Aqua Thread

Post Aqua from Konosuba

I love Aqua.

This thread makes me want to piss.





I would cum instantly if she were to sit on my face.


Praise Aqua.

This shot earned the show a lot of credit for me.

I don't know what I wanted her to do when she saw his dick, but I'm glad it wasn't the default Blush+Violence.

The smug ass smile scored a Space/10 for my sides.

Aqua > Megumin

Worst girl.




How does she deal with period and vaginal discharge without wearing panties and pads? Do goddesses even have reproductive organs? Are they even human? Does Aqua purify all her bodily fluids into water?


this is why she's the water goddess
she just drips everywhere she goes


I want her to collect all of it in a bottle and give it to me for research.

Dunno, she doesn't use toilets though.

Her and kazuma are very close to each other. She gets the most vulnerable when kazuma insults her or leaves her behind.

Literally ScumZuma. She should join my party, I will treat her like a goddess and earn lots of Eris to give her the good life.

i used to think it was misato but im now conviced aqua would be the best anime girl to have really drunken, sloppy sex with

Kyouka I like your armor and style but you need to stop.

>Does Aqua purify all her bodily fluids into water?

Probably, she can't even make a cup of tea without turning it into plain water.

I am not a white knight orbiter. I can be assertive when needed.

I hope for you, but let us see this right away what is your cheat item?




Sorry user but I fear you're actually such a thing as a white knight not full fledged but you're still more of an helping soul than assertive.

I'm going to post it everyday until you join the Axis cult.

Does worshiping Aqua give you brain problems, or do only people with brain problems want to worship Aqua?

Would you an Aqua if she was blond?

>Would you____an Aqua if she was blond?

Is this shit any good?
Was thinking about watching it but I heard it was pretty bad from some people. What's the appeal?


>not watched konosuba in current year
>browses Sup Forums




Translate it please.

I couldn't find a better synonym for hot starting with a.

Aqua da best.

Wait a second Aqua and Aquaairhead are the same thing...

I wonder why the artist messed up so much.

I can't wait for the Konosuba game to come out.

I'm gonna kill Aqua over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Goddesses dont use the toilet, thats why nopan isnt a hygiene issue, and also why aqua throws up so much; since everything she eats and drinks doesnt come out the "conventional" way. they talk about this in one of the later lns i dont remember which volume offhand.

Sorry man, i cant read australian

AXYS religious community

New Letter
(Symbol of Axis)

Your name _______

Age _____//_____

Contact Place __________

Profession __________

Opportunity of your incoming _________
^this is translated weirdly
^probably closer to something like
"The reason you are entering AXYS"
"The person who introduced you to AXYS"

Please Sign

-inside box-
Today I am devoted and faithful to AXYS.

Please. The only thing mentioned about all that is Wolbach offhandedly claiming goddesses don't use the bathroom as a childish response to Aqua's equally childish curse of "I will curse your toilet to not flush even though there is someone waiting for you outside!"