"I'm socially liberal, but fiscally conservative."

>"I'm socially liberal, but fiscally conservative."

>tfw the opposite

Opposite is the Literal master race

You know it, senpai.

>alienation from society and cosmopolitanism;
>being isolationists and intermingling with other people;
>being capitalist exploiters and agents of international finance, and also revolutionary marxists;
>having a materialistic mentality and being people of the Book;
>acting as militant aggressors, and being cowardly pacifists;
>adhering to a superstitious religion and being agents of secularism;
>upholding a rigid law while also being morally decadent;
>being a chosen people, and having an inferior human nature;
>being both arrogant and timid;
emphasizing individualism and yet upholding communal adherence.
>being guilty of the crucifixion of Christ, and blamed for the invention of Christianity.

Fuck you commies

>"muh gommunism"

>le 56% cannot comprehend simple economics

>Being on 4chins
>Being socially conservative

The internet in general is swaying towards conservatism.


Are you saying that the Jews are libertarians or some shit? Libertarian=/=Bolshevism

I consider myself socially conservative. And why not? I don't see that the internet is particularly progressive as a whole.


I know a faggot who said this once. Fucked his sister.

Said nobody ever.

Fuck off.


>"Freedom for money, but not for people"
nice philosophy genius

Markplier is so likable, its impossible to hate the dude.

I hate him. who is he? to be fair, i hate everyone.

That doesn't even work anymore for appeasing the faggots on the left. Because according to them your "fiscally conservative" tax reforms literally kill millions of people.
You either have to be full gay communist or a full gay communist pretending to be a neoliberal these days to impress the ladies.

Leave Markimoo alone

Yeah they're basically morally insane. They don't have any real values other than hoard profit and exploit whatever they can.They just do whatever they need to at the moment to get more profit, then the next day do the opposite to get more profit. The concept "hypocrites" was created to describe them you know.
Also has a lot to do with them really only caring about moral law when dealing among themselves, and anything goes when dealing with outsiders. And when it comes to outsider legal law, they only care about the letter of the law and will violate the spirit and the norm whenever it accords them more profit.

>tfw I am for all intents and purposes a liberal but my hatred for kikes and belief that the illuminati exists and generally hating the shitshow that libtards have become makes me a "literal nazi" on places like r*ddit and t*mblr

Plenty of people hate him, including other fairly big YouTubers that make fun of his fake crying.

That is contradictory, because social norms come from fiscal means.

that's like the exact opposite of the people here, and yet those people are closer to us than anyone on the left

How confusing is this

>tfw its the most logical choice
>tfw no major parties conform to it

>I'm socially liberal, but fiscally conservative

This means kike. There is also no such thing as "socially liberal", a social liberal simply weaponizes ideology against a host population to spread infertility and chaos so they might collapse it. This is why the Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudis are heavily invested into spreading fag and feminist culture in western society, America/Europe - it spreads infertility and sows division between man and woman. Giving any push they can to the many thousands of fags and bugmen to pursue a soulless, hedonistic lifestyle in favor of 'personal liberty' and destruction of morality and national borders.

Just fuck your country up big time and don't have kids - be a fag.

>t. muslim brotherhood, jews, commies, all enemies foreign and domestic

The right is pro-tradition. Capitalism has been shown to dissolve all tradition like acid, to leave society materialistic, nihilist, degenerate, "feminist", and onward. Fuck you leftist.

>willing to allow every sin in the book to appear 'liberal'
>meanwhile society crumbles from breakdown of morals and family.
>but you buy the bullshit that our government needs to 'cut spending'
>so we can save money that we print from thin air anyway
>in a system that is designed to endlessly inflate until a complete and total collapse
>because any attempt to pay down debt would create deflationary collapse anyway.

same, do we fall into a meme category?


So you don't want to spend money and you want people to be as free as possible from social constraints. What's wrong with this?

So basically his societal position is that he wants to pay less tax for hiring his bull?
It makes sense to me.

ha ha ha

atheists and libertarians wear hats!

what a bunch of assholes

Based Swedes know how it is.

As they say, "One sees others throught themselves"
Allahu akbar my friend.


He's a charisma vacuum. Everything that comes out of his mouth feels manufactured, especially the tone of voice he puts on in his Let's Plays.

This. Capitalism is against morality and tradition because you cant get muh money with it.

Isn't this guy some kind of black nationalist? If so, good. I support him. Black nationalists mostly believe in segregation and hate jews.


it wasnt capitalists that signed the ((civil rights act))

Should've backed Jim Webb

Doesn't his brother draw furry shit for a living?

Basically what Bill Clinton was

>"haha yeah I guess you could say I'm a Fascist"

Why are you fiscally conservative?

"I'm a NatSoc"

i secretly date a married woman with 2 kids, i work from home, i never leave my room unless i need food. i play vidya, maybe 1 hour (sometimes 2) per today. watching a lot of movies and browsing pol and youtube.
where should i categorize myself?

>we should have gibz for everyone, but we shouldn’t spend any money

Is there someway we can redpill Markiplier like Pewdiepie and JonTron?
I know there's no way to turn the faggot Game Grumps
but Millions of kids watch these youtubers every day

Conservatism - flying sky man = libertarianism.

No you don't, hack into our PC's.

Kind of sad that pewdiepie, along with markiplier and jontron fell for the NN meme. They (at least pewdiepie and jontron) seem to be against SJWs but don't understand the role of government.

>Opposite is the Literal retardation

Good job OP, u managed to rustle the jimmies of the unrustlable /pol

you retards must understand that the whole US politics is a joke. you are so deep in partisanship, that you merged absolutely unrelated idea into two ideologies aligned by your two shitty parties. "fiscally conservative" is absolutely retarded term that might have originated only from retarded nation

Isn’t that the American summary of libertarianism?

Do wonder if this is inherent to the nature of democracy. It tends towards coalitions forming into two parties and unless each was good in one way and deficient in another there’d just be one party that would wipe the floor every election

U callin TwoKinds shit m8? I'll clobber you 1, so I will.

One incomplete extremist side sucks
>but the opposite I complete extremist side sucks too
Oh well I better choose the first incomplete extremist side

I had forgotten that thing existed.

It wasn't capitalism that created Hart-Celler
It wasn't capitalism that created the federal reserve
It wasn't capitalism that created the ADL
It was Jews, and Jews are responsible for the overwhelming majority of capitalist thought now. Jews love to promote capitalism, privately owned banks, privately owned currency, they love it when banks issue bad loans, create debt, and finance things without having to incur any risk themselves.

Free trade exists without Jewish capitalism.

The American and French Revolution are more responsible for bolshevism than you would like to admit.

Glad some of you understand this and can break through the cold war conditioning and fear of being called a commie. The redpill is neither are positive ideologies because they're both fundamentally materialist and reduce man to units of production or capital etc.

>I'm antisocial and finance is for bugmen

What the fuck is the "NN meme"?

net neutrality. what? you been under a rock?