Eric & Dylan

> Why did they do it? Were they overdosed on redpills? Were they bluepilled cucks? Or were they just a couple of virgins who swollowed the black pill? What were the implications of this occurring during the assault weapons ban? Why did no one complain about shotgun control after the shooting?

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Erics dad was a commander in the air force and apparently had CIA connections. Interestingly enough he didn't seem too concerned by all the explosives and weapons in the house.

I wouldn't put it past the Deep state to have used this as a MKultra psyop.

Pic related


Dylan was also a half kike, which explains his willingness to slay goyim.

the "victims getting revenge on their bullies" thing was MSM bullshit

in reality everyone got treated like shit in that school and they bullied other kids too themselves

and they didn't just target kids who picked on them, they wanted to just kill as many people as possible but the bombs they made failed

Eric was one of those rare murderers who has no reason for it and just thinks its fun to kill people and he talked a suicidal Dylan into it

but the notion that they were victims lashing out ironically inspired a generation of mentally ill paranoid antisocial people to think that's how they get revenge on the world

rather than just some edgy prick wanted to get a higher kill count than the oklahoma city bombing

They had fucking 15 pipebombs sitting in their room and the mum didn't care on a YouTube video. Fucking hell columbine was deep state influenced Sup Forums was right again.
I've seen this pasta b4

The original snowflakes?

I have bisexual fantasies about Dylan and Eric, like being spit roasted by them and taking both cocks in my mouth at once.

last mass shooting i recall seeing real bodies

that's just plain homo, you retarded faggot

>Eric was one of those rare murderers who has no reason for it and just thinks its fun to kill people
You sound like a schizo

>I wouldn't put it past the Deep state to have used this as a MKultra psyop.
Yes... how though? If you guess I will tell you if u are correct

Raise tensions while creating a "we should enslave our students" narrative and make gun control look good.


Heroes forever.

Reb and Vodka.

Yes I mean what method to MK....
LSD, etc

I've read all their writings and the material they posted online. They were militant atheists. They believed that they were more intelligent than everyone around them because they were more highly evolved, but they were rejected by the Christians around them who were their inferiors but were their numerically superiors, and thus the shooters were doomed to be failures in life, and so wanted revenge against the Christians. They believed that by killing stupid people they were carrying out natural selection and serving evolution. One wore a T shirt with "natural selection" written on it. They were retarded edgy atheists and didn't even understand evolutionary theory.

Abuse. At around 3 or 4 years old, the abused causes the abused to compartmentalize those moments causing the multiple personalities

So you don't think wearing tenchcoats would have brought unwanted attention?

Also it's not like Eric was ugly or anything.

Also interesting to note that modern shooters looks like Bugboys. Where as Eric and Dylan were fairly normal looking.

On a scale of 1- 10

How much shit would you be in if your CO found out you were talking about the columbine shooters on Sup Forums?

Same reason why most homosexuals are also pedophiles.

Gone but not forgotten

They killed the only black person at the school also and apparently screamed racist things and called him a nigger before shooting him with a shotgun.

Pic related.

How do you not notice a shitload of propane tanks and pipebombs all over your sons room?

Australia was a mistake.

That's when the Deep state was lazy.

Checks out

Eric had SSRIs in his system and that's what was used to mind fuck him.

Deffinetly not cucks. That's forsure.

It was just revenge.

Fucking faggot.

>Why did they do it?

Show tits

Black pilled. They are r/incels personified.

They were fucked-in-the-head little faggots and the only good thing they ever did was pussing out and killing themselves

Fuck that little shitskin on the front page.

How the fuck did they stick those pink flags upright in the carpet??? What the fuck?

Lol! So every mass shooter/killer is a Nazi lover?

They seem more like Sup Forums users than Reddit users.

> they were fucked in the head

Thanks to the MKultra/SSRIs that Eric was loaded up on. This was the first Deep state operation.

I answered your yesterday faggot.
Harris - Zoloft, then switched to Luvox
Klebold - Paxil and Zoloft according to a friend. Records are sealed
SSRI's every time

They killed the only black in the school. Fucking racists.

>So every mass shooter/killer is a Nazi lover

How you came to that conclusion? Are you retarded or something? They tried to blow up the entire school because for them the system was wrong! The whole thing was only a teenage dream for revenge but ideological factors convinced the duo that it was something sacred who must be done. They obviously read the Anarchist Cookbook.

1. You didn't answer shit bitch.

2. Klebold had nothing in his system according to autopsy reports. So idk where you pulled that shit out of your ads from.

The right guy was the leader?

Axel Rose is a bigot


The guy on the left, Eric harris, was the mastermind. He is also the one that was on SSRIs, and had a father who had CIA connections.

The guy on the right, Dylan Klebold, was a half Jew that Eric helped convince to shoot up the school.

I can see his fucked up look but honestly he just looks half retarded.

The thing that was highlighted was the fucking Adolf Hitler part. I'm just putting two and two together.

TWO cocks in your mouth at once?

The fuck is this?

Yeah he looks like a jew

Bunch if faggots

They were obviously plants by Clinton and Soros to make Trump look bad

It was during the Obama administration so that would be counter to what you stated.

Erics brother Kevin is also a commander in the air force.

SSRI for Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ?

No. It's an anti-depresion medication.

you're making us look bad.

Yes. yes he was ugly. Faggot

We're u gonna blame israel?