Would you adopt a clone version of you?

Say you were cloned and you have to adopt him or the alternative is he goes into a children's home.

Would you adopt him? Would you view him more as a son or brother? Finally, do you think you would love your clone baby more, the same or less than a baby son?

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I already have a son named after me who looks just like me, so yes I would adopt my own clone and raise him as a son.

would it be considered masturbation if i fucked my own baby clone

have three daughters and only one son, always wanted another boy, so yeah sure.

he could my sons little brother, while I still serve as father figure.


I would absolutely adopt him and see him as a son. I'd love them both but closeness is down to my clone's later behavior and personality vs my baby son's. They would likely be equally close to me though.

>Told to go fuck yourself
>Actually does it

I would so I could know what I would have turned out like with decent parenting

god no, i'd murder it, one of me is enough fucking failure already

Isn't that the reason people choose to have kids in the first place?

fuk yer !!!! make it do over time...

yes i would adopt him
Better not say what the fuck would i do with him

Well duh,

Also a clone of yourself is not going to end up anything like you, especially if you raise it in a different manner, at a different place, and a different time

No well the thing is, it would also be an interesting case study. Your own kids will only be half yours, and its Chromosomes are crossed over and combined etc. So they end up being unique.

If I had a clone, who is essentially a twin of me, I am from a genetic standpoint guaranteed the same level of quality as me.

sure why not

i'd consider him something even closer than a brother or a son desu

To the OP's original question, if this child in question were already alive and I were in a position to take care of him, I would. I would love him just as much as my own kids.

>Also a clone of yourself is not going to end up anything like you, especially if you raise it in a different manner, at a different place, and a different time
not really true

a whole lot of stuff is heritable, a clone would fairly similar to you even more so than a child

Wrong. You're predisposed to certain behaviours from a genetic standpoint as well.

I would love to have a clone of me.

A lot more so. You inherit 23 chromosomes from each parent. In the case of a clone, all 46 chromosomes will be EXACTLY the same.

>used the plural form of child. Kids as in more than one

does not check out

any differences would epigenetic in nature and fairly mild overall

I plan on having at least 3 kids hopefully more

But I'm 19 so as a male it's not really wise to already start having kids. I need to be financially in order and I still haven't found a >gf

If by "adopt" you mean chain in the basement as a sex slave, then yes.

no, clones are not actually your perfect copy
they are just people who share a lot of genetical information with you
so you will go to jail if you molest your clone

Who would you treat better: your clone or your son?

I would feel more able to guide my clone on the right path because I would know how he thinks and I could make sure he avoids certain pitfalls and challenges that I faced growing up. I could teach it to learn from all my mistakes and treat him in the way I would have wanted to be treated at every step of life.

My son I would care about too, but because he would have a different person's genes I would perhaps worry less about the path he takes as he wouldn't necessarily take from me.

I think I would love my clone more. I would feel strong sense of responsibility for him, not just as a genetic copy of me but as the genetic son of my parents too.

>European flag
>has no kids

That does check out

Is it gay to do the sex with your clone?

I would adopt the shit of out it. I would procede to give it all my knowledge and have it be a more perfect younger version of me.

i guess I would see her neither as daughter nor as sister but as an individual person who looks very similar to me.
clones are not the same because upbringing, experiences and lifestyle has an impact too.
Imagine my clone would take singing lessons from an early age and becomes a famous songwiter who travels the world. Or if she grows up like Hannah in vid related. She would be a whole different person.

no its just meta masturbation

Definitely keep the fucker . Treat "IT" just like all the rest of the vegetables in the garden. Give it enough air,food,water to keep it alive . You never know when you might need an organ or if SHTF eat the fucker . Pretty sure you can't get kuru from eating your own clone.

>you might need an organ
