Just watched shiki

just watched shiki
this faggot did everything wrong

And yet in the end he became a super vampire with all of the strengths and none of the weaknesses and kept his pocket loli while comrade doctor lost evertything.

he even killed based old man

Should have spent less time talking to loli about her being an abomination that deserves to die and more time killing the loli.

the girl that kept her mother in her house was too delicious, cant remeber if she died or not

I normally kind of like it when the bad guy wins, but this motherfucker needed to die. Piece of shit sold out all his friends and family for some immortal loli-poon.

>did everything wrong
>gets to have eternal sex with an immortal loli
>is a god
what exactly did he do wrong?

The one with blue hair?

no, the red hair one
>is a god
wait what? didnt he fuck off the town and it ended there? i remember the anime ends with everyone escaping from the fire and he going in the car

I fully agree yet I would do the same if it got me superpowers and my own immortal legal loli wife.

>this faggot did everything wrong
>Got the loli

I fucking love Sunako dude. would kill all my fellow dirty ineducated villager proletarian plebeians to get her

I bet she is used goods

That's the ultimate conclusion I imagine most of us would come to. I fucking hate this prick but I want to be him.
She got to where she is by narrowly escaping penetration every time. Surely her sweet little vampire cherry is intact and waiting for the love of her unlife.

how many people could've been saved if this retard got killed early or simply spoken about it?

This asshole carried off that bag of vampire aids because it looked like a little girl. Fucked over the point of all those dead people.

He's basically the foil for Dr. Toshio, hero of mankind and husband of the year.

Once you learn that he tried to kill himself for no real reason, you get an idea of what to expect from him.

What the fuck was her problem?

i felt bad for her until she snitched that the bar girl was hiding her mother

I really liked this series. Had a sort of darker tone to it. Wouldn't quite call it horror but its something like that. Wish I could find others fitting this sort of mold.