What's the scariest fucking anime you've ever seen?

What's the scariest fucking anime you've ever seen?

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ur mom naked

That wasn't anime m8 that's a true story

One Piece



Your scary little penis.

I've never found any anime scary. I guess the closest would be the atmosphere of Lain.

When I was younger things like GitS and even Ghibli movies seemed really mysterious and weird and I miss that feeling.

I think it's mostly the animation style :|

Enjoy you're b&aid

Well the scariest thing in the world would be if they gave Sinbad another tv show, so whatever is the anime equivalent of that.

Unironically, the 5th episode of Ai Mai Mi season 2.

I'll tell you when Witch House gets an anime

nice rec thread faggot

Flip Flappers ep5

Shiki was the most actual fear I've ever felt during an anime.

Some of the shots involving Megumi right outside the window and under the bed were fucking chilling.

god shiki was so bad

Wasn't scared, but the earlier episodes of Higurashi had some top tier atmosphere.

Is it impossible for cartoons to be scary, or is anime just shitty at it?

Ghost hunt was good. The ep 18-22 had genuinely good story.

Fuck you mang, let it at least be a good show while it's airing

There is no such a thing as a "scary anime" user

Shiki actually irritated me when it came to the characters. I was extremely happy when all the vampires were getting massacred

The only thing that's scary is that Japan keeps making that shit even though it doesn't sell well.

Higurashi for sure--at least the more serious and less goofy parts. The VNs are even better about drawing things out and setting up the right atmosphere to get just a little freaked out about shit.

Not really - you can't get immersed in a cartoon like you can with film. We also can't see ourselves in the characters since they're lines.

That and Japanese horror just isn't scary in animation for the most part - they should stick to scary irl film.

No it wasn't. Shiki was quite good actually.