Bitcoin Bubble has Popped

Sup Forums the bubble has popped.

Lost almost 10% value in one day, dropping thousands of dollars.

Who here dodged the bullet and didn't buy into the worthless tulips?

Other urls found in this thread:

>meme flag

>BTC reaches new high
>BTC starts falling a few k in a day
>60 threads on /biz/ and Sup Forums
>next day
>BTC reaches new high
I believe its going to fail at some point. But that might be because im mad i never bought into it when i could have. This happens all the time. Its going to go back up

Will probably see $10,000 by the end of the week.

It's overvalued at the moment apparently but it'll probably keep going up overall. For a while.
Someday people might switch their bitcoins for some other cryptocurrency en masse. That's what I'd be worried about. But the current situation with bitcoins is that it's very hard to use. Transaction fees and delays are high. Most bitcoin owners are not "using" them, they're holding on to them just to switch them back to real money eventually. I'm not saying it'll crash but something is gonna happen. Some influential people might start endorsing some fork or soft-fork or auxiliary service or I dunno and it'll jump back up. Or not. Or it'll crash. Basically I don't know shit.


>not buying the dip

>in b4 BTC hits 30k over the weekend

I told you so, 15 days ago in another thread

quick vertical climb in a just a few days (as opposed to slow and steady rise) is followed by a quick vertical crash.

good news is that after that crash, bitcoin might slowly go up again even higher. it will happen again because it's a cycle and the people who set this up in the first place, the ones who fooled the masses, is gonna fool the masses again and again. it's a pump and dump.

1st step, buy when bitcoin is low.

2nd step, publish good news about bitcoin all over the mainstream media, encouraging the masses that it's a good idea to buy bitcoin and that it's safe again.

3rd step, once the masses buy bitcoins again, the chart will climb vertically again

4th step, the pump and dumpers will be waiting on top selling off bitcoins and raking in profits, poor passes will panic sell again at a loss.

5th step, rinse repeat.

You might be asking, in the 2nd step, how these pump and dumpers are able to publish news in the mainstream media to fool the masses? that's because (((they))) are the news media.

if you want to profit from bitcoin, join (((them))). buy during bad news about bitcoin and the prices are low. and sell during good news.

I made about 17K. Got rid of it all.

>Still up 1627.91% for the year
>Bubble has popped

Banker buddy who was late to the show caps me up in latest huge bitcoin swell to invest. “I’ve already made $50!”
Hehe who’s the smart my pants now I invest all my money on pork bellies and FJOC

It will 100% crash, the technology is terrible and it's way too fragile. I can't imagine how many boomers and normies bought in the last few weeks and haven't even had their transactions processed.

Looking good, Mr. Duke!

more to follow

> thinking a 10% drop is a big deal


You must be a veteran investor!!

probably just people cashing out for the holidays to buy presents and shit

problem is that its really difficult to buy and risky.

If there's a giant crash and boomers/normies lose their money, I wonder if that's going to put off people from digital currencies for a long time. Like what happened with paper money in CHYYNA hundreds of years ago (after the government started printing too much).

A 10% drop in stocks is a worldwide recession.

nvm I take that back, normie Christmas money can't influence it that much

When the shoeshine boys talk bitcoin, it's a great time to sell. When hot dog vendors, pedicurists, barroom dancers, old beggars who regularly patrol the street, toll takers, and taxi drivers all tell you to buy bitcoin, sell! It's gonna crash.

Okay, pork belly prices have been dropping all morning, which means that everybody is waiting for it to hit rock bottom, so they can buy low. Which means that the people who own the pork belly contracts are saying, "Hey, we're losing all our damn money, and Christmas is around the corner, and I ain't gonna have no money to buy my son the G.I. Joe with the kung-fu grip! And my wife ain't gonna f... my wife ain't gonna make love to me if I got no money!" So they're panicking right now, they're screaming "SELL! SELL!" to get out before the price keeps dropping. They're panicking out there right now, I can feel it.

This is when you buy

K keep me posted.

10-50% pops and drops is normal for cryptos ....

Peeps selling cuz xmas

down 2.84% in 10 minutes lol

10% you say? Oh my, how new you are at this.

Your retarded. I trade everyday and for a single asset as volatile as crypto its normal.

Thanks for the heads up, RETARD

Not enough blood quite yet, sold all at 17k right when Bscash was offered and saw the cluster fuck it was, seriously lost a lot of respect for coin putting That dagger Roger vers coins on their platform.

Yeah, probably. The coins are all popular because of bitcoin and the "success" it had.

You aint seen nothin yet leaf, wait til people cash out on jan 1. Theyre holding back for tax reasons


Why would it put people off? If anything this is a brutal crash course for some people while the banks come up with their own thing to chip the masses with.

Bitcoiners are retarded and have their head up their asses.

You mean the thing it does like twice a fucking month?


>Who here dodged the bullet and didn't buy into the worthless tulips?
I don't want to buy illegal things on the deepweb so bitcoins are useless to me

I'm just going to leave this here

I'm more concerned about paying Uncle Sam for my gains this year than I am for the future of Bitcoin
Some people make money
Some people lose money
Other people sit on the sidelines

OP is a dumb cunt.

I'm waiting for the collapse so I can buy back in.

>cashed out initial investment + chunk of profits

Who here /chill/

i made 10k usd out of trading bitcoin, but yehh i think its dead shifting to eth now. the party never stops lads

Pop goes the weasel cus the weasel goes POP.

honest question, beyond immediate market effects, what's the problem with coinbase having bch now? isn't bch technologically a better coin and should be adopted?

Ripple (XRP) is the future coin.

World famous trader Peter Brandt just confirmed the bubble pop on twitter

I hope so, I'd love to stock up on some.

Litecoin is better.

we chillin dawg

> Take all bitcoin
> upset a stock that has gained 3k % in a year has dropped 10% in a day

Coming from a guy who lost out, this was obviously a ploy by globobank to buy in and not drive the price up, then sell off. I mean it was recently invited to be publicly traded.

If anything, this is a market test by billion dollar investors...

Buy more Bitcoin


Honestly, stop paying attention to twitter and other mainstream bullshit on. I'm not saying Bitcoin is perfect, but at least people don't get "removed" for proposing to audit the Fed. because of it.

(((World famous)))
You guys shill your own so often. I'd think it was a good thing if you didn't do it at our expense.

10% is a correction, nigger faggot


I go by trends. The trend right now is down. Will it stay down? Hard to say, but it's starting to smell like a sell off.

Anyone smart should have realized it was overbought.

Just buy the fucking dip

Literally thousands of other coins with no barrier to entry. People are actually retarded enough to buy them.

>The founder of litecoin secretly sold his entire holding on his brother's exchange and made billions
>supposedly crypto will replace all banks but exchanges crash every time some one transacts, it's also slower and more expensive than banking technology which is almost 40 years old
>can't use it anywhere practical
>can't use in an emergency
>controlled by Chinese
>used primarily by criminals and spooks
>older people will never sdopt

Ya this is totally legit and not a scam

Would you bitcoin speculators fucking stop? I'm trying to buy drugs and the volatility makes deals exceptionally tough.

I'm thinking of investing when it crashes completely

world famous perma-bear Peter Schiff says bitcoin is worth "literally nothing"
sell em while you can boys.

Bitcoin, once transaction issues are fixed will easily be over $100K. Reason being there will only ever exist 21 million coins

That is the most retarded logic. A fucking leaf

holy shit wait only 21 million coins???? i'm in

The dotcom bubble 2.0, trade accordingly.

Market cap would be over 2 trillion. GDP of Canada is 1.5 trillion.

Bitcoin is not worth more than the entire economy of Canada, even if it produces idiots like you.

The only possible future in it is in low trust interbank settlement. And for that to happen, it's value needs to be stable. XRP has some banks on board, but it's still a long shot.

Most of the people speculating have no idea of the risks.

What will be truly funny is when the IRS gets the records from the exchanges and the tax audits begin. Nobody in this thread has even mentioned the tax consequences of the bill that just passed. Just goes to show you how uninformed the people piling into this illiquid "asset" really are.


Yawn, you guys are exactly like the "This will be the end of Trumps campaign" meme

Fidget spinners are way down at the moment, why don't you invest all your money in those ones?

Looks like it's gonna be a big dip this time though. But I think it should stay on a near linear increase overall. Unless the dip makes everyone panic way too much.

Its about to be in the 13s KEK.

All these middle aged white dudes who are buying all the fucking video cards on reverse mortgages are shitting themselves.

Stay poor faggot

That's interesting. I've heard of talk that eventually coin creation will grind to a halt due to computational dificulties

tomorrow morning when the normies see this 20% drop they are all gonna panic sell, normies have no balls when it comes to swings

Cripple is a jewish banker coin
LINK is better

Smart commie.

>I can feel the markets fear
is that (you), Warren? Whys a billionaire like yourself lurking Sup Forums?

If the technology, blockchain, is good then buy the banks. And anyways at the end of the day the only banks that matter for adoption are central banks. Seeing as they can create money I highly doubt they will be adopting ripple or other crypto

This will be a lot of traders' first lesson not to panic sell.

I remember in the spring when btc was rallying towards 3k then crashed to 1.8k, then we all know what happened after that.

No sense and trying to get weak hands not to sell, the market needs suckers.

just broke below 14k, at least for a moment

Wtf? I was off Sup Forums for like 3 weeks and it was about 10k at the time.

now is the time to buy

fuck that, this shit is way too volatile

All you seasoned investors in this thread need to shut the fuck up and realize that it falls and goes up again a tad bit more than the last time and then back down.

Since many (but not more than a few million) have invested and the numbers of investors rise, the wobble will be bigger. Only bad thing about crypto is that it made you soulless lurkers start shitting up my 4chans.

I just...
I just do not care

Not even a little

Or ECDSA gets broken
Or a North Korean malware exploits everyone's wallet
Or your exchange gets "hacked" by insiders and everyone takes a haircut
Or the IRS audits you 3 years from now, and decides that you owe $200k in fines for that $150k you made
Or you go to "cash out" your holdings, and the exchange doesn't have that much cash on hand

Any number of things can go wrong

>going to create global cashless currency
>tfw bitcoin used to track transactions
>dumbass reply: but muh private blockchain is unstoppable.


buy the dip

YOU are safe

The CHAINBLOCK TRANSACTIONS are kept on record and visible to everyone

It's not the same thing but icba to explain

woah buddy... someones taking the dip badly

I dig your pragmatic skepticism. What say you to those anons who will argue that ripple will make exchange rates more competitive between smaller banks wanting to offer a cheeper rate to some giant account belonging to a heavy hitter in the steel industry who regularly must convert (x)billion of USD into a foreign currency to execute a purchase. Isn't Blockchain technology a Pandora's box in that regard? Now banks must adopt something like ripple.

Kek, Beanie Babies will never decrease in value!!

Estonian Coin is the future.