We all agree that Whites are evil, aight?

>Enslaved blacks since Dawn of European Empires
>Drugged China because theyre losing thr Economy war. and then waged opium wars because their opium wasnt selling.
>Committed mass genocide and mass rape of Native Americans, Africans, and Asians under the guise of Christian missions.
>Overthrew many countries leaders in Pacific islands, SE asia, Middle East, central and south America, and East Europe just so they can profit from it.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Anglos did all those things.

so did the Spanish, the French, the Germans, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the italians and the Russians.

They were weak and let others subjugate them. Despite what the media says, weaknesses are not virtues.

Spanish conquered lands in florida, california, mexico, texas, chile, argentina, columbia, cuba, venezuela, bahamas, Guam, philliphines. killed people for gold, raped people, burned villages, waged war, etc

and we're very proud of it thank you very much

hardvore when

but, blacks are still slaves? they depend on whitey to feed them with our government programs xDDDDDD


Pick one.

I firmly believe that if it were asians, blacks, natives, whoever who devoloped large ships and guns first, they'd be in the position whites are.
But whites, for whatever reason, got there first and now here we are. If your ancestors black asses made guns and ships instead of carrying jugs on their afros, you'd be in a much better position.
Your people would not be saints either if the roles were flipped, and this I know for sure.


the french were the best thing that could have happened to africa,algerian didnt want the independence they were treated as equals ,only because the rest of the muslim didnt want to european power to influence their area,

Spanish were much better the conquered thant the previous amerindians was.

Russians let the asians life their life only contributing a litle tax to the central goverment

but asians did have ships and invented gun powder

juat because some race invented ships and guns doesnt mean they can conquer, kill, and rape others.

pretty much yeah. Niggers especially. Their propensity to drag each other down socially is probably what kept them in Africa too.

Everybody can conquer, kill, and rape others, senpai. But that shit is way easier with guns and ships.
I didn't invent the guns or ships, and I also didn't contribute to the slave trade. So there's nothing for me to even be proud of or ashamed of imo.
Plus, you guys would've done the same thing if you had the same technology. Sorry but it's true. Humanity can be cruel.

Yeah, idk why I included Asians in there, but at the end of the day Europeans invented and perfected guns, not the Asians.

It's like this darkboi. if someone can they will. Any other philosophy is completely naive.

>Only people to free black people from slavery and prohibit forevermore.
>China and the far east are just parodies of the west.
>No genocide took place in the Americas instead they took vacant land only inhabited by disparate tribes of warring hunter gatheres and turned it into the most resplendent nation in history
>As for the last bit, yeah that happened recently because of a change in the dynamics of the Western nations so I'll give you that


gun powder of the chinese didnt have practical use , when mongol invaded them they will have used instead of being conquered

200 years of welfare is more than you worthless parasites deserved

Everything you said was wrong OP. So we can we all just agree that you're a faggot.

All societies engage in atrocities and barbarism. White societies were just the most successful and kept the best historical records of them. Not trying to excuse or mitigate what they did, but other civilizations were doing the same shit to their neighbors and each other, and if it wasn't "whites" who did it to these other races it would have been somebody else.

>enslaved blacks
Their nigger rivals in Africa did that. Whites (and Jews that owned the ships) just paid for them.

um what is trail of tears?

>Enslaved blacks

Black people enslaved blacks

>um what is trail of tears?

I think that's covered" land only inhabited by disparate tribes of warring hunter gatheres and turned it into the most resplendent nation in history".

Every extant race has a history of warfare. Europeans are just better at it than pretty much anyone. Sounds like sour grapes on your end? I would be pretty bummed if my ancestors got btfo, too. Try not to be bitter about it. Hate only hurts yourself.

>Has no life
>Spends his time posting anti-white subversive propaganda on pol that doesn't work
>All the attention he doesn't get from the parents that wish they weren't pro life he gets it from pol
Can't wait to buy you to make you my new toilet, nigger.
Once we get rid of jews we will enslave your entire population and we will let whites become dhimmī to keep coming up with cool inventions.

And Sup Forums, you disappoint me. You guys should smell cheap shitposting like this from a mile away, specially when the same guy made 4 in a row.

>Genocide vs 14,000 people being forced to live in Oklahoma.

Which would you prefer? Me, probably genocide. But still 14,000 makes it the mildest in history. And the fact that they weren't murdered makes it extremely mild.

>>Enslaved blacks since Dawn of European Empires
Are you implying that niggers deserve freedom? The only natural life a nigger can have is as a slave. That's when they're happiest.

If you think those things are evil, wait until I'm in a position to kill billions of shitskins.

>Whites have also been enslaved and btfo

I wish there weren't so many of you illiterate dipshits that so readily give in. Everything he said was wrong:

The baitiest of bait threads.

>slavery was exist from the beginning of the humanity
>this days the arab terrorist organization selling drugs for the same reason
>every Nation was do the same if they were the power, and the Antares
>and now to this countrys have modern halt systems and electricity

Only the american nigger could have such a shallow understanding of colonization that they would assume its inherently bad all across. Go ask any person in Liberia why every country around it is relatively richer than them and they will inmediately admit thats its because they used to be colonies.

Same in Latin America, colonial times were easily the most stable times for both the indigenous and spaniards alike, Indios were allowed and sometimes promoted to conserve their culture and language aslong as they stopped practicing their satanic religion, It wasn't until the advent of the nation states and liberal independence that the new leaders decided to destroy Indigenous cultures and lands to make way for industry and nationhood.

Google the term "ejidos" and you'll learn the perfect balance that the spanish empire had with handling the Indios all over the continent and that this all got fucked by the old school left as its always the case.

>Jerking off to the common thinly veiled white dominance fantasies.

Liberia used to be an American colony, but recently got fucked by the CIA to spite americo-liberians.

>so readily give in
lol what

>slavery was exist from the beginning of the humanity
>this days the arab terrorist organization selling drugs for the same reason
>every Nation was do the same if they have the power, and the interest
>and now to this countrys have modern health systems and electricity

>hey guys we did the bad things too
So why are you bitching about other groups that did similar things?

An American "colony" only int he sense that it was meant to be the place where they would dump al the free negroes after the civil war was over. but they were never developed with the intention of actually being a colony that would produce resources for America like every other African nation was, therefore there is hardly any infrastructure or governmental system built before it was handed back to the natives.

But you know what i mean, oh wait i forgot i was talking to a dumb nigger for a second.

White People = Evil
Evil = Awesome

Learn something new everyday.

The Liberia colony ws backed for years by the US gov, and became relatively prosperous under the rule of the Americos, but was intentionally destroyed by the CIA in the late 20th century for.....reasons.

We're all evil. And those who aren't, we kill them.

>you will never have tiny niggers slaving away to make chocolate for you 24/7

so ebil. none of the other races ever do anything wrong.

It sounds like you might know a little something about the history of liberia that i don't, please explain to me why it was deliberately destroyed by the CIA?

Basically anything you pick, whites did it first, more and with better quality. So there's that if you hate whites you hate humanity.

I would rather hand the next 300 years of global dominance to china that hand it to a niggerfied America
Go fuck yourself tyrone

>despite all of this every shitskin on earth flocks to white countries

That was the local's fault. When the Spaniards pulled up to South America some retard told them they couldn't park their boats there.

Fatal mistake. No one tells a Spaniard where he can park his boat.

I don't have a problem with any of the things you've listed. Every race is good at something; white people are good at conquest. (still trying to figure out what niggers are good for beyond dog food but I'm sure their good for something)

We were intentionally created by America to serve as a slave caste, in the unofficial American caste system. So it does not benefit the US for us to have any points of pride whatsoever, like a relatively stable nation created and ran entirely by us.

well, african guys did not invented shit so they conquered killed and rape their neighbours with spears and stones.

You realize africans enslaved whites for awhile.

>P-pls stop, whitey, w-we wuz kangz and shieet...

>African colonization meme
More Africans live in Europe than the other way around.

Oh you know, i thought it might have been because the racial minority rule of the Americo Liberians wasn't exactly a super popular model with the egalitarian tendencies of the contemporary left and just like perfectly stable systems like apartheid had to be done with because "muh segregation" so would the Liberian system go before people noticed how much of a hypocrite the US was being.


We won a long time ago

And thhe whi*Te man wonders why he is hated

You're right. Whites are horrible, evil people. You should leave the white country you live in immediately.

Don't hate the player, hate the game B-)

by 2099 we will have a nigger free world

You IDIOT. It is called NATURE's LAW. The strong dominate the weak. We took what we wanted. As long as we were not compromised and washed up by the socialist/communist, jewish agenda. Without the changes Western Societes are undegoing, we'd still behave acoriding to those laws of nature

I hate the whi*Tes

put on your red nigger sneakers & run . Kampfhund will hunt you down

The strong do as they may and the weak suffer what they must.

Weakness is a terrible thing and the Jewish propaganda machine that's turned it into a virtue will destroy human civilization after whites are wiped out.

Yes it does. If your morality falls apart in the real world then maybe you need to re-adjust your values.

What you hate is human nature. Fair enough.

Whites are evil but the only reason they are more evil than any other race is because of their willingness and ability to organize.

Blacks are more evil. Too evil to get along with one another and therefore, never able to organize enough blacks to build a ship.

Mongels were more evil and able to organize but once they ran out of places to conquer they lost their purpose and fizzled out.

Latinos are more evil but couldn't figure out proper waste disposal and died out from disease anytime they tried to group into a major city.

All we whites must do is BREED (with other whites) at the rate the Blacks and the Muzzies do. And we must take our culture back. Trump is a very tiny step. But he's a step in the right direction. White lands for whites, black lands for blacks, yellow lands for yellows....oh yeah and then there's....the Arab....well we stick 'em with the Negro and the yellows in between, where they belong

Your women will breed with black men

This isn't going to work. White's are only 10% of global population. Whites are also in nearly every developed OECD nation. Korea & Japan being exceptions and they are not accepting immigration. This is where the whole world wants to be. You want whites to make as big an impact? Then mix with other races is the best option.

>Implying those people weren't already doing it to each other
Look somebody had to end up on top and it sucks everyone is butt hurt about it. Just go cry about it with the BLM guys or something, we don't give a fuck here.

>we don't give a fuck here.
this is all pol talks about.

Ok....you nuckle heads.....during the centruries we invaded and plundered and dominated you (we STILL DO) we were not more tha today.

Since I can not see you...I assume you are either black or brown or a Muzzie...let me teach you one thing: everything you have, everything you use, everything you feel entitled to is here because of whites. We gave it to you. We will take it away from you.

Actually I do not need your lands....just need to get you OFF of my lands. That's all.

well that sure was a way to end your dumbass rant in pure hypocrisy.

They we're also "liberated" by criollos in his majority.

>Being so insecure you have to cling to dominance memes of "muh ancestors"

>mix with other races is the best option.
no. moving communities of whites to live alongside other races is the best option otherwise you get retarded mulattos. the problem is that no intelligent white person wants to live in Africa, the mid-east, or western china, South America already has BA so let the Argentinians manage that socialist hellhole.

Pick one

Hey, GqCgE/UF) what hypocrisy? You simply do not get it. I do NOT want to live in a multi-ethnic society. And not in a multi-cultural one either. It's just my choice. If you're offended by that, it is your problem, not mine

get that shit out on nigger twitter and don't post it here you fucking retard. there are shills all over these boards

Then move to eastern europe. I heard those are the closest countries to being considered white ethnostates.

>juat because some race invented ships and guns doesnt mean they can conquer, kill, and rape others.

Actually, sweetie, that's exactly what it means.

White people didn't invent ships or guns.

Weight of evidence says indeed it does.

>get you OFF of my lands
>then move to eastern europe
kek. nigger can't read. shocking turn of events

They did it because they had the power to do it, any other civilization would have done the same.
Everyone was conquering everyone at those times.

Niggers didn't invent shit, so shut up.

>at those times
what do you think is going on right now in europe pedro? you think that mass migration culture bomb isn't a form of warfare? It's why we're building a wall to keep you indios out.

All races have been slave owners.
All races have killed other people.

One drop rule. Niggers invented almost EVERYTHANG.

One race fought a war to end slavery.

The union would not have won without black soldiers

Your people were exploited as a result of Finance, not whites. Most commonly the humble (((Merchant))) was responsible.
White nationalists wish to support your people in Africa free from exploitation.
Always remember the relationship that George Lincoln Rockwell and Malcolm X had. We should not fight.