Psychedelics should be legalized

Psychedelics should be legalized.

>impossible to overdose
>exposes people with mental issues

Why are drugs like shrooms and lsd scheduled in the same class as Cocaine, Heroin, etc.? It makes no sense.

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>Why are drugs like shrooms and lsd scheduled in the same class as Cocaine, Heroin, etc.?

Because they lower economic output. Now please stop being a retard.

Any source for this claim?

is common sense a source ?
suddenly huge amounts of your workforce can trip balls legally

Sauce is for kids who eat their greens you fat little cunt

Psys aren't for plebs who will pick some up at a store for fun then eat shrooms or dose then drive or be a retard In public. Having to join the scene or go to an event and be willing to break the laws are part of the modern initiation.

But I'm all for medical use or defunding DEA operations and forcing them to go strictly after cartels / heroin.

Alcohol is legal yet I don’t see being shitfaced at work/in public as the norm.

Also you build a tolerance so quickly to psychedelics that it’s basically impossible to trip daily unless you want to triple your dose every day.

>your workforce

so your argument is i can't do drugs because i'd be less productive for my jewish masters?

>impossible to overdose
I was given 3mg of LSD. That's 30 hits.

I might not have died, but give it a go and tell me you can't OD cunt.

Psychedelic drugs are illegal because they expand levels of perception. In an age of perception management obviously a substance which empowers the mind has to be banned

That's exactly precisely my argument.

>30 hits

oh babby 1mg is breakfast for some people

>it's not addictive!
>But I will never stop!
every time

By that logic I guess a retard could overdose on water. Try not being a sub-60 iq mongoloid next time.

Also I call bullshit that’s 300 dollars of LSD.

why do you think this?

You can fuck up your mind. I know a few people who can't even see shit normally after tripping only 10+ Times

Your personal experience does not indicate the norm, friend. Also 10 times is a fuckton.

Why OP wanna suck Dick shaped mushrooms so bad?

Good argument, Reddit.

And? On what tolerance? I used to eat 10 strips every week or so.
3mg after 18 months away to get back to baseline.
Sounds like you're sub 50 IQ if you're paying 100USD/10 strip.
Get some contacts you pleb cunt.
300USD is a full sheet at 100ug, and that's if you only buy 1 sheet.

Probably done like 30+ no problems not for weak minded / mentally ill people tho I've seen some people go schizo young and never came back they probably would have had another 10-15 years if they never dabbled


what a fucking nightmare it would be if the normals had access to this type of shit. Holy fuck would it be a mess. sometimes the society just "isn't ready". like giving a child something past it's ability to control

people abuse OPIATE MEDICATIONS, the most serious pain killers RECREATIONALLY. think of the implications of that in regards to people's fitness for "Constructive use" can't even "control pain" or eliminate a negative without fucking it up! and you think we'll trust you to build a positive? You need to learn to fix something before you can build or better it

> is common sense a source ?

No it's not

>impossible to overdose on psychedelics
you're a fucking idiot and you deserve to die like one

The reason drugs are not as popular as they could be is due to random drug testing by police and employers. Psychedelics are especially damaging because they can lead to what I would call "rank subversion" - it's even slightly better to have the lowest-class workers to be a little depressed, alcohol being the drug of choice

Shrooms / L don't even show up on drug tests you would have to do a spinal tap to catch it

Wow you found something obscure and chemically created that when snorted will cause cardiac issues
Ingestion of mescaline or proper natural sources ain't going to give you those kinds of problems

are....are you sure? A hair test for psilocybin would likely involve collecting a sample of 20-50 hair follicles from the head of a potential user. These follicles would then be sent to a laboratory for assessment with ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Detectable for up to 4 weeks after use.

Mushrooms have developed a new level of conscience they are too strong now and will be way too strong in another 20 years.
Legal yes, but with good guidelines.

>Replies to thread about shrooms
Why haven't you died of shame yet, user?

>Why are drugs like shrooms and lsd scheduled in the same class as Cocaine, Heroin, etc.? It makes no sense.
Anything that competes with opioids are illegal to weed out the competition.

not all psychedelics have the same safety profile as more well-known chemicals and compounds but morons like the kind you find in threads like these don't see any difference and treat them all the same
misinformation kills
so you can take that attitude and shove it up your arse, you snotty little cunt

oh no people will realize how shit these make-work jobs are that exist only to prob up this retarded infinite growth economy on a finite planet

oh and
>will cause cardiac issues
was not the cause of death
of course you'd know that if you fancied pulling your head out of your arse and reading the article

Ok so maybe psilocybin is technically detectible but corps ain't paying for high tech hair tests when a piss or saliva test catches all the shit they care about

Yeah, I've only taken small doses of shrooms and it's always been way, way too much for me. There is nothing productive that can come from losing control over my actions and thoughts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is handing their mind over to Satan (unnatural consumption of earthly materials). Earth doesn't give a fuck about your well being. You are the only one that does, and imbibing psychedelics are preventing you from doing that in the most natural way possible,.

whew lad
why are so many druggies so pretentious?
your habit is degenerate
it doesn't increase your perception or any of that shit
it just keeps you from doing anything productive between your shifts at mcdonalds

>Why are drugs like shrooms and lsd scheduled in the same class as Cocaine, Heroin, etc.?
I hope you're tying that noose as I reply big fella.

because that can destroy your mind if you're not stable in the first place

i personaly tried and it was a great expe but one of my friend described his trip as "pure horror" and after that weekend we never saw him again

psyhedelics are the reason anyone ever thought about delegalizing drugs.
crack and other junkie shits were just used to put them into same bag.

if everyone was eating shrooms once/twice a year, jews wouldn't be able to do shit.

they would be fucking gypsy tier begging for money under the church

>Why are drugs like shrooms and lsd scheduled in the same class as Cocaine, Heroin, etc.? It makes no sense.
If it had happened in the 1960s I'd say probably some freak thought he could fly and jumped off a third floor balcony, ruining it for everybody else. But I hear the ban on psychedelis happened more recently. So it's probably politics, just as always.
All drugs are bad for you, mmmm-kay? Just keep asking your doctor for prescriptions of Oxycontine. If it's legal, it must be good for you.

It’s incredible how dangerous legal drugs are in the U.S.

People even abuse over the counter cough syrup to get high for fuck’s sake.

Sounds like your friend has some repressed memories he needs to work out.

Heard that, thought WTF, then saw a documentary about it and they're really doing it.

But hell, in Russia they cook gasoline, eye drops and flu medicine and inject(!) that stuff. Don't google "Krokodil", it has some extremely ugly side effects, and it will take a while to get those pictures out of your head.

I’ve seen a lot of homeless people around me with scars from that shit it’s nasty.

>exposes people with mental issues
gives people mental issues

People who claim cannabis/psychedelics cause mental illness are completely unaware of the fact that maybe these people had fucked up lives to begin with and the drugs simply let them emote/experience those thoughts/feelings. The world is full of fucked up people and the only way out is through. If everyone had the courage to conquer their inner demons the world would be a better place for it.

good goy

In In virtually all cases psilosybin will help people cope with their mental issues.
There are very rare cases when scitzos get even worse, those are the cases that are carrying the argumentation against the medicinal use.

>oy vey, we'd lose so much money if our workers weren't thrown into cells for coming near drugs!
>i might have to buy a single sports car instead of three!

>Also 10 times is a fuckton.
>if you get the message, hang up the phone

everything is addictive, and it remains addictive until you die

I can only really speak for shrooms but all they’ve done is make me assess the shitty things I do/how I act and healed some past trauma.

If you are predisposed to mental illness it will bring it to the forefront.

Me and my best friend consumed a number of different psychedelic substances for roughly 2 and a half years on a fortnightly basis. At the end of that period I came out unscathed, he, however, developed psychosis and was committed to a mental hospital.

So no, the argument that psychedelics will undoubtedly give you mental illness is conjecture, I'm firsthand proof of that.

>There are very rare cases when scitzos get even worse, those are the cases that are carrying the argumentation against the medicinal use.
These are usually people with a very traumatic past/childhood and in addition to psychedelic medicine need a nurturing and positive environment to heal properly, and even then some people have such bad brain damage from abuse that they will never function properly again.
There is no "message" with psychedelics only a temporary feeling of being super "present" and experiencing your brain firing on literally all cylinders. You are in what some people call a state of "flow" that is both dreamlike yet conscious. Yogis and people who meditate are trying to attain similar states of "knowing." So no, using it 10 times or 100 times is irrelevant, because the message is always original and is coming from within. The drug is simply a tool to enhance brain function.

Some psychedelic drugs can make you vomit, though, and you may pass out and suffocate on your own vomit. Also predispositioned people may experience psychotic episodes and become a danger to themselves and others.

So it's not all carefree, but on the other hand I also can't agree to those drugs being classified as "having no use in medicine and treatment". Trials have shown that MDMA can treat post traumatic stress disorders, and psilocybin can reset the brain and help people with clinical depression.

>At the end of that period I came out unscathed, he, however, developed psychosis and was committed to a mental hospital.
shitty to hear that. How is he doing now? I wonder if it be better he experience the psychosis now and maybe start learning to deal with it/cope with it and eventually heal himself, or live his life never knowing he had deep seeded issues to begin with only for them to blow up on him later in life? Many theorize that by simply acknowledging and validating certain feelings we reassure our subconscious that our conscious is aware of these things and is working to fix them, which begins an internal healing process.

The government just loves to lock up people for 7 years for consuming a plant that humans have been using since the beginning of history.

I've done them. Effective antidepressant, those. Also cure transexuality in some cases. All you need is one dose, and then you're done. However, there is a massive risk of failing treatment and getting worse.

Not exactly the best thing for the pharma business

>no return patients
>half your patients' relatives sue you on their behalf, because they cut off their dicks and killed themselves

I believe he is doing ok now, last I heard he was at Uni studying. I lost contact with him after his family requested that I no longer speak to him anymore just so he did not have that influence in his life, so I respected their wishes and have not spoken to him since.

He attempted to heal himself at the latter stages before he was committed, he spent some lengthy periods at a Buddhist forest monastery and really got into meditation, I think that is when he started to go on the mend but ultimately his parents were still concerned about him and had him committed.

Sorry to hear about that man, it really isn’t your fault, he was fucked up to begin with.

Dumbass. You must be new.
Here’s one of Sup Forums‘s youtube no-job shitbags. He got high on mushrooms and shot his girlfriend.
Dumbass. Just google “shot + mushrooms”
>but it’s a safe drug
One simple search destroys anything you can say.

I did the weed once
Not so bad, but nothing that should be out in public.
Private usage in private areas such as homes I don't see any harm with it.
But not in public areas. Psychedelics really messes with your brain and is more dangerous to the public than alcohol.

Cars kill, water does too.

What's your point?

>a dumbass neet with deepseated mental issues did something stupid

Color me surprised.

>Psychedelics really messes with your brain and is more dangerous to the public than alcohol.
I first read this as 'more dangerous than public school'

Religion was invented after man started taking psychedelics

With this argument everything in the fucking world should be illegal

Normal people, i.e. non-Americans, don't have firearms and also lack the permant urge to murder everyone around you.

>the kraut talking about Americans wanting to kill everyone

How do you spell irony again?

To be fair, public school in most of America is dangerous

Here’s an interesting read on the subject, keep in mind these are just people admitting to having used psychedelics, there’s a good chance that many more have but are unwilling to admit it.

Destroying a good smart persons life over a hit of acid is horrendous abuse of power. Dosage matters a lot, nobody has problem with 40 mics but over a hundred mics and some can't handle it. There is no support system or education about it. It's not as much a safety issue as it is lack of standard dosage and facilities to use it. Unlike other drugs where high doses would cause one to passout or die, psychedelics go way beyond the comprehensible and the human curiosity to go there is dangerous. Very dangerous.
But the laws are not about safety or crime. They are there to preserve a specific order.and structure. Psychedelics are a threat to the power structure. That's why they are classified like heroin. Don't hold your breath for permission.

this is the stupidest fucking logic ever bong

Name a single smart person who got fucked up from psychedelics. I’ll wait.

Everything except for alcohol should be delegalized.

>Why are drugs like shrooms and lsd scheduled in the same class as Cocaine, Heroin, etc.? It makes no sense.

Because though is a thing to fear.

As in everything should be illegal?

You're dumb

So its selfish reasons for the wealthy to keep their workforce in check?

Why the fuck should anyone care about that?

Wait. I'm dumb...

Yeah. You're right.

Its not physically addictive. And just because someone enjoys doing something and continues to do it on occasion doesn't constitute an addiction. An addiction is continuing to do something regularly regardless of obvioys damage its causing them in some way.

You're a fucking idiot.

10 times is not a fuck ton...

damn i used to grow shrooms for my own consumption and i tripped for 30 days straight. i think that was a fuck ton.
yes, it did fuck up my mind.

i've done the same thing before
Except it was meth.

>Alcohol is legal yet I don’t see being shitfaced at work/in public as the norm.
probably because the standard is that if you’re caught drinking on the job you ours ass gets fucking fired you mong

I eat 300 ug once a month.

Fight me.

Why would that be any different with psychedelics?

What in the world would compell you to trip for 30 fucking days? Are you retarded?

>exposes people with mental issues
By demonstrating everyone has mental issues

I've been tripping face off 2.5 hits of acid all night, so sue me.

No. Its got little to do with the fact that you'll get fired and more to do with the fact that its a horrible fucking idea.

Did you have fun?

I call bullshit, this is literally impossible due to short term tolerance buildup. Nice false flag.

t. Someone who has mental issues

>can't even see shit normally
>see shit normally
>see shit

I have never met an LSD or shroom addict.
This is pure propaganda.
Most folks who take those drugs do it once a month.


>he doesn't know the benefits of microdosage
>he still uses methylphenidate or caffeine

I know a dude from college who microdosed for months and he’s completely fine.