Was Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) or Brotherhood Better?


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Brotherhood is objectively better. People that say otherwise are just nostalgiafags.


Brotherhood now stfu.

I thought the Chinese, alchehistry stuff was dumb bullshit.

the chinks added nothing the story and didn't need to be in it.

>Anime Debate

Go back to your Anime Club, Pedro

I've only seen Brotherhood, what's the main difference between the two?

I agree 100%.
Brotherhood is still better, though.

This is the only correct answer. The movie really tied it together well. There was no happy ending just the struggle of living.

>tfw when 2003 Ed never ended up with Winry ;.;

brotherhood, no doubt



03 does some cool stuff and I can respect that but there's a lot of stuff that doesn't really make any sense because it doesn't have the proper explanation that was to be written later on in the manga

Brotherhood easy. the original had a nice aesthetic but i think thematically and narratively it fails to live up to brotherhood.

03 was purdy, animation was good

Brotherhood is better in literally every other aspect, and the animation wasnt bad, just way more cgi

i'm mangafag so brotherhood

03 also tried way too hard to be edgy, and brotherhood is way more fucked up and it just happens organically, like it wasnt trying to be thats just how the story goes

not this thread again

2003s only good parts were the beginning before it turned into the Bones team writing a fanfic.

Can we not have this thread every day

Brotherhood is true to the manga
2003 does its own thing because the manga wasn't finished
also, brotherhood's openings were more fitting in terms of tone, hologram aside

2003 is absolute shit only fueled by nostalgia and edge

Brotherhood overall.

After re-watching 2003 recently though, two things seemed to have stood out: a number of supporting characters got FAR better development over Brotherhood (the Homunculi primarily), and the pacing was garbage. The latter was to be expected considering they were clearly trying to pad out the story to run long enough to till the 50 or so episodes it was alotted, but I must say that I take a greater liking to the portrayal of the Homunculi as being Frankenstein's monsters rather than just themed henchmen for the bigger bad guy.

What did Brotherhood even have thematically? Plotwise it was below the average JRPG.

>a number of supporting characters got FAR better development over Brotherhood (the Homunculi primarily)

Brotherhood's homunculi, particularly Sloth, are some of the most sparsely developed antagonists I've ever seen in a battle shonen. Brotherhood Lust is Zarbon or Dodoria tier if we're being generous.

Well I also like that 2003's homunculi had very clear motivations for why they were serving as narrative dickbags. Lust wanted to be human, and serves Dante because she could then search for someone capable of producing the philosopher stone to make good on her wish (and she "switches sides" when she thinks she can get to this goal a better way). Wrath wanted motherly love and revenge against the Elrics for "stealing" Izumi, which working with Sloth fulfilled both of those desires by acting as an adoptive mother while also being the resurrected body of the Elrics true mother (thus stealing her in return). Envy wanted to get back at Hohenheim for abandoning him, which Dante permitted because of Hohenheim's potential place in her plans and because involvement the Elric brothers (one of the more recent reasons Envy felt Hohenheim abandoned him) was also on the agenda.

I meant to mention that the others had similar individual motivations as well, but you get the gist.

I prefer 2003 but each version has something going for it. And honestly, you won't regret watching both. It's just opinions.

> characters focused
> greater exploration of presented themes
> original soundtrack (Ooshima Michiru)
> Nakamura Yutaka
> Yoshinari Kou

> grander more coherent adventure story
> Kameda Yoshimichi
> Oshiyama Kiyotaka (in the Milos no seinaru hoshi movie)


2003 for anything up until 'the saddest death in the series'.

After that brotherhood. BH skimmed too much of the foundation work to make me engage with the characters properly.

To be honest, I think they compliment each other moreso than competing with each other

The discussions about the philosophy and alchemy they have in 2003 were some my favourite scenes. That one and the one Edward has with Dante about Equivalent Exchange being a lie were too good.


While the story in 2003 really turned to shit with the ending and all, the overall theme and atmosphere in 2003 is vastly superior. BH's pacing was just too fast to make anything feel important or emotional, making the end result feel just lifeless.

A good example is Nina's death. IIRC in 2003 we got know Nina for like 3-4 episodes before she died, which gave us enough time to really care for the character and her death. In BH we are introduced to Nina and have her die in the same fucking episode. It really blew my mind how they managed to fuck up such an emotional moment just from shitty pacing.

Brotherhood. I've finished watching.

2003 version? I've stopped half way.

FMA with black lines on Ed's hair was better than Brotherhood

2003, anyone who says otherwise is a blind mangafag or an action shounen scrub.

I know Sup Forums doesn't like the "it's both!" argument in this sorta shit but it applies here I think.

In regards to the early parts of the story that both 03 & Brotherhood adapt, 03 is better. Go watch the Nina stuff, as a random example, in 03 and then watch it in Brotherhood and try to argue otherwise, you can't.

Then 03 eventually goes off and does it's own thing. From this point onwards Brotherhood is better than it. 03 attempts to do some interesting things but doesn't really do it well, whereas Brotherhood does what it sets out to do and it's just executed better I feel.

You know how many chapters Nina got in the manga?


Brotherhood but there's no actual reason to watch it over reading the manga. 2003 does some interesting things even before it goes the anime-original route and fleshes out characters/scenarios that the manga didn't so I'd say read the manga & watch 2003, and only watch Brotherhood if you're desperate to see the manga animated for whatever reason.

It's because the viewer is expected to have seen FMA 2003 before brotherhood
The first episodes of Brotherhood were just the obligatory retelling
Honestly it would have been better if when making Brotherhood they broadcasted the original 20+ episodes of FMA 2003 and then start with the new stuff

And again Nina only had one chapter in the manga

More fleshing out is never bad
And by god, why did they give Winry that fucking manjaw?

Fuck off Sup Forums

03 is much better.

Brotherhood is so much more juvenile generic shonen that it's painful. And the first 12-13 episodes of BH are unambiguously terrible.

You fuck off, Olivier has a more feminine face than Winry, it's dumb to turn the cute tomboy into a man with a wig

The 2003 anime did the manga elements pretty well until the anime original stuff and darker than usual elements appeared. Some were nice, but Ed in the 2003 version was kinda more...angsty.

Brotherhood follows the manga to a much greater degree.

Yet in the end I prefer the manga since Brotherhood somehow altered certain elements. Not to much, but...

With a hair like that? You really dont know what you're talking about

Ed's hair is about as long as hers

"Kiro" by Ooshima Michiru

"Main Theme ~The Fullmetal Alchemist~" by Senju Akira

i only watched the first episode of brotherhood then dropped it

the atmosphere in 2003 was just better

2003 because the original story is shit.

>Tomboy is a haircut now


And she still isn't a tomboy
It's part of it, can't be a Tomboy with long hair

>It's part of it, can't be a Tomboy with long hair

Winry is another iteration of the classic mechanic-tomboy, which has been a trope for longer than you've been alive.

The 2003 version had the best openings


This. The problem with Brotherhood is that by that point the idea was "yeah okay everyone read the manga and/or watched the original anime, just breeze through that stuff until we get to the unadapted bits." That sort of weakens it as its own thing.

It was a good idea, it's pointless to waste episodes on stuff everyone already knows
It only served as a quick refresh
You were supposed to go
If you've already read the manga
>oh yeah, it's the girl that got raped, good thing that won't happen again
Or if you didn't
> oh yeah, it's the girl that got raped, I hope that won't happen again


For anything that isn't a sequel, prequel or spin-off, expecting your viewers a have prior knowledge of the plot is absolutely retarded. I would bet that the majority of people who even watched Brotherhood did it without any knowledge of the manga or the 2003 series first. "Everybody knows this already" is a really lazy excuse for shitty plot progression.