"Hey user remember that time we fucked? well it was rape and I didn´t know it!"

Is your country trying to apply this law too? here they are saying that if a woman regrets having sex with you = rape
ANY woman can say that she was in shock to say "no" so you was raping her. We are going to need a contract before the sex. Of course this will only apply to whites as feminists here keep ignoring all those girls being harassed and punched by Mohammeds near a high school from here.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Hi, user. Remember that time three months ago when I was riding you, moaning with pleasure?
>Well, I now realise that was rape.
>You raped me, user. How could you rape me.
That has to be one of the most fucked up situations to find yourself. And I think this power grab will eventually bite women on the ass as our cultures adjust to their newfound sense of victimhood

Reminder this law only applies to white men

>We are going to need a contract before the sex.
That contract is called marriage.

>Grow up in small farm
>Do terrible in school
>Teachers comfort me with a safe future working with my dad on farm
>Decide I want something different
>Study like a madman and get good SAT scores
>Enrolled to uni for the first time in life
>New consent law pass
>Will probably have to tread carefully to avoid commie grills calling me a rapist

It takes so little to ruin everything

Your response sounds logical and reasonable, but a horny 18 year old isn't going to listen. And no man is going to marry a woman without first testing the goods, so any one of those test drives could quickly become a rapey situation

brö, you better start making a waterproof consent document.

According to the new rules, I am a serial rapist whose victims don't yet realize a crime has been committed

No, even your wife could say you raped her. What this new law is trying to do is to make ANY relation = rape, for example
>Remember that time three months ago when I was riding you, moaning with pleasure?
"She was afraid to say no, she was in shock, so it was rape"
They have been doing extreme cases here, mind you Spain is one of the safest zones for women so feminists here are literally desperate to find women being raped, and even the sexists guys here are not bad, being a sexist here = protect the woman and make sure she live a good life.
Pretty much, feminists even protect rapist muslims.

I am actually thinking of a system of documenting my everyday life in order to ensure alibi in case of rape accusations

It's fucked up that I'm even typing that sentence

Yes, here feminists are starting to push the "thousands of women has been raped , they just didn´t realize it yet.

There was an app like that but it was deleted, iSex was called.

It's more than just physical encounter, what I fear is to get accused just because a woman doesn't like me, no matter how close we actually got

>well it was rape
Not if they can't find the body.

better be safe than sorry. but yeah its insane to even think about it in an unironic way.
how long will it take you to graduate?

Haven't started yet, but it will be a two year program

Taken to its logical conclusion, any woman could point a finger at any man, even one she's never had sex with, and before things get sorted out the damage done could be permanent regardless of what's later uncovered.

>I'm an older user (40's)
>Have business employing a lot of twenty something women.
>Have fucked quite a few of them over the years.
>Women love powerful men or men in power
>I can honestly say I never once made the first move
Did I use them? Possibly.
Did I rape them? No.
Pretty sure this shit is going to come back and haunt me. Wouldn't be surprised if I vanned soon.

Better than to have nothing, I didn't get this far to just let myself be pushed over by some nasty snowflake like the rest of this country

>Afraid that girl is gonna later lie about your encounter?
>Sex doll will never lie about you.
>Concerned that girl will later regret having drunken sex
>Sex doll doesn't even drink
>Worried that girl will regret letting your friends take a turn
>Sex doll welcomes everyone

This. Biocunts will soon be obsolete.

Funny thing is that women want to forbid the prostitution, apparently women making making lot of money because THEY want is sexist and heteropatriarchy, even though that still will be better than working 12 hours to gain less than 800 euros monthly.

Likewise. If I were running for high office, they could track down women I fucked who worked for me. It was all entirely consensual, man and woman flirting and having fun and things running their natural course. But could they get one of them to say it wasn't her idea, and she only did it because she was afraid she'd get fired if she rejected me? Maybe not for free. But for $750K, like they offered women to lie about Trump? That's a lot of money. I'm sure some of them could use it. Maybe they'd be too honest to do it immediately, but if the offer was hanging out there for more than a year, tempting them...

I don't worry about getting arrested or sued, because they wouldn't have any evidence. Just like the women who they keep saying are about to formally accuse Trump. But they could certainly cause a scandal, just by taking a situation that happened and putting a different after-the-fact spin on it. And with that kind of money involved, they'd rationalize it until they didn't realize they were lying.

You don´t seem to get the point: it doesn´t matter if you are innocent, but we are too pacific and our crimes are getting lower. Lower crimes/heteropatriarchy = feminists starving.
For example, a guy gave a kiss to her partner because he thought that was a good moment, the girl sued him and made him pay like 25.000 euros even though it was just a lame attempt to confess his love. It was treated as rape.
Meanwhile an immigrant almost rape a nurse and got free.
And if the girl has money issues she might remember you and accuse you of rape, they are really pushing that agenda here.

You're saying a woman sued a man and won €25k because he gave an inappropriate kiss?

I’m not worried, the only crazy I put my dick into is the tupé crazy about me

hey user, remember that pig farm down the road? want to go feed some pigs?


Feels great that I can never be convicted of rape
Because I have never had sex

Sorry it was actually 28,000 euros. They knew each other, work in the same place, the guy took her to her home in his car and then he kissed her. Pretty sure the girl could have just told him to fuck off and they guy would have surrendered but hey you don´t make money that way!
And here there are more and more poor women because feminists are too busy fighting against an inexistent heteropatriachy instead of the unemployement and low-salary matter.
The System compensate women if they hate (white) men.
Meanwhile the immigrant who almost rape a nurse: 1400 euros, even though I doubt he will pay it.

Go back to your farm. Civilization isn’t wirth it.

Now that's where you're wrong, and that's why this shit is getting out of control

Looking at a woman will be rape in the future. They tried to push the "telepathic rape" some time ago but it didn´t work, I guess they will push that shit again because is weird for a woman to be raped in Spain.


*Kills in Allah Akbar*

Nearly happened to me. A girl whips my dick out, plays with it, we make out, etc and the week after she thinks she hears rumors about her with somebody else so she accuses them of rape, then got paranoid and accused me to so her innocence wouldn't be tarnished and it would look like she was the victim and everyone was out to get her.. She had to get removed from a work place for doing this previously and I never imagined she was that type. This was years ago though so I didn't know how big false rape accusations really are, or that women could be so flagrant.

>It takes so little to ruin everything
No joke

>Go back to your farm. Civilization isn’t wirth it.
I would go live out on a farm right now if I could. Actually that's not a bad idea, I'm going to research it. Thanks for the inspiration anons

My doctor recently warned me it's not heart-healthy to start my raging at 8:00 am

>"telepathic rape"

Just saw this and had to comment. I had an English professor tell us how the "male gaze" is a form of rape. So just by feeling uncomfortable, a women (according to her) has the right to take systemic action against them. This is the same professor who wanted us to dissect stories using "feminism", "post modernism", and I'm not shitting you "cultural marxism". I should've taken a photo of the sheet. Uni is fucked everyone.

user any female that is sexually aggressive like that is not a good girl to be with for the future.

Funny thing is that raped women profile usually is: they are way more shy, embarrassed of themselves, afraid, and are fully clothed. What´s so funny about this you ask? well these kind of girls get bullied a lot by *gasp* other girls.
I knew a girl who was abused when she was a little girl and guess what: most women treated her like shit because she was "weird".
All these women feeling raped only by gaze don´t even know the hell that a true raped girl come through.

I never really grew up with any female attention, so it was new to me. If I had known what to look for now I could probably spot the type. I thought it was more of a romantic thing between us than it really was. You're right though.

git outa here you spainyard go on GIT

>society is so dire that the value of women declines so much, that they have to play roulette with their vagina's just to get mens attention.
>the man uses that opportunity, leads them on but then bails

You know, 90% of them just want a husband probably. If you abuse them, lead them on and otherwise behave like a undercover manwhore...it is quite natural to see from their perspective that they would choose such a path.

They have few options, maybe had some hopes and dreams, gave out too much kindness and you shit in their hearts by being a fucktard. Maybe the men are to blame...though obviously the courts who push ahead may not be that virtuous as well. Well I dont know.

>well these kind of girls get bullied a lot by *gasp* other girls.
>All these women feeling raped only by gaze don´t even know the hell that a true raped girl come through.

Yeah definitely. I remember staying in my brothers psych class and the professor was telling them about how women don't fight like men do, they fight systematically and using reputation. It didn't dawn on me that what was happening wasn't romance or that she would freak out and betray me with threats of outright lies, and would have the nerve to even acknowledge them as lies.


Dave was ahead of his time

Is it fair to say that in western countries women are objectively higher class citizens than men? d'you think it'll reach the point where western men start to despise western women on mass?

No, in the Netherlands the police warns women that false rape charges will get prosecuted. And then 50% of the women drop their charges. Unironically.

Plus in the Netherlands being drunk, being lied to and so on isn't a problem. It's about if you wanted to have sex or not. And you can't change your mind during (or after) the act according to case law.

>You know, 90% of them just want a husband probably.

Wishful thinking. I remember thinking this too. That the paranoid and lashing out with reputational warfare was just them not knowing what they really wanted or needed or feeling threatened. It's all about power user. Don't make the mistake of thinking they're innocent, or certainly as good natured as yourself.

>If you abuse them, lead them on and otherwise behave like a undercover manwhore

Unnecessary. I've seen cases where women do this purely for convenience. They ruin men's lives for convenience, reputation, revenge, any type of pettiness really. I've seen it all over the past few years.

>Maybe the men are to blame

I know you're very prepared to think this is the case but in the majority of rape accusations I don't think this is true. It has happened, but false accusations are the majority. I would even guess the standard.


>You know, 90% of them just want a husband probably.
Well just compare:
they lived like queens and didn´t need a work. Most of them were independent with their husbands at the age of 22 or so, living in their own house.
white men are poorer or are jobless, if not they emigrate. Women have to work BY THE FORCE if they don´t want to live with their parents forever. Work like 10 hours for a shitty salary, be slave for a shitty boss and suffering sexism from their FEMALE partners. Not to mention is almost impossible to have a single kid in their 20s now
Most of them regretted to follow the path of STRONK and INDEPENDENT woman and are now too old to get a good men. It was much, much better to be a slave of your husband (when he wasn´t a dick of course) than a slave of a boss.

spain and the rape

i thought this thread was kllled you are not hwite why are you here for

>They ruin men's lives for convenience, reputation, revenge, any type of pettiness really. I've seen it all over the past few years.
Only with white men. You just need to program women to love white men just like they love even the worse scum now.
I reccomend that any time you date with a woman to do this: go to the bathroom and message her asking her "hey wait a minute and i´ll be ready, you are ready right?" and after sex message again: "did you enjoy it?" and make capture of everything.

>If you abuse them, lead them on and otherwise behave like a undercover manwhore...it is quite natural to see from their perspective that they would choose such a path.

And that's so fucked. Just because they don't like something someone does they could falsely accuse them of a crime? for "leading them on"? If you died society would improve. I'm not kidding.

>English professor
What has this got to do with english? I would be asking for my money back.

Women are pretty pathetic creatures you know, even their social "claws" are fucking nothing, its just bullshit that only exists in your brain. To get fooled by them...lol...well. You know the main reason why they do as they do? Its probably because of the test decline that happened. Which made men into wussies. Obviously its not a good thing to break the bond that you made during love...but combined with the fact men are also increasingly turned hostile towards them, and that they are retarded...fratboy culture, "pumping and dumping", the popular theme in society being "you are a man if you can sleep with loads of women"...these are the starting points which triggered them into lashing out back. The men started this gender war.

Because a marriage between a man and a woman, is still very much preferable to most women. Its a very cozy arrangement. The risks of being promiscuous outside of marriage are slightly out of favor to them and their biology. They innately dont want to raise a kid on their own, but will do so if there is no other choice you know.

Yea, I also know about a story about some cop user who was super alpha for like 30 years, but got broken down by a case in which something quite terrible happened, like a father murdering his whole family...in which the woman decided that he is not alpha anymore...within the month...and then cheated on him. But these types of women I think should be fairly rare. Most women have this innate desire to respect, and to love men. Right now here in euroland the divorce rate is barely at 40% (netherlands), all the while men are getting fatter, dumber, and generally shittier. Many women who still stick with their man even though he doesnt even give her children. Purely out of loyalty. Slowly mentally collapsing even. Until that divorce ratio goes up with 2% this year again lol...

hes a true genius and understands the world and they shut him down for it

How about keep your legs shut until a man has proved himself worthy of you? I know, it's such an old fashioned idea and there's nothing wrong with being a slut these. Wanting both things at once is impossible and retarded.

>We are going to need a contract before the sex.
good you degenerate motherfucker

Women are more retarded than men, how many men of young age do you see around you, at your workplace or outside who still fall for the "Based black guy" theme? How many of them recoil in fear when they hear of the 6 million poor jews being keeled? How many of the young generation are pot smokers, sugar drinkers, dont know how to cook, how to work and do all the other manly things?

Men are fucking broken and I am glad that this place existed for me to escape the average, and these trends. But this luxury does not exist in all children outside there. And a woman is even less able to resist society than men, they are naturally submissive...all they have in their hearts is this innate desire to find a long term mate, but their higher programming makes them the enemy of ours when it tells them how to get to that desire. They lash out at us, demean us, welcome rapefugees...all the while the men become antifa, crossdress, fap to porn, consume drugs, alcohol, smoke, have "based black" friends and other garbage.

Its is not solely a female fault you know.

Are sex dolls the patricians SO?

Link?i cannot find any info

>western men start to despise western women en masse
It's highly probable this is the result, depending on whether the current trend is just a fad or a permanent shift in relations between men and women. Currently, it's simply that not enough men have been swept up in the net. As soon as men collectively realize the change, their behavior will change, and I assure you women will be the ones to suffer, as men will always find other options. Femanon lurkers take note.

They are using "La Manada" (five guys apparently raped one girl....till they released a photo with the girl having fun with those guys, so they are pushing the narrative "if she was in shock to say no, is RAPE" , they dedicate it a lot of time in Media.
Is not a secret that feminists are in crisis because of the lack of sexual agressions and are trying to make everything rape now.

>tfw retroactive rape is now a thing

These Salem Bitch Trials are basically an all-out assault to turn men into third class citizens

This nearly happened to me but I luckily dodged the bullet because everybody supported my side of the story. I even got the woman pregnant, paid for the abortion and stayed in contact with her well after our tryst. She only came out calling it rape a year later after she had moved across the country and told me she wanted no more contact between us, which I supported.

From what I gather she became a big feminist after meeting friends at her new job and decided it was retroactive rape and I needed to be held accountable. Shit sucked while it was going on but our mutual friends who still talked to her defended me relentlessly, including the two women who got us to hook up in the first place.

>feminists are in crisis
I think it's partly/mostly an obvious power grab, a tactic to gain power over men, to make men conform to their wishes and demands. Unfortunately, not all men are that stupid, and the good ones will simply cease to participate in the system. Of course theyll still find sex partners and wives, but the overall dating dynamic will change. It'll become a business transaction, which for most men will be fine. For women it'll become a nightmare, and they'll then complain they're being treated unfairly because men ignore them, as in ignore every thing they do

>Salem Bitch Trials

I live in constant fear that my ex that is studying sociology someday turns against me with that shit.

I’ve heard this since college back in he early 00’s when I attended a fairly liberal school. Funny story, our Gender Studies Dept just opened and the lesbian liberal profs were going on about this shit at recruitments. Four years later, who’s the top Gender Studies major? A future Miss America contestant, who said she chose the major so she could be a better wife and mother. She said her award acceptance speech she thought men got a bad rap and that what she learned most from the major was that to be a good woman she needed to understand good men. The professors were livid but couldn’t do anything about it. The girl was smoking hot and the girliest girl ever. I don’t even think she works now. Just lives off her modeling money and her husbands six figure income.

>tfw have an ex that is also a sociology major
>her FB feed is literally all feminist talking points and muhhh intersectionality
>during the #metoo shit campaign she also posted a long sob story about being groped during a party while she was drunk
>mfw i was at that party

the best solution is to only have sex with your robot waifu

women aren't worth it

Another great way to kill the birth rate`

Have an ex who became way more liberal after we broke up. While we dated she was pretty bad but not as bad as she is now. She used to get upset if I called her a girl and not a woman, for example. Now she’s legally changed her name to a less feminine one because, no joke, her birth name was a “slave” name given to her by the patriarchy.

Luckily I think I’m safe with her. We had wild sex while dating but after we broke up and she was calling me/pawing at me for more sex as fwbs, I told her no and she actually got the memo. She even said later on she’s forgotten most of our relationship and doesn’t pay me any mind since she got the closure she needed. So I think I’m safe. She did call out her most recent ex on Facebook as part of the #Metoo thing tho, and the guy was an absolute soyboy

And people on this forum wonder why people go MGTOW, it's all about risk vs reward. Not worth the time and effort in pursuits which could backfire.

No, marriage is not a binding agreement to have sex. You can go to jail for marital rape, every state in the USA enforces consent laws for sex acts between husband and wife.


>mfw I explained MGTOW without even meaning to.
I'm no MGTOW advocate but I don't fault any man who's bitter from being fucked over so I generally stay out of it. I genuinely feel bad for young men who have to worry about such things as stare-rape

As long as you don't get into a position where someone comes along and offers her enough money to "remember" things.

fornicators deserve death. Charging them all with rape is gods will. whores and whoremongers will reap what they sow.

It's important to note that feminists, as well as many others identifiying as liberal, have little to nothing in the way of useful skills, qualities, or information. Creating problems so they can be selected (hired and paid) to be the solution to the problem is the key to their existence.
Holding these idiots to their own standards when not pointing and laughing at them is the best way to deal with it.
Remember: no one commits higher rates of domestic abuse than the GLBTQRSTWXYZ crowd.

Linus Torvalds has had to make sure he isn't alone in a room with a woman for years now, he knows they want to converge the linux project. It's seriouly fucked up

I wonder if this is being pushed to establish a statute of limitations? It's too juicy for the left to not pick up and run it ragged where a response would be necessary.

Rape cases get dropped all the time due to lack of evidence. How the fuck are they going to retroactively proove you even had sex with someone, let alone raped them. Literally the only way is to remove the burden of proof and just indiscriminately put people in prison.

It's not a matter of jail, it's your reputation that gets fucked

It unironically dont see the problem here. He literally assaulted someone and got sued.

When normies hear the R word they decide to totally ruin your life before anything is proven because they're fucking idiots.

>ban prostitution

I have not once heard any public figure even consider the posibility of prosecuting prostitutes, they are all about fining the customers, the owners, and any men who knows about it, but going after the women making thousands of euros? That'd be blaming the victim!

>You know, 90% of them just want a husband probably.

I know what you mean, that is why i think this is a problem should be adressed in highschool, but the moment they lose the hymen they are differant user, to the point of manipulating a beta that previously would be a fine husband for them or by losing vision on their goal until the clock starts ticking, therefore desearve no piety before they prove they are willing to be good girls

Women want to talk about it. Talking and and negotiating about what you want when having sex beforehand is very sexy. It also shows you are mature and you have mental and emotional fitness. Be a man and talk to a woman about sex first.

This, recently a guy in the UK was accused of false 'rape'. It completely ruined his life and reputation, it turns out the police had evidence that proved he didn't via messages on his phone this psycho bitch had sent. But the police WITHHELD this information and didn't notify the defendent, fucked up justice system

Fine. By attempting to kiss her he violated her person and thus committed both a civil and criminal offence. I'm happy to live by that standard. What annoys me is that we now apply different standards to different groups, disregarding identical female behavior as not quite the same. Muslims seem allowed to mass rape while white men are required to sit with crossed legs and not hold a gaze. And we all know Joy Behar won't be losing her job.

Over here the feminists are all for prostitution. They are even trying to change the name to "sex work" and there are occasional articles in the newspaper trying to make "sex work" a destigmatised and dignified line of work.

Just a week ago there was an article int he Toronto Star (major paper here) about a former "sex worker" who had written a book about her whoring. She was retired now in her late 20s. Made no qualms about enoying her time as a filthy whore. Was even looking for a husband now. And even said she would consider doing some "sex work" in the future on the side. And of course it was none of her future husbands business. What timeline is this a whore used to be a disgusitng thing now they're girl power?

Why is it that the worst enemy of women is other women?
Men can be fucking horrible to each other but I never see the same level of cruelty directed at a man from another man that I see from women at other women.
Women are seemingly hellbent on destroying each other constantly. It’s just so strange that the more socially active sex is also the one that fucking cannot stand itself

Tell that to all the black guys going down for it then.

Women are property, this is beyond absurd

Is mostly a business, many feminists gain a salary for "fighting" against the heteropatriarchy, not to mention this shit create lot of jobs for useless women, otherwise they would starve or would have to compete against better people.
> For women it'll become a nightmare, and they'll then complain they're being treated unfairly because men ignore them, as in ignore every thing they do
This is already happening so there are also a lot of women against this feminism, mostly because of this:

>Hey user remember that time we fucked?

>women can lead men on and sleep around but men can't
>if a man does this it's logical to assume he'll be accused of rape
Just listen to yourself

So was he convicted?