Most Hated 2017

What would you add to the list?

kraut and tea


why is Ajit Pai there ?
i thought only reddit and normies not in the know hated him


actually what am i talking about, why is Trump of all people there, is this a reddit hate list ?

I just made a collage of things that people in general seemed to hate this year, it's not based on my opinion.

who tf is top left?


Sam Hyde, the dude who killed people in Las Vegas and got away with it

Officer Sam Hyde, he shot 10 dindus


Where’s Louis CK?

hes pajeet mate
that alone worth mentioning

Honestly he's pretty tame compared to the other people who got allegations against them this year. His career isn't even going to be destroyed permanently. He'll be back in a few years with a stand up special where he makes fun of it himself.





this tops my list again.

tay needs to be on there i think

oh shit checkem

EA will win again for this years Star Wars Battlefront 2 shit!

Laws going into effect all around the world from EA's loot boxes!

>posting reddit memes




Based Ajit

I paid 60 $ for that game and enjoyed it a lot

shill or retard?


He can’t keep getting away with it

Who's this El white guyin the right and why

Wheres Merkel?

The Last Jedi

>those digits
o-oy vey!



I want logan paul to die on cam


Oh baby

Put Cuck Wars 8 and cuck wars battlefront 2. Shit is getting lots of hate.

I have to go with this too.


Good little cashslave $$$

>Reddit and normies
>Thinking average Sup Forumsentooman is either

fuck off jew shill


this guy wins

Add Lechoke James. That nigger is hated by everyone.

Sorry i enjoy entertainment

>le based Trump

Most reddit picture of 2017

Go back to faggit, you fucking faggot


>No Hillary and Soros by default
>No Disney
>No other loud-mouthed (((leftist)))
It's like you're a filthy Jew.

Arch linux sick to death of it , now even pacaur is gone WTF, back to mint

>Jew tops the list, again
It's checked and confirmed.

>What would you add to the list?
Reddit, where you should go back to

The Last Jedi, duh.


So do I. I just don't pay for it.

Ajit Pai?

Joel Osteen even though he's based like most of the people in the pic...a short haired photo of unhinged Kathy Griffin
