years?

>poor murder rich, take their stuff
>poor now rich
>middle class the new poor
>former middle class/new poor murder new rich/former poor, take stuff
> former middle class/!new poor become new rich

You’re basically advocating an endless cycle of violence with this kind of thinking.

> Thoughtlessly kill the people who maintain the economy, rule of law and your standard of living
> Expect it will magically make the poor better off

OP will now proceed to special pleading. "We'll only kill the bad rich." "Every poor person would be a decent law-abiding person without the rich." "No, of course there wouldn't be opportunists who take the opportunity to become new rich warlords." "But when I want to murder people, I want it for good reasons and the outcome will always be good!"

Protip from a burger: establish a new system to keep shit running before you tear down the old system; don't just hope one springs up from nowhere like the French, Russians, or Turks.

We live in a democracy. Shouldn't we have a referendum on whether the government should execute the 0.1% and seize their assets?

The government's powers are derived from the people. This isn't merely a matter of consent. It is also a question of what natural rights people have. There is no right to kill in cold blood, so we could not possibly yield such a right to the government.

(Which is also why the death penalty should not be Constitutional.)

What would you consider rich? Are you going to check account balances to make sure you are murdering the right people? Are we talking 1% here or upper middle class?

Ask the communists how well that worked out for em. The party bosses ended up living well and the workers were still living like shit.

No, your democratically elected leaders did.
>they were brainwashed
Rich people can't be brainwashed?

Don't forget to sage, if you feel the urge to take the bait.

No, you force everyone to have the exact same amount.

Yes it's bait, but it's an opportunity to suggest to young people who might be around this morning to read up on both the Soviet and Chinese commie parties in the years immediately after they came to power, and to look for parallels with those advocating strong left positions today.

Class warfare is part of the kikes plan. Read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion

>Poor murder the rich
>Get whitey

Are you sure you are old enough to post here?

There’s no way that’d Happen. You can’t maintain equality by force.
They ones doing the handing out or enforcing might skim a little extra for themselves, due to all the hard work they do that goes into wealth redistribution.
And even if you could enforce and equal handout, there’s no way wealth would remain equal. In a week, some of the newly rich would find themselves poor again, and the guy who invested in a store selling fried chicken or booze would find himself rich.

Why not execute the 1%? 10%? 25%? 49.99% What bracket are you in? What majority would be necessary to murder you and give your shit to people who flunked out of college?

I think redistributing 40% of the total wealth for 1% of the population is plenty enough. The top 1.85% for an absolute maximum.