

kill yourself commie scum

> freedom not on the list
> socialist

Checks out

Yeah they shit on the military and the police all day every day so fuck this checklist.


majority of those things have nothing to do with socialism, unless you consider paying for a service to be socialism

I would give up all of those, to be rid of the first
Reduce your needs, learn to hate the concept of "the people"

OP is an idiot who fundamentally misunderstands what socialism is... kys OP

But hasn't DRUMPF already destroyed all these?



a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
>Not anything and everything that is regulated or done by the government

>socialism is when the gubbermint does stuff
By your autistic definition of "socialism" every single ideology except for extremist anarchism would be socialism

If we effectively already have Democratically Socialism why do the Bernie bros keep pushing for Democratic Socialism?

>Not privatized police
>Not privatized military
>Not privatized boarder patrol
>Not privatized government.

Do you even ancap bro?

I'd be fine with it, but I also think they're legitimate functions in a bare bones government. Lets be real, anarchy isn't going to happen.

You can have all those things under national socialism and don't have to deal with retarded leftist scum, kikes, or shitskins.


We're a constitutional republic please fuck off now

>Social programs that all countries is the same thing as (((Democratic Socialism)))

How will op ever recover?

Governments existed before DemSoc. Our military is supported by the military industrial complex.
Air Travel was developed by independent individuals and funded by wealthy capitalists.
Cars exist all over the world, across all types of governments.
Clean water existed even back under Roman rule. This is not a factor of government.
Public Schools were developed and implemented by Napoleon during his military campaign across Europe.
Big Bank Bailouts? Really? We get to give up getting cucked? Thats a bargain at any price.
Why do democrats oppose border patrol again?
TV and Radio were developed by capitalist inventors and developed due to the desire for consumer goods.
Cell phones were again developed by and for capitalists.
Insurance is largely a scam anyways.
Police have existed in every form of government across history.
Fire Protection existed as a private industry before it was deemed a government service. Worst case scenario it becomes privatized again but it will never go away. It's too important to society that people will opt in to pay for it under any government.
EMS exist in all but the most autocratic of governments. They are not exclusively DemSoc.
Public Libraries have always existed.
Public Parks are not required when you don't shit up the natural world.
Money arose naturally without government direction. Alternative currencies spring up when governments fail. See Venezuela.
Corporate Subsidies are retarded anyway.
Corporations often opt in to disaster relief due to positive PR. On a fundamental level people understand that disasters must be rectified. Authoritarians have even addressed disasters historically.
The internet developed due to a combination of military necessity and consumer drive for pornography.
Patents are good, but were driven by corporations within a capitalist structure. Not a socialist one.
Safe food is a societal benefit and it was always in the interest of private groups to develop and maintain access to safe food.

>All forms of public service cease to exist if governments aren't democratic socialists

dems invented water