Really makes you think


Apples and Oranges anyone?

Sage and report off topic and troll threads.

>not liking Feudalism



they can fuck off to another fief if they don't like it, probably get shelter, food and a job as soon as they arrive. and if there's war they'll stay home fucking pigs while the local lord literally leads the charge

Plus medieval european peasants had half of the year off because religious holidays n stuff.


Today someone told me that I'd like a joke that relates DnD and the GOP tax plan.
He said, "There's a dragon that sits atop a hoard of gold. The villagers give more gold to the dragon. Surely the dragon will provide them with more jobs."
I was angry that they wasted my time, that they thought that was funny or made sense, and that it had anything to do with DnD. When I didn't laugh they said, "you must have never played DnD."

I'm finally going to get some of my tax money back because I don't have to pay for Obamacare's retarded mandate, so fuck you lying jews and shills, this tax plan is the best thing ever.

AND they could only work during daylight hours, so working days were short as fuck.

We may have a lot of shiny gadgets now, but we work a fucking hell of a lot more than medieval serfs ever did.

Most of these festive holidays meant you got a few hours off the usual grind, sitting on a hard wooden seat in a church, then back to work.

Sure you would only work 8 hours during the winter days, then you get to work 16 hours during the summer, you tardfuck

jesus. i would be embarrassed as fuck to be you

>Uruguayan education
Lords represented a minimal portion of battlefield casualties and only ever died when the fucked up. Heavy steel armor mostly contributed to being virtually invicible unless fatigue kicked in and you essentially died of a heat stroke.
Foot soldiers, peasant levies until cities started pumping training mercenaries, took the blunt of the casualties and really handled the dirtiest, most horrifying part of the fighting.

That's of course not to mention the only enemy you would ever need to defend against was another local lord who just wanted the shit your current local lord had and your local lord most likely would do the same, all for the sole benefits of his dynasty. You wouldn't get peanuts as a peasant, even in victory.

I would rather not have pic related ruling over me without due process. At least the Jews now have to officially play by the rules.

Still not seeing the issue.

lol no, maybe when you're planting, but that'd get done in less than a week. Think about it logically, what could you do for 16 hours on your peasant farm? Fuck all. You'd be done by noon and have the rest of the day to relax.

What's the issue?

>people who got wealth and influence by trading with other people are the moral equivalents of others who got their's from force and subjugation

This pic is just so many mental illnesses in one. The fatal flaw of thinking everybody thinks like you is one, that leads to a whole plethora of sicknesses later in life. I honestly feel bad humans were subjects like this.

>You wouldn't get peanuts as a peasant, even in victory.

Lords would let their soldiers loot, pillage, and rape their way through land as a reward all the time. This is also the reason you fought for your lord, so other peasants don't do the same to your land/family.

They also suffered from malnutrition, occasional famines, deadly frost bites and would die of mundane shit like cold, which was a lot easier to get back then due to the lack of reliable insulation from low temperatures.
Did I mention there was no such thing a dentistry and lost more than half their teeth on average by old age? Or how security was essentially a luxury that only rich bourgeois and nobles could afford while most villages were purposely left exposed because the occasional damages from roaming bandits was preferable to the possibility of peasants rebelling and entrenching themselves in fortified villages?

>Medieval apologists
Never go for this meme

>I'd love to hire you homeless miscreants to deal with the dragon menace but due to taxes being levied by the King's men I can only afford to pay you 60GP per dragon slain, also half that horde will be going to the Capital.

And then the plague killed of most of the workforce allowing the survivors to demand more compensation from their employers for their labour.

Yet the same people who laugh about that comic and how stupid the peasants are for not acting in their best interests will also support mass immigration from third world countries/mexico

>Lords would let their soldiers loot, pillage, and rape
There were very clear rules about what belonged to whom and the patricians would never let a peasant get his hand on a golden good or something remotely precious.
Your best deal was to scavange a half beaten armor and broken low end weapons from other dead foot soldiers , or smuggle the armor of a rare fallen knight in the heat of the moment but risk being fleeced alive if found out.

>pillage, and rape
I can't help but imagine a very angsty adolescent writing this post unironically thinking this is somehow a grandiose state of affairs but even going there, even if you were a completely amoral sack of shit the best you could look forward to was raping a bunch of old hags and burning down a hovel. Young virgins were reserved for the knights and castle gentry pretty much out of reach.

You don't have the slightest idea about medieval farmwork.

Those are all actually sound political/economic stances in the middle ages.
The lords DID work hard to get where they are, war in Medieval times wasn't some abstraction the lord could stand on the sidelines of.

The lords SHOULDN'T have to pay taxes to the king (within reason), the less taxes they send to the king the more money stays in the local economy.

When the lords have more gold, they can devote more income to building local infrastructure which will logically increase the standard of living of the peasants.Windmills and water-wheels neither build themselves nor are free.

>I can't help but imagine a very angsty adolescent writing this post unironically
Ad hominem.

>You don't have the slightest idea about medieval farmwork.
Not an argument.

Leaf's, not even once.

Early medieval peasants spent most of their free time lying in bed to save calories.
Toward the late medieval era, with more efficient farming strategies and increased stability in some areas they could look forward working for the lord one day a week or bribing him not to, and having the means to work more varied food than what their immediate garden provided.

Working on a farm and achieving self sufficience with medieval tools is not the same as having electric screwdrivers, modern fertilizers, fridges, factory made clothes, ovens, near unlimited amount of grains to feed your cattle, running water, electric saws... All this recquire an insane amount of time, focus and dedication to get right by our modern standards.
Peasants who had access to enough calories spent the better part of their days working with only about 40 days a year even split of holy says (spent in prayer first and foremost) to look forward to.

Late renaissance warfare was awesome. Average people realizing they could sell their furniture, buy a REALLY big sword and be almost as combat effective as a fully armored knight. Then they hooked up with disillusioned veterans who taught them how to fight properly and sold themselves to the highest paying European country before the monarchies realized they would go bankrupt trying to compete with each other and kicked off the colonial period just to deplete Europe of fighting age men.

>buy a REALLY big sword and
And die. Veterans were uncommon. Renaissance warfare was the most gruesome close range combat experience of all the eras. The increasingly large size of armies before the advent of logistics also made foraging brutal and crippling for entire kingdoms.

On the plus side the gap between nobles and commoner tightened which is why kings started ennobling back commoners of gentle birth and some issued from purely peasant bloodlines.
You would most likely not make it out of a full campaign alive although if you did there was for the first time a realistic chance at social promotion.

That cartoon is actually a pretty accurate representation of what lead to the uprisings that resulted in the Magna Carta. Jews were lending money and controlling banking and taxes were bearing down on nobles and the people rose up with them against a large and incompetent government resulting in a new social contract.


>>Sup Forums154138859


If you actually knew anything about medieval peasantry, you would envy them. By the dawn of the 14th century, serfdom was pretty much dead, impoverished lords (which most were) had sold serfs their rights as freeholders as well as charters to found towns so as to have the funds to outfit professional men at arms to fight in their own and their king's wars. Medieval peasants had many more days off during the year than we did, worked less hours per year then we did, were subject to less taxation and less government intrusion than we were, had numerous protections and safety nets woven into the social structure and in crown and canon law.

>Most of these festive holidays meant you got a few hours off the usual grind, sitting on a hard wooden seat in a church, then back to work.
Not at all.

THIS. the wealth generated lead to a primitive bourgeoisie class that further went on to increase wealth in the world that lead to modern capitalism
which has been the greatest force in the world to left people out of poverty.

>Sure you would only work 8 hours during the winter days, then you get to work 16 hours during the summer, you tardfuck
No. In winters you had to do hardly any work are all other than tended your livestock and checking your stores. The only labor intensive times of the year are planting and harvest, the season between planting and harvest was spent with routine maintenance and tending, after harvest was spent preparing for the winter then surviving through the winter. Have you never had a garden? You should probably read some real books on medieval history and society and not rely on what your Marxist teachers told you about evil feudalism.

Right, and the King would want the peasants to revolt, to keep the lords in check and obedient to the King.

Only reason why i am excited about this tax bill.

really makes me think your retarded

Makes me think the left are retarded and have never bothered to understand the arguments put before them. On a side note I find it interesting how th elect think that medieval lords were just oppressors, rather than people fulfilling a necessary function, that being the protection of the people whose land they controlled

You're saged. As if you don't fucking get it. I will fucking pipe bomb your fucking house and take any food left when the happening comes.