Why would I teach my children that violence is an acceptable option to solve issues?

Why would I teach my children that violence is an acceptable option to solve issues?

It is when you have to show them the wrong way of dealing with a situation

Cause it is you cuckold

I received cold shower.

I was spanked as a kid. The thought of doing the same to my kids makes me sick, yet I spank my wife all the time.

kids are small humans with underdeveloped brains. you gunna reason with someone who literally doesnt have the ability to understand? or the moral/ethical compass to know what is right or acceptable?
just spank the fucking kid if it needs to learn that what it is doing is wrong
-obviously use digression

My dad is a BJJ coral belt trained under the Gracie family. He never spanked me. It was usually some variation of a chokehold or an ambar or a leglock or something. I remember how bad he gi choked me using my school uniform's collar when he caught me smoking.

You damn right I stopped.

I was spanked. Was always a little shit getting into trouble anyways. Guess I was destined to be a white nigger.

Yes, I was since 10 to 17 and fully support it. By no means it was a child abuse. The line between child abuse and corporal punishment is in administration of the punishment. That's how understanding of the law, understanding of the action and consequence develops. rods, paddle and cane (instruments used in our household) represent the legal action in its severity appropriate to misbehaving. Main thing is to avoid random beating - that's child abuse. Our mother and governess had a notebook for each kid, where she kept track of misbehavior during the week and where to each fuck-up certain amount of strokes was adjusted. On Saturday at 10 AM punishment began. Before the time it was our job, to bring long wooden bench in the center of the living room, prepare tools and wait. Then our governess would walk in, read from each note aloud what happened during the week and proceed with punishment. By seniriority. Elder sister first, me next and younger brother last. Once it's done with you, you wait until everyone receives it. All of our family are decent citizens with no issues in the end of the day
>Would you spank your child?
Good ol’ cane, rods and paddles are all theirs

my mom spanked me a good bit. never my dad.

Because it is. Violence comes in many forms.

You sound like a libcuck. Violence is the ONLY ANSWER

I was spanked. I spank my kid. Spankings are not about hurting kids physically, you want to get their attention.

That's a weird homoerotic fantasy you have there. Tell me more about your daddy issues.

Spanking is the only proper way to deal with beings that are incapable of proper reasoning such as children, women, dogs, etc.

Yes, and yes only at a young age when there are no other understandable consequences. My dad and mom would use a belt and shoe and just take out how pissed they were on me like a nigger or something. I didn't learn anything from it, I don't remember anything I did and I was still a terrible teenager who got in trouble with the police and even FBI, and just a dick in general. Didn't really work

Violence solves everything. If you don't reach your kids when to use it, they become violent criminals.

Spanking women merely encourages them to do whatever wrong thing they did again.

And how the fuck do you spank a dog?! LMAO

>And how the fuck do you spank a dog?! LMAO
With a stick or a whip. You don't want the dog to associate your hand with violence but it needs to be taught a lesson when it goes wrong.

>Spanking women merely encourages them to do whatever wrong thing they did again.
You're not doing it properly then.

>With a stick or a whip
That's not spanking you stupid cunt.

No, really. He did the same to my two brothers and my sister. It never left any bruises or marks or anything. He's a sadistic fucker like that. He's 70 years old now and he'll still pull some shit if I shake his hand or something. He dislocated my sister's fiancee's shoulder when he tried to jokingly test him by saying he could take him, then he popped the fucking thing back into place and gave him some ice.

Doesn't matter as long as it hurts.

I was spanked and am for it. As the religious community would call it "an ear opener". Let's the child know what the boundaries are.

Although there's obviously a right time and place to do it. The child isn't dumb and knows what they did was wrong. They know that you want what's best for them. Otherwise they're being abused.

>You're not doing it properly then.
There's no way to do it properly. You'll just assert yourself as the bigger asshole and all of her guilt will be assuaged. Psychological punishment works far better than spanking. Stop watching porn.

Lotta weirdos on Sup Forums...

I got smacked in the face if I pissed off my father. Don't really recommend it.

That's obviously a wrong application for discipline..

Is having been beaten by their white-trash parents the reason why right-wingers are so thoroughly mentally and emotionally unstable?

If HE is old enough and acting like a complete inhuman spoiled shit (outright antagonizing people or something) at a public/family event then yeah I'm gonna smack that fucker silly, moreso man to man than father to son.

It wasn't that bad, he taught me and all of us a bunch of cool tricks that came in handy later on in life, especially once I got older and started going out to bars and stuff. But at the same time it probably wasn't too beneficial to grow up like that. I think most Brazilians grew up like that afaik.

Hitting children is how niggers raise children. Spanking is last resort. Effective, concrete discipline is how I raise my children.

1) When I say something, I follow through. My kids know that if I threaten time-out and they act up, I will put them in time out.

2) Explaining why I discipline. They respect authority and understand why discipline is necessary.

My children are well behaved. They say please/thank you, they say sir/ma'am.

I fucking love to be spanked

>It wasn't that bad, he taught me and all of us a bunch of cool tricks that came in handy later on in life, especially once I got older and started going out to bars and stuff
"Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Especially since they're such good size and all."
"Hmm! I can see that!"
"Sometimes, when I pull on it, I rip the skin!"
"My daddy taught me how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth."
"Can you show me?"
"I'd be RIGHT HAPPY to!"

>Would you spank your child?
I spank my children and wife when they misbehave and deserve it. It is only right to do

>Were you spanked as a child? Would you spank your child? Are you for or against spanking and why?

I wouldn't mind getting spanked again though preferably not by my dad or mom :^)

It is because it is something that exist. Being a good man and a leader means you have full awareness of it being a thing.


>I fucking love to be spanked
Not very subtle.

Now THAT'S some homoerotic shit. I knew you were projecting, I just needed to goad you for a bit.

Back to /lgbt/ you go, fruitcake.

I was spanked as a child. My dad always said it was in love. My parents never really talked to me about what I did wrong. Instead they would make me sit on the edge of there bed waiting 1-3 hours for them to finish browsing the internet before coming in to spanking me. I was a bad kid so each time they'd double my lashings. It eventually got to around 50 spankings before they just quit spanking and kicking me out their house.

I'm not against spanking, I just know that it needs to be done in love and not abuse. I do not know if I will be using if/when the time comes.

what anime is that?

at least beat up someone else's offspring, why harm your own kids just because you're frustrated? makes no sense


>Auugh yeah I knew you were into fags! Straight supremacy! Poz my neghole master!

Cold showers are good for you.
Too bad they were formed as a punishment so you see them as negative.

Minami-ke Tadaima

you need to use force but not hit the child. show him you're in charge. a grab, pull, never a hit. I know tons of people who never got punished by force and they're all complete cucks that will die alone in some rent appartment after they will be forced to sell their parents house.

I think it’s fine, I was spanked. Spanking has been overblown because of a marginal percentage of adults who lost their temper or intentionally abused kids with it. Spanking is good in terms for situations where an immediate firm consequence is needed.

I was the oldest child and I was beaten harshly, thrown down stairs, etc. I am now the only one of us with a well paying career. I will not abuse my children like my father did to me and his father did to him, but if my kid steps out of line he will be made to know who is in charge.

tehee but i'm not a girl~

I think there are better ways to discipline a child. Reason being when spanking a child you're trying to strike a balance, hard enough so thats an effective deterrent but not so hard that you cause anything more than temporary discomfort. The stories you see on the news about kids being abused they are about the parents that are hitting a child like they would an adult during a fight, its fucked. But then I also believe the ones that are ok with it because "I was spanked and it never hurt me" only feel that way because their parents didn't spank them hard enough to do anything meaningful.

My punishment of choice? Take things away from the child that they like. For example we've all been in that scenario where a child is bring a little shit in a mcdonalds or something and the parent says "if you don't be quiet, we're leaving" and the child 99% of the time will call the parents bluff knowing full well it won't happen. Well, don't make it a bluff, follow through. Take away a kids treats, desserts, favourite toys, access to TV, etc. A child can learn that these threats are empty bluffs and thus take advantage of their parents inability to follow through, therefore a child can learn to obey if you don't pussy out and actually follow through.

>my dad beat me with a belt instead of actually talking to me and teaching me anything, and now I'm a directionless loser
>my dad would never beat me and instead would talk to me like a cuck, and now I'm a directionless loser
>my dad was never there and instead my mom brought me up, and now I'm a directionless loser
>my dad was around and loved me a lot and we had a real nuclear family, but somehow I'm a directionless loser
Face it, my man, genes account for like 60% of all variability. 30% is just random chance you can't control. What you can control is 10% - it doesn't even make that big a difference. Just make as many kids as you can and hope that one turns out alright - that's what humanity has been doing for thousands of years and it worked just fine.

You don't have to spank a kid to assert your authority. The issue most parents run into, just like pet owners, is that training mistakes early on come back to bite them in the ass. Parents let their toddlers do a lot of things that are bad, and wrong because they either think its cute, or don't think its a big deal. No different from letting a young puppy nip at hands when teething. Allowing the bad behavior even once will create a problem that will rear its head later in life.

Raising a child requires consistency. Consistent bed time, consistent meal times, consistent rules. A 2 year old absolutely does understand when they're doing something naughty or different, they know how to push and test boundaries. If you don't immediately correct them you'll end up with a fussy 3 year old, and that fussy 3 year old will soon become a 5-6 year old that isn't mature enough for kindergarten. That troubled kindergarten student will soon become a 1st grader on a path to academic failure who challenges authority at every turn.

I was spanked a few times, it had no effect on me at all. I was a terrible child. Nobody ever told me what to do though, growing up was just this vague nihilistic blob of 'do what you want but dont hurt anyone' like what the fuck is that

>no no no, don't spank me daddy, choke me with my school uniform instead daddy

What the fuck is wrong with leaves.

This. I was spanked as a child maybe a handful of times and it was always as a last resort and if I was doing something seriously wrong like putting my life in danger. My parents told me 2 or 3 times not to go out into the road to retrieve my ball and the catch me in the road the 3 or 4th time I get a spank. I would spank my children for something like this. Also I had friends who never got spanked and they turned out to be spoiled monsters even into adulthood.

I’d rather be spanked then treated like a fucking dog.

Are you brain damaged?

you need more spanking and somekind of auschwitz-style punishment for being a complete idiot

>tfw you were beat with la chancla

What race are you?

Except you're more likely to be violent later in life if you're spanked.

This thread shows how the cuckification of males is nearly, if not totally complete.

All of them

What's wrong with 'challenging authority' though?
Kids who are naughty and mess with the teachers get the grills. The ones who try to be good boys get bullied.

I mean, they do tend to become degenerates. Moderation in everything.

>Directionless loser


I got spanked if I was lucky. Usually I'd just get punched in the mouth.

A child that doesn't respect authority isn't going to do their homework, is going to lash out, and will develop behavioral disorders. As a parent you're trying to ensure your children have the best possible future, and that can only happen if you pass on to them the training and habits necessary to succeed. Being an ill behaved degenerate is a surefire way to get a ticket to the welfare office sooner than a stable retirement.

It was a common practice in Catholic School and Public schools in the 80's in the usa.
It worked.
That's why back then there was no ADD or learning dissabilities or hyperactivity and all that BS. Either you behaved and did your work or you faced the consequenses.

Based Russkies with proper child discipline. Pretty much how I was raised in the South. Got the belt once for lying. Now, I try to be as honest as I can. Integrity is important

Just explain shit to kids, you know? They're a lot smarter than most adults seem to think. Except for niggers, niggers own learn by being beaten or screamed at.

If your kids wants to run out in the street you know just calmly explain to them what will happen if they are hit by a car. Show them a gore video online. Tell them mommy will be very sad if they are run over and it will hurt very much to be run over and then they won't be able to watch whatever the fuck kids are watching these days that their parents shouldn't be letting them watch.

Oh god yes spank my ass!

I don't have any feeling in my buttcheeks. I remember we got paddled in high school and it only hurt because he missed and hit my tailbone

Because if you fight it, it wins!
t. Justin Trudeau

I was spanked rarely, maybe a half-dozen times total during my childhood. Whenever I was spanked, i always fucked something up really badly to deserve it. My dad never used a belt or any other tool, just his open palm, and he never did it in anger. He was solemn and calm and explained to me specifically why it had to be done afterwards.

I was spanked as a child for misbehaving, so I stopped misbehaving. Violence is the only thing some people understand. And children only understand pain vs happiness. Spanking never traumatized anyone, just gave them a lil kink.

My parents used to spank me and now I enjoy getting spanked.....

>Don't spank your children
>show them gore videos instead

ffs user what was it like in the foster home

Do no harm, take no shit

Looking at all these soybois, cucks, and sexually confused people running around in a haze of depression and purposelessness, I can honestly say I am grateful for corporial punishment.

>words don't matter
You're a stupid cunt mate

The best punishment that parents did to me that made me behave good was picking up a couple 50lbs sandbags, moving them about 100ft and do the same process for 100-200 times. It was so boring, made me cry in fustration, eating up my free time (punishment took about 40-70 minutes to complete) and if I declined (I never did) to accept this punishment, my vidyas, DVDs and computer would be locked away in a storage facility place for 2 months.

>anecdotal evidence
My dude, watch the video which actually contains empirical evidence



For, in limited circumstances.

A swat should only be used without explanation in order to stop a dangerous activity immediately. Corporal punishment otherwise acts as a component of explained rules and reasons aimed to inflict discomfort and possibly humiliation to discourage repeat behavior.

That's a great example of corporal punishment, It doesn't necessarily involve a whuppin.

However, if you refused to obey the conditions of the punishment. What is the recourse. That's when the whupping is used. It's not the first recourse.

It's almost like discipline a structure go hand-in-hand.

Because over half the world already engages in it. The only reason 1st world societies don't regularly engage in violence is because of the abundance of resources

>obviously use digression

You're still a stupid cunt, spanked or not.

You're browsing Sup Forums my dude, spanking didn't help you with shit

>you want to get their attention
teach them reason and evidence you fuck. Oh wait, you don't understand it either barbarian. Spanking is literally nigger-tier and there's evidence to prove it you TERRIBLE, BAD, DEMONSTRABLY ABUSIVE parent. You've failed as a parent. Any control you have in your house is predicated on violence. You've used violence against your own children. Kill yourself, and I mean this unironically.

>you want to get their attention.
What a fucking stupid excuse.

You're trailer trash, aren't you?

I was spanked. No ideally I would never spank my children. I would use this form of discipline sparingly not the default. I want to treat my kids better than how my parents treated me.

My sister used to spank me almost daily until I was like 13


I give my kid a choice between belt,wrench or rod.

He always choses wrench to fuck with me

All the parents here saying they hit their kids, you mind watching the video and then telling me what you think of it? I'm keen for a calm, rational, intelligent discussion, memes aside.

Looking at OP's pic...

That's not even where your kidneys are. They are more like a little below your heart on either side.

I was spanked with a wooden paddle given to my dad by the church we attended. The church was fucked up, my dad even let other male members of the church beat my ass with a paddle if i was "bad". They would go ham too it wasnt like a light spanking they used all of their adult strength. I'm an atheist now. I don't really have a great relationship with my parents or anyone from that church.

Because children lack complex empathy and sympathy. They cannot be made to understand the implications of their actions yet, but they can be made to avoid actions which cause them pain.

my dad did this to me when I was 5 years old. I had to go to school in leggings in fucking 95 degee weather for a month. which is why I hate the idea of corporeal punshment of children.

>They cannot be made to understand the implications of their actions yet
This isn't entirely true, at least not to the extent you're implying.

>they can be made to avoid actions which cause them pain
Why should this involve physical violence? You can punish without hitting.

>Children who are physically punished more often tend to obey parents less with time, and to develop more aggressive behaviors, including toward other children

Zolotor, AJ (October 2014). "Corporal punishment". Pediatric Clinics of North America (Review). 61 (5): 971–8

I'm sorry you had to go through that. How are you keeping up these days? Do you still have a relationship with him?
