What are the pros and cons of fascism?


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pros: natural order, universal truth
cons: literally none

-Arts & Science



They were totally wrong about art, expressionism is distinctly German

pros: everything

cons: every faggot in the world hates you and wants to be you at the same time, also jews.

You might be a bit more restricted on things you'd like to do, especially if certain leaders at certain times might get a little overzealous. Every other trait is basically superior for civilized peoples and antithetical to Jewish interests.

The only thing that might divide that society is whether the leaders agree or disagree to allow proliferation of anime.

The only con would be the "unstable leader wakes up and declares war on everyone."
However, a true fascist would not allow this to happen. If fascism is about maintaining order, removing the instability caused by an unstable leader takes precedence over the need to maintain the hierarchy.

fucking no cons, it would be how you would imagine government to be, nearly perfect and superfluous...well at least more perfect in a way than what we have now. The many little things that a higher organizational organ, like the government could be good at. Which now...is at like...20% of its potential, could get to 100%. Imagine if there was no food industry imposing crap upon the government for its own sake for example. Fitness standards could then be made with Draconian standards. Added sugars, GMO's and all sorts of crap in the foods could be banned and enforced by the rifle. So that even the dumbest have some chance to be non miserable (thanks to their own choices, but also thank to ignorance). The success around the anti smoking campaigns...with the nasty images of ugly things that warn you of being a shitbag...multiply that by a thousand lol...

Well Japan is what it would look like what could be closest to fascism right now. Very low obesity/overweightness because they impose fines on companies for hiring fatties.

Now the jew has prevented the proper application of government of many facets in life that make the average man less able, and more miserable. If fascism occurs we would get to bully all of these harmful unrestrained capitalistic things. All of them.

There are so many advantages that's it's hard to list them all. Just imagine a world that is polar opposite to this one and you'll see.

Pros: Temporary feeling of false superiority.
Cons: You entire nation stomped into the dirt by the rest of the world, and your own citizens.

Fascism is just a loose political ideology with little in the way of clear boundaries, it's not a complete formal socio-economic package. You may as well just replace it's western definition as 'bad people country'.


Pros: entry to heaven
Cons: the world and satan are against you


Pros: Everything

Cons: None you faggot

You can actually accomplish things.
All the frail people die.
When your gone, your legacy will be "x people died"


Means of production not owned by the people that use them

That's pretty much it I guess




Racism against minorities
Dictating who other people can date/marry
Caring about what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms
Limiting peoples personal freedoms

Fascism is the ultimate beta male fantasy ideology. Mainly because they imagine themselves to be the enforces rather than the ones getting fucked, we all know that won't happen.

Pretty much all of these. And recognizing it is the first step

Pros: no niggers
Cons: there aren't any, we got rid of the niggers

While I don't see your cons as cons, it does remind me of a couple of times (usually in a classroom) I've been asked if I would want to have lived in NS Germany. They always looked perplexed when my response was, "It depends."

Do you have any suggestions on MatSoc/fasc books?

When they come for enemies
When they come for you


Yeah really edgy.

Why exactly do you disagree with my cons? Are you all for limiting peoples personal freedoms? You really want to control what other people can do with their own bodies or who they can date? You want to be able to control what 2 consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom? How are you okay with this, and what makes you so special that you think that you can control other peoples lives?

1. Are all of the above "freedoms" currently permissible in modern society,
If 1 = yes, then
2. How's it working for everyone so far, eh?

You mean in the same way that you impose upon consenting of business bakers in their own bakery your ideals? There is no such thing as mediocrity allowing one or the other and letting it exist in "peace". Its two competing ideologies and its obvious by my flag which I want to win.

You wave all rights, lose all status to humanities recognition of you being a human the moment you decide to stick your dick up a mans butt in my view lol

I would love to know user's reasoning for ending 4th line of pic at acheleous.

our reward is the destroyer of men?

National-syndicalism is an alternative to corporatism.

Your first three cons may apply to NS but not to clasical fascism or their derivates, the last one is not really a con when you understand the difference between liberty and licentiousness, modern society defines some vices as essential rights

>You mean in the same way that you impose upon consenting of business bakers in their own bakery your ideals?

I don't impose anything on anyone, and your gay cake stories are simply isolated incidents. There's many gay people that you don't even know are gay because they don't flaunt it. I'm against promoting being gay, and this gay pride shit. But you'll never, ever be able to stop someone from being gay just because it hurts your feelings. Gay people in general have no effect on my life, and i rarely meet gay people. But yes promotion of it is retarded. Why do you have to jump to such an extreme position?

>You wave all rights, lose all status to humanities recognition of you being a human the moment you decide to stick your dick up a mans butt in my view lol

And even if there are laws that enforce that view, you'll never stop it. Again the problem comes from promoting homosexuality, not homosexuality itself. Either way i think you're a giant faggot to care so much about peoples personal lives and what they do with their own bodies.

You're only a fascist if it's your beliefs being enforced, you may not like someone elses fascism.

Historical fascism is a lot less racist and even anti-semitic than you think.

This. It's important to make distinctions between NS and historical fascism. People just throw around phrases like "Nazi" and "fascist" vaguely defined empithets and don't want honestly investigate the philosophy or tenets behind the political ideology.

what would you consider recommend reading as an even handed treatment of the distinction? I'm interested.

In a society everything that is not part of the base unit of a society (which is a family unit) is most likely going to be a parasite, and a burden upon it.

And besides, most of you are also child molesters. Just look at pic related. There are a lot of you which just have a huge amount of partners, which molest children or want to molest them...so I do want all of you killed, it would be very volkish. Because do you really think that to attain your perversion you could do it "in the privacy of your own home". All the time when you are alive you will be bitching, meaning, trying to push boundaries. Trying to create gay nightclubs...just overall your whole being has a huge toxic effect on society.

I want you all dead.

>You want to be able to control what 2 consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom?

Is this an accurate description of any fascist regime and is it unique to fascist regimes? Homosexuality was outlawed in liberal democracies until relatively recently, and people received severe punishments for it, whereas there were more than a few prominent gay national socialists.

I don't think most people here care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home, but I think many people have realized that this like has merely been used dishonestly as a strategy by people who seek to normalize and push sexual deviancy in all areas of society, especially to kids.

We went from "lol why do you care what they do in their entire be own bedroom" to children cutting off their geneitals on reality TV shows and people being sued and turned into public villains for not making gay marriage cakes in about 9 years.


Restraints on freedom to do as you will. Live according to the state or punishment/exile/die - a very dangerous slippery slope.


National Socialism is part of the Fascist Worldview.

>every other nation on earth will instantly feel inferior as they realize that their 100% does not even closely match yours and even time does not help to catch up and they dont want to be colonized again by a force that is a thousand times less numerous than yours and a thousand times more technologically advanced than yours

>while you build up to your own 100%, they attack you with all their might, band together and then rewrite history so that retards on image boards use that false narrative to tell other retards that its bad (when as a matter of fact its just democracy of the white family unit and has a natural stopping place)

The best fighter/smartness becomes the leader, the people around him protect him because they love him, and then he kills all the retards.
Any other form of government gets jewd.

Pro: Everyone does what they're supposed to.
Con: Everyone does what they're supposed to.

no niggers spics and kikes > any cons

I'm not an expert on the topic by any means, but I would say NS is fascistic but not all fascisms are necessarily inherently racist or focused on antisemitic. Fasicism tends to be loose and organic, particular to the context and nation it developed in.

As far as reading goes I would honestly try to read primary sources, or thinkers that simply influenced the movements. Giovanni Gentile and Julius Evola's politics writings perhaps for fascism (though Evola was technically not a fascisy) and honestly probably Mein Kampf for NS (since it embraced the Führerprinzip).

Even if you're not sympathetic, I think one should look at these things with an honest search for truth and understanding.

>I imputed Nazis are bad. When we were talking about fascism. I am a total retard school-boy newfag.

>literally no conservatives

fucking shit, I would like to preserve fascism

Child molesters? WHy does a woman breast-feed but orgasm when you suck on her nipples whilst playing with her clitoris?
You getting into weird-space now man.

>lets use a natsoc flag and spout degenerate crap, surely they will never know and then see me as one of their own


Typical German over-engineering. An example is the ME-262 which was doomed from the start. Over engineered by scientists on the drawing board, then over-hauled and repurposed by Hitler into an over-engineered light offensive bomber.
Pic related happened too late to make a difference. They weren't pragmatic engineers.

I think that has more to do with rampant promiscuity in so-called "LGBT community" rather than homosexuality in and of itself. It's a result of a material and sex obsessed culture that doesn't value personal discipline or higher (spiritual?) values.

Most of "YOU"?. And who are YOU then? A kike?
Let's talk about kikery now. Look up BLOOD LIBEL accusation of kikery.

Lots of cons if you're a degenerate faggot concerned with only self-gratification.

con is that they all inevitably collapse from war-mongering or revolution

there is a reason why there are no fascist states

Pros: No free speech
Cons : No free speech

gayness should always be kept underground. It is in the interest of our human population to have heterosexuality. The prohibition of gayness is not about just blind hatred but more of a fascist Nazi view of survival of a race.


Entirely dependent on the quality of Leadership

If you're going with Nazi Germany as an example. Hitler was a fucking terrible leader because he was the Final word on everything and tried to micro manage everything. Unless you have a group of Educated/experienced people leading you're going to run into a lot of problems.

con: some industries that are dying will use the power of the govt to keep itself afloat, even when it is needlessly outdated or obsolete.

Just like cocaine and other drugs we know are destructive should always be illegal. Of course you can find them. But for our children, they know these are prohibited, and for the most part will avoid them. This is the wisdom of how mankind became the dominant species on earth. Do not underestimate how easily we could destroy ourselves.

the left side

true redpill is reactionary right/monarchism/imperialism.
>tfw will never be space imperialist discovering new seas of stars to conquer and finding minerals to help grow the human race


he was talking to the faggot calm down and go read some dailystormer articles your ADHD is spiking

Its not a natural condition for people to be in. Thats the point. Something like 70% of them were molested as children...thats clearly a majority of which do not have this condition as a lifestyle choice, but rather as a form of mental illness in response to a very bad upbringing. The problem is that they in turn also turn into child molesters.

There are many such behaviors that get transmitted in youth, into an ever decaying cycle. Obesity is one of them too, crime perhaps too. Some genetic, but also some other just cycled behavior which must be nipped in the bud.

For the remaining 30% who may have it as a "lifestyle choice"...well there are many paths to hell, but only one to heaven. Transgenders are really suicidal. Anything that deviates from the typical two genders too much becomes flawed. Even parents who may love their defunct children, who may shield them from the world...still probably dont reduce it by much. Because most likely even if you remove the hatred...the people with these conditions simply bump up against the natural genetic wall that has given them failure. One of the most primal urges, to that of making keeds will most likely be unfulfilled. And you may lie with your prefrontal cortex (your consciousness)...but the other parts of the brain do not lie, they will tell you to kill yourself. And in your struggle you will be a loose cannon to society and harm more than just yourself.

Maybe for the nice homo's who do not want to be just that and have a measure of stoicness...some form of therapy in some form of camps would be nice. Maybe with less men and with more women lol...tho everything costs money.

>universal truth

Traditionalism is universal truth

>stupid people can do less stupid things
>no Jews
>media can't lie
>no niggers
>low crime rate
>low poverty
>low unemployment
>high national unity should leadership be good
>government can make shit like communism and usury illegal and imprison anyone practicing it
>less personal freedom for those who aren't stupid
>potential for corruption

In a perfect world with no kikes, niggers, and commies, I'd probably be an ancap, but a perfect world does not, and will not exist. I think it is unwise to simply say "oh let stupid people make stupid decisions, it'll only hurt them", because it doesn't. As an example, the personal freedom to over-eat until you're 900 lbs and physically cannot stand should be restricted. You are not just hurting yourself, you are putting a strain on your family, and if not them, then the state who must take care of you. In a fascist state, should you do that, you would simply be forced to lose weight and get a job, and for a while they would keep an eye on you to make sure you don't relapse.

Rugged individualism only works when people are all relatively similar. Either they're all kind, all cruel, all white, all black, etc. The cruel will take advantage of the kind. The black will mistreat the white and vice versa. People who are too different do not get along. This doesn't change in a fascist society, but a fascist society guarantees those people don't live together anyway, likely not even in the same country. Individualism and/or egalitarianism promotes the ideals of personal freedoms above all else because they believe that all people are the same, or that we must simply ignore differences and the effect that they have on our society. This is foolish and will lead to the destruction of any state.

I'll modify a quote from Churchill: fascism is a terrible form of government, but all the others are worse. There is no such thing as a perfect form of government, but we've sure tried a lot which are far from it.

I think transgenderism is very clearly a mental illness that is being abetted by society. I don't see how mutilating one's own body or feeling that they are in the "wrong one" can ever be seen as something healthy.

As for homosexuality, I'm half and half on the issue, i.e there's natural and learned. I don't have moral concerns as much as national/racial survival. The incredible growth in "LGBTQ" culture is cause for alarm and i honestly think it's a type of sex cult indoctrination. In ancient cultures where homosexuality was part of life such as Greece, the idea of two men getting married and raising a kid would have been seen as a perversion. It was integrated in such a way that it did not come at the cost of having a virile society with the natural family as it's base.

Pro: Gets shit done
Con: A corrupt fascist leader is nearly impossible to remove from power without foreign military intervention or a bloody civil war

Fascism is the merger of corporations and the state. We are long past that point.

You guys bring up greece, but fail to mention that it too failed. The roman empire probably had something similar still...well the focus on these vast and complex societies, in which homosexuality was but a small aspect, in a limited time frame...its just part of the homo agenda that was probably recently refocussed here on Sup Forums as a shill thing.

The fact is that homosexuality is a sign of civilization decay


it is not a driving force which makes a civilization functional. The roman empire had influential and volkish families which first made it into what it was, and then as their power slowly waned, the empire decayed with them.

So go preach your homo agenda somewhere else with your fringe talking point. Even the average user here knows enough about those epochs enough to see your very retarded and limited viewpoint as a shill thing. I am not sure why this garbage even gets brought up. Sounds like a TRS/ alt right spencer talking point. Fuck off and go kill yourself.

>t. No fucking clue on history
People back then were openly homosexual
To a point married men could have a teenage boy to fuck on the side
This was the case far before Rome's peak and even during it
Rome decayed due to weak rulers and out side invasions and the fact that it was getting too courropter to govern
I agree the rampant faggorety in modern society is a sign of decay but that wasn't so in Roman or Greek times

I never claimed that homosexuality was a driving force in civilization. The problem is that it's been unnaturally abetted weaponized as a political/cultural tool to destroy the natural family and masculinity (which keeps order and stability in society)

>whole history and sidemarks, political intrigue to choose from that time period

Gee, I wonder which HIV carrying homo could be behind that post. Truly with you fags its always the same, its some dumb false dilemma between allowing you to have discourse or being homos ourselves for not allowing you.

But what if we just dont care? I am not a homo and as such this topic is of no interest to me. Homo's get gassed alongside the rest of the degenerates, and lower races just fine. And yes, that means you too if you are one of them.

and if you reply to this post I think it would be moral if some of us would put you on the list for future extermination. Let it drop, and let them die already you fucking literal faggots.

>I don't see how mutilating one's own body or feeling that they are in the "wrong one" can ever be seen as something healthy.
Congratulations on your privilege. How does it feel to feel entitled to pass judgement on other people about topics you know nothing about for reasons you know nothing about all because you're shitty that your boring existence is so powerless?

Cons: lack of continuity.
Therfore you need to be a monarchist.

Be a mutualist. Reject communism.

Vive le Roy!

I didn't realize you didn't have the privilege of passing judgements or forming opinions.

Pro: It only exists in Italian politics.
Con: People try to use the word outside Italian politics.
>my form of socialism is better than yours
Calm down manchildren. You both get helicopter rides.

Ancient Rome

>israel and the US aren't corporate fascistic states that rule the civilized world with an iron fist.

>potentially progressive and anti-conservative
>against the middle-class (this isn't entirely bad, but the middle class didn't do anything fundamentally wrong, they just developed the wrong things in junctions with having poor leadership and entering a stage of decline, spiritually, philosophically, intellectually, academically, and morally, it is their fault somewhat, but not entirely their fault, surely we must hold the impoverished as well as the wealthy to the same standard?)
To add to that, Marxism was developed as an attack on the Middle-Class, if you base your entire philosophy on everyone being either poor or rich, a Middle-Class kind of refutes your most basic premises.
>may or may not be racially friendly
>creativity is stifled for good reasons, but still stifled
those are the cons
For the Pros
This can not be overstated, it is rather important.
I think fascism is logistically sound, in regards to society and economy. Tempering prices, breaking up monopolies, maintaining roads, bridges, and a standing army, subsidizing farms for food production or the creation of state run businesses run by meritocratically selected individuals for optimal efficiency.
I don't think fascism is the end all answer to everything because the pros are not enough to outdo the cons.

Pros: order, wealth, style, fashion, success, and traditional values in spades, it's almost a utopia.

Cons: the nation is made and broken on how qualified the leader is. See WW2, which could've been won by the Axis had Hitler and Mussolini not been absolute fools who made terrible decisions.


Bull shit. They were destroyed because they were a threat to the eternal jew and its empire.

Ill take Fascism over the democracy we have now any day of the week.

Exactly. Fascism works.


We had to compensate lack of resources and manpower with better technology and it worked pretty well for a long time

It is a tool with which one can be manipulated to do stupid shit.

It is a tool with which one can be manipulated into not doing what needs to be done.

Nazis are good, fascism is bad. Fascism is that everything thing you are is controlled by authority. And with quick look you can see (((who))) will be the authority controlling.

ITT: jews promoting totalitarian control instead of national socialism

>What are the pros and cons of fascism?
>Posts a picture of Nazis
wew lad.

why do you faggots keep saying nazi?

>leaf post best post

Pros: Universal Order. Hierarchy. Discipline. War Ready.
Cons: None

Johnny Shumate has some great historical art

>pros: natural order, universal truth
What's the metaphysics of fascism then? Never heard of those.

tolkien? explain


>people back then were openly homosexual to the point that they fucked boys
>rome decayed due to weak rulers
>who fucked young boys

what do you not understand? you don't see the connection?

Of course you’d say that, Chinknadian.
