What went wrong with our generation? (More creative answers than just the jews please)

What went wrong with our generation? (More creative answers than just the jews please)

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The Jews.


stupid goyim

the chosenites

The decline of christianity and christian values. It totally fucked everyone.

Helicopter parents and being raised on the internet.

The Israelites

You literally do not understand. It IS the jews. The signs are all there, you just have to open your eyes.

Diversity, and it's anti-white agenda.

The Jews.

Being born into a world in the midst of a digital revolution before people recognized the detrimental effects or knew how to healthily coexist with it, with parents being completely clueless on the matter. Additionally, the ethical shortcomings experienced by the world in terms of attempting to control the populace by way of social manipulation and propaganda through both news and popular media. Additionally, being born in a time of relative peace without a serious threat to our way of life, leading them to be soft and abandon nationalism and pride to embrace a life of excess and escapism. Much of this can, of course, be traced back to the Jews taking advantage of the situation.

This to the T

Us allowing the jews to have their way.

Everyone likes to feel pretty
We just live in a time where boys don’t have to be ashamed to pursue that

Inability to use the internet responsibly.

Instant gratification.

Lack of social/physical experience replaced by screen interaction.

Holding on to lots of socio-political contradictions because of bias confirmation.

Bad parenting (helicopter parents).

Absolutely dismal educational system.

For America, there's a bad drinking culture.

Lack of true struggle that is not taken as a challenge to overcome.

Facebook shit. World of warcraft. Then amazon. All the time instant gratification. Tinder. Click. No hassle. Participation trophies. Fuuuuck Snowflake-ism.

some have worth. Those you know. The rest is just there for the ride. And even bad at that.

After reaping the benefits of Christian values, and the material wealth of which it brought, our ancestors decided that such values were holding them back. They were disregarded, like the piece of fuselage a rocket lets go of after reaching the outer atmosphere.
Turns out they were wrong, and now we are lost, drifting.

I am not saying it's not, I was just wondering which techniques were used by them to get us to where we are right now.

>>no joos
Fine. Women got the right to vote in America. Pretty much all of the world's problems since the turn of the century stem from that one source, at least within a few degrees of separation. Repealing the 19th amendment would be a start towards undoing all of the damage these stupid cunts have done to the world.

If you want a look at what's to blame besides/because of the jews, here are a few points:

Interest Rate
The destruction of the "traditional family" as a worthy goal in life

>set up for failure by previous generations
>severely devalued institution of marriage
>non-stop promotion of degenerate lifestyles
>non-stop ridicule of virtuous lifestyles
>Pride in oneself and ones home became taboo
>Race-mixing promoted everywhere you look
>Fatherless homes
>Culture of instant gratification, denying yourself seems an almost alien concept to most
>Bush/Blair show up at just the perfect time to spin this generation hardcore left
I could keep going, but honestly, just saying jews would really save a lot of fucking time here.

after the downfall of nazi germany, anti nationalist, anti white rhetoric has crippled our culture into this belief we need to end ourselves

actually i feel like nothing is 'wrong' with our generation. we are supposed to be destroyers


>Mother's joined the work force
>Fathers are absent because work, or are non committal because 60s and 70s culture of "rebellion"
>Kids were raised by TV

>TV is full of "not conforming cool people"

>Being a stoner is good
>Being an underachiever is good
>Being defined by what products you consume is good
>Having sex with everyone and every time you can is good
>Instant gratification is good
>Propagation of nigger "culture" is good

>The internet comes along
>Smartphones come along
>Now you can do the same degenerate shit 100 times faster

>Everything is 100 times worse

Care about “rights” rather then morals.

The Merchants.

Depends on what generation you are in.

Unbelievable amount of self-entitlement mixed with enough deceiving scum who hid in academia to brainwash on a mass scale.

FP always BP

>Oops! All Jews

Is it true that you can barely work on modern cars yourself any more?

Our mothers abandoned us to pursue their careers and they left our fathers. Every kid is fucked in the head because of it.


More creative?
>the Red Sea Pedestrians

>OP wants more creative answers than the answer
nah. FPBP

Social engineers killed western civilization and is fucking the corpse

Also chick name?

I can work on cars fine mate.

You are the one that needs to hire a tow truck when he gets a flat tyre.

We had too much compassion for those less fortunate. When it extended to the faggots and their just reward: AIDS, it just led to eventual acceptance. Once the faggots were out, everything else came flooding out...

it is the kikes though

The issue is that people have lost the ability to think for themselves, literally. People are essentially cattle: easy to deceive and guide. There are no leaders left, only blind followers. Just hold on until I will be in my 30s with enough capital to actually start changing things for the better. I'll be running for office with an open heart, and I don't care if I will get assassinated.

cuz they never went to elf practice because of the jews

social media set our culture back to the stone age

Because thats why they're feminists

Im assuming your generation is the millennial generation... basically, this is what went wrong:

1. You parents are fuck-ups, that generation was brought up by a bunch or hippies who didn't teach them the values and morals that made America great. They taught them to be selfish retards and now they are teaching you to be entitled, whiny beta males and femin-nazis.
2. Your generation is poisoned by a group-think mentality. Millennials don't think for themselves because they are too busy virtue signaling in their social media echo chambers. When an original idea comes along it gets quashed by social justice warriors because the very idea of originality is a form of inequality, and you all buy it- hook, line and sinker. You are all a bunch of pussies who can't stand up for what is moral and virtuous because you cave to the social and political pressure of the left.
3. You don't know how to be self-reliant and take care of yourselves, you lack the passion to take risk and favor the safe confines of your parents basements. No risk, no reward.. instead, you want previous generations to hand success to you, you believe you are entitled.
4. You are too emotional and lack critical thinking skills. You 'feel' your way through life instead of using common sense and reasoning. You are easily triggered and suffer tremendous anxiety because you are not well equipped to handle the rigors of life. This basically makes you retarded, you are all retards.
5. None of you have a normal sexual identity and do not understand that men are men and women are women. There are two sexes, period. Everything in between is a social construct. A social construct does not change reality and does not change your sex. As kids, you are growing up without well defined rules and norms that help define who you are as a male or female, you flounder and cling radical ideologies that promote the idea you can be whatever you want. You cannot accept your limitations, and you have no humility...

Karl Marx was a Jew, direct cousin of the Rothschilds
Trotsky’s birth name is “Lev Davidovich Bronstein” – it doesn’t get more fucking Jewish
>Interest Rate
You mean usury? You mean an industry that Jews have been documented as presiding over for at least hundreds of years?
The vast majority of feminist leaders are Jewish. The first tranny operations were conducted by a Jew. The initial concept of someone being born a different gender from their sex was Jewish, and he made young boys fuck each other in order to try and prove his crackpot ideas.

The idea that Jews are a major problem for everyone is not crazy, it’s fact.

The US government (1970-is)decided that marijuana was very bad , in order to stop the smoking of this bad weed they loaded planes with this stuff and sprayed 1/2 of Mexico to poison the marijuana crop,
NOTE : not kill it like agent orange, POISON IT.
Because once it was poison nobody in their right mind would smoke it . RIGHT?
NOPE. Everyone smoked the poison and it had/has LONG term mental affects ,
These long term affects led 85% of population needing "MOOD STABALIZERS" Drugs to counter the damage from poisoning them,
Downward spiral of mental issues and the beginnings of pharma- empires.

desu The Jews sounds like a really good name for a band

What genre of music would they play?

Refrigerator niggers.

>More creative answers than just the jews please
They don't HAVE anything else around here. Same as the BLM faggots blaming whitey. They cannot accept responsibility for their own wretchedness.

Mindless parents raising mindless children in a broken ad-hoc system cobbled together with duct tape and greed/ego. In short, too many dumb motherfuckers in this bitch.

This didn't happen to me. I think what was the case is the school system decided to overmedicate or fuck over anyone different despite the "we are all different" meme. They decided to take out the nonconformists. My parents protected me from the school system's horror. They also decided to make draconian zero tolerance laws.

For me I hate society and I hate most people and want to avoid them as much as possible.

Nothing I'm on the early end of Gen Z.
Whites are a majority throughout the whole generation with them poised to be the most conservative generation since the ones who fought ww2.
Whites Political lines have changed and now we are voting for the right the same way blacks vote for the left.
If I have to guess when the White ethnostate in the US starts it would probably be my grandchildren after I die they will probably be the ones to fight the racial holy war.
I already have 1 million to start legally creating ethno communities and the main goal is to keep people out.

Millennial here. I had Christian values. I had a family where we read the Bible and prayed and were thankful for what we had. I was taught a lot of morality and manners. Many of which would be considered shocking to people today.

However I remember going to school and having people mistake me for foreign or Amish. I had poorly raised mannerless trash and it caused me to be a misanthrope. I hate my peers and I hate their parents. I want to live for myself because I hate the world so much.

Read Moldbug.

the (((merchants)))

Boomer and kikes
>wah don't make fun of my precious boomers


the nose
the kikes
the scholomo
the goldstains
the israelites

Capitalism and worship of the almighty dollar


Thank you

>how much 2+2 sum up to?
>inb4 4

It's always the Jews faggot. No exceptions

There’s nothing wrong with our generation user

I live in a large American city with great accesss to culture, ethnic foods, and plentiful snatch. Life is good (I’m jewish btw)

overpopulation/asian immigrants.

What techniques? Well all the wars starting with Gulf War 1, 9/11 etc and this

infiltrating the education system with commies, getting to defeat the wrong enemy in WWII, progressive propaganda called movies, illegal drug running destroying our communities on and on, just look around you nigger it was all Jews. Look at something sucks in the world point your finger at it, then start digging into it, guess at the bottom you will find a fucking Jew everytime

Kek that's criminally underrated

Couldn't have said it better myself, My age grp is completely lost. Literally example, i log into world of warcraft in over 5 years just to see what's changed, how easy it is. And first thing i see is ppl dissing on christmas, ppl using terms like * i hope((( weather willing))) you have a snowy christmas. I mean honestly idk wtf happened guys. But im pretty sure my generation wasn't supposed to be this godless, this degenerate. And overall just outright fail this hard. Cause this generation of mine i can say are majority failures, with a select few being better than the average.

I know anti social sentiments are for some reason still the norm on this board, but the only real answer is wealth inequality and the resulting inability to live independently. Inability to have our own households, our own cars, flip off our dumbass parents and decide our own destiny. Don't even pretend this is not the case for many of us.

Kahzar milkers
>I theorize it's the source of their power

>income inequality
Are you suggesting everyone should be paid the same?

People are paid less than they deserve, that's what I'm suggesting. Nationalism, conservatism and anti-global sentiment are to blame for the situation.

I hate most people so I don't want to socialize with most of them. I can't wait until the days most jobs are done online so I can live the rest of my life without interacting with most of the horde.

feminism and cuckoldry is destroying the west

the west is literally being destroyed by fat unattractive women who are lashing out for being sexually ignored


Well you are right in way but also wrong my friend. Christianity is a form of voluntary slavery and willful ignorance. The most blood thirsty genocidal ideology ever conceived in modern history. Christian values are good but Christianity itself was designed specifically to keep from finding the truth to keep from finding the source, the architect. It is a purposeful bastardization of real Christianity which was helio Gnosticism to attain Christ Consciousness. I know you are probably a Christian and this will make you sperg out about muh zombie space jew who was his own father posting pics of fats dudes with fedoras but this can be proven 100% conclusively. Everything about Abrahamic religions can be proven 100% conclusively to be a fraud it is disguised Saturn worship using a story recycled hundreds of times by every culture around the world

Saturn is the father of the Gods, Jupiter is his son, what is Jupiter? You guessed it the messiah. Kronos is the name of Saturn in Greek who is his son? Zeus, JeZeus starting to see the big picture?



The Bible was never meant to be taken literally, it is a cipher that only near geniuses can crack here is some pasta for you

The Jews created the Torah to create a slave race of superstitious half wits, a book telling them knowledge is evil and anyone trying to teach them anything is Pagan and evil. Lol Pagan simply means educated in the ancient world. The Romans saw what they did, and thought hey this works great a book we can give to people about a zombie space Jew that tells them to work as good slaves and pay their taxes (give unto Caesar what is his), not to pursue any wealth (easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle), and be meek and meager in this life and you will be rewarded in the next. The Bible is a way to make you a good slave, a good goy. But it also coded so the sharp can find the real answers in the bible and become part of the priestly class, who can do research and study all day in their white collar lifestyle while the dumb goy plow the fields and do the hard labor to support them. Let me explain, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 squared is 144, which is the first digital root of 9 in the Fibonacci sequence. The holy trinity is 3,6,9 where 9 is the God head. 9 is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end, the vortex. Also the mark of the beast is 666, the digital sum equals 18 the digital sum of it is 9. The atomic number of Carbon is 666, carbon is the glue of our reality we are carbon based life forms. 9 is the ether the glue. The bible is a science book of ancient knowledge of our ancestors the Atlanteans, and before you say w/e about this being silly this can be proven conclusively and I do on my channel.

Everything about these people we call "Jews" is a fraud and always has been



Believe me we know exactly these people are and have tracked them for some time

t. Black Sun

There you go.

They are criminal organization and they have convinced the western world of some insane shit, almost nothing any of you believe is real about anything. Not "science", not religion, not history, not anything


The western world lives in a complete fantasy and fabrication and your head world explode if you knew the truth

>what went wrong?

Social media


This reality is ruled by some psychopathic pedophile dark wizards and most of them are in the fucking Vatican. And if you think magic is not real, lol I got a surprise for you, this too can be proven 100% conclusively, like I said you all would not believe the truth, you simply could not process it. But don't worry the Black Sun is on it and we are fighting back, soon we will challenge their arch wizards, we control the numbers now


Awaken the WOTAN it is time, it is written in the stars

Agreed , i used to be a personal trainer and the amount of large women that are gagging for it is pretty astonishing tbqh , no wonder they turn into feminist crazies.

Western women require constant upkeep , maybe even fascism at the moment , they are just getting fatter and fatter per capita in the UK.

If any of you have any questions I will answer them as long as you are gunienely searching fro the truth I won't argue with shills or half wits, in fact you will find nearly everything here from a thread I was in earlier. If you want your freedom, if you want to end the madness, you better pay attention to what I am telling you here, because we will teach you how to fight back and will storm the fucking gates soon

we went from a society based on stoicism to a society based on hedonism.
Edward Bernays and his buddies at the propaganda and later PR industries sought to utilize consumerism as a means for control, and by letting us enjoy luxuries are distracting us from the essentials and liberties they have been chipping away at.

If you all hadn't noticed already Sup Forums, this whole place is an Aryan wizards den, number worship, Egyptian Gods, meme magic, mental alchemy. You really should learn to increase your awareness and pay attention tot he world around you, pay attention to details, because these details you never notice are how they "cast spells" over your unconsciousness mind

they were pampered like babies

Everything these days is just nothing but pure hedonism and nihilism

These motherfuckers are like Highlander crisscrossing through time changing their individual and "tribal" names, they were Phoenicians, Canaanites, the amen priesthood, the Etruscans the Carthaginians on and on all civilizations you have heard of but were never taught anything about, as I said we have been tracking them for some time and know exactly who these fuckers are

If Muslims didn't condone child rape, kill the rape victim instead of the perp in "honor killings" and not kill animals in the most cruel way, myself and many others would join.. but sadly it's also full of dumb motherfuckers... insahulla

Well anyway hope not all of you are brain dead with fluoride and vaccinations and understand what I am telling you here, knowledge is power, without knowledge you are powerless waiting for someone to point you to someone and say "there's your enemy they are the bad guy'

Sun Tzu — 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

You better start learning everything you can while you can the control matrix is crumbling and it will get bad when we strike and unleash the chaos, you can already see it happening, starting with the election, I know you all have to see it, anyway, get prepared I hope you heed our warning, this is what is coming soon


You mean you are a turkish convert to judaism... you are not a real "jew" you silly fuck.

we all know those things are constructs. you're here for a finite time. get your dick sucked. it'll change your life.

Turbo (((jews)))

Boomers. Gen z are brought up by gen x and it's the first time in about twenty years I haven't wanted to beat the shit out of most of the young.

Literally haven't met one faggot amongst them yet but it's early days.