Why is requiring a valid photo ID to vote not a nationwide law

Why is requiring a valid photo ID to vote not a nationwide law

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the right for illegal immigrants to vote democrat SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

Mandatory photo ID? Doesn't sound like freedums

Niggers and spics

what is preventing the president/congress from implementing countrywide required voter id

i think the constitution gets interpreted by democrats, and maybe the supreme court(?), to mean that it would be unconstitutional on the grounds that ID isn't free, so it would effectively be a poll tax, which is forbidden

>no id required to vote


What gives Dreamers the right to bitch to my Congressmen?

An ID card costs 5 dollars, a drivers licence is cheap also, less than 100 dollars which you can earn in one day working.

because it's discrimination to expect illegals & really busy niggers to have government issued ID

you can literally come here on vacation and vote in our election or what? im from Wisconsin so im only familiar with the strict laws


Indiana apparently offers free photo IDs.

It's utterly baffling, right? I mean, how the hell does it work? You tell them you're fucking Spongebob Squarepants and off you go voting and they have to take it at face value because otherwise racism?

I'd really like see the arguments with which this shit is defended with, because there are none.

Democrats NOT supporting Voter ID is literally racist and makes me lolz every time I hear their argument. Driver's licenses or State ID's typically cost $27 in most states. If you are poor and on any form of welfare, you qualify to get a FREE state ID card..

Democrats say this is prejudice to blacks and makes it harder for them to vote. The only way this argument is valid, is if you believe that A) blacks can't afford a $27 ID card, or B) They are too stupid to fill out a form and get a free ID card.


you tell them your name and address, someone could just walk in and claim they are you.

because it doesn‘t matter who you vote for.

it doesn't matter if it only costs a penny, they want illegal immigrants to keep voting for them and they've got their autistic argument to support it

Democrats fight viciously against ID, because an enormous chunk of their votes are fraudulent.
They can't afford to lose it.


because democrats want all niggers to be able to vote, and they send out people to drive them to voting booths etc, and niggers don't have an ID (or a checking account, etc)

because without voter fraud there would be no democratic party

i don't know finland. i really just don't know. we need help. all of us

because niggers are too poor pay the fees to have a valid ID

how did trump even win?

Niggers can get free IDs in ID required states.

yaeh, how the fuck does that work? we have photo ID's just for voting which also keep track of all the other times you've voted; and we also have a separate national ID with our photo and our fingerprint. Also there's literal army units enforcing id's at voting sites. I figured that's how every country did it

When I was in university it was surprisingly hard to vote. Once I got turned away from the polls because they didn’t like my ID and was allowed to vote when I returned with a magazine with my address on it. I generally favour the Conservatives but their attempts to tighten voting ID Regia was clearly voter suppression and disgusts me.

Because the USA used to be a high trust country.

We are heading down a similar route.

Hillary got lazy instead of mobilizing her goons to drive betweren the voting stations with lits of people they claim to be.

i didn't know anything about your country so i just wikipedia'd it
you guys are 80% white? is this true? also are you guys really as progressive and liberal as the article said you were

nihilism not even once

NM here. We require IDs (driver's license, CAC, or anything that has your address). We need that information to ensure you are voting in the correct district.

Because without illegal voters, and multiple voters, 47 states would be red.

we are above 80% Spanish, Italian or French. We are also the last remaining free state of an 1800's federation inspired in your own (the others bent the knee to the argies or the hues), and yes we are having a bit of a leftist problem but I don't think it's nearly Sweden tier yet (our first transgender senator is about to get jailed for fraud)

>leftist socialist society
>88% white
damn next time ill vote for bernie sanders

I would be fine with offering them for free, have it be good for 8 or 10 years, free replacement, if you lose it in that time you have to pay for the replacement, assuming you don't have a driver's license.

they've won three times in a row, but every time with 50 to 51% of the votes. it's been that close

It doesn't matter in a lot of places, as state IDs have loopholes to allow them to be issued to residents who lack social security cards and birth certificates. I know for a fact in the state of maryland you could acquire a state ID (not driver's license) without primary identification/proof of citizenship if you filled out some extra paperwork. You could then use that ID to vote in elections.

I'm registered to vote in California. All I need to do to vote is bring a electrical bill with my name and address.


You still have to be registered to vote at whichever polling station is near you, so if you are not on the list, you can't vote.

You should have learned in civics that requiring something that costs money in order to vote is blatantly unconstitutional.