Does Soy actually reduce test or it just a meme?

does Soy actually reduce test or it just a meme?

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I am a vegetarian. I eat a lot of soy and I am the most extreme person I know. I call Hitler a cuck unironically. Maybe the meme is actually keeping our guys from going full exto because that is what I am. Fuck every single non-white on this planet. The white race should rule it all and everyone else should... go away. :)

>doubting info on a board where people believe that nazi aliens live inside the core of a flat 6000-year-old earth of which the entrance lies near Antarctica

I drank soy growing up because I was lactose intolerant.. Shit gave me breast tissue on one side, other side is flat. Stay away from that shit, whites aren't designed for it, we need dairy. Soy boy is no myth, it will ruin your body.


There's a reason the soy boy meme is a thing.

It's a big meme. Beer or chicken contain estrogen compounds about ten times more potent than the ones in soy AND you're probably consuming much more of them than soy products, but you won't hear Sup Forums bitch about those because beer is manly and soy is gay.

it's all estrogenic feminizing faggotry. avoid chicken, beer, milk AND soy

Nah, just don't indulge in stuff. For one, this way you avoid extreme concentrations of this stuff and additionally, the absolutely biggest and most common cause of excess estrogen in men is obesity.
There's a reason fat men have bitch tits and it's aint just the fat.

If you are worried about soy yo are already low test. Plutonium wont slow down Chad’s almonds.

In fact, only eat raw deer meat you hunted yourself for optimum test intake

Drinks soy because “lactose intolerant”...white....Hmmmm....

it's not about reducing T, it's about reducing the development of T and its effects while a person is developing.
if you're fully developed, i.e. 25 years old and you then start consuming soy, it doesn't change a whole lot

It does fucking not. Don't just believe the hype and drop soy from your diet, there is no fucking difference. Milk, on the other hand, is especially potent in oestrogens. Everyone drank it back in the day, and there weren't any people like you see today. What you call "soyboys" is merely a product of the times.

>soy good, milk bad!
huh... really causes ones neurons to fire...

Turned out I wasn't lactose intolerant I just had irritable bowel syndrome when I was younger.

Not to mention that in America, cows are fucking loaded with rBGH (a growth hormone for cows). In Europe, it has been forbidden for a while now.
Pretty much. Even if soy could do some damage, it's in the early (0 to 5 y) years, AND that is if parents are feeding him JUST soy baby formulas without anything else. Of course you're going to grow fucked up when you're not getting the nutrients you need.

Alcohol and sitting on your ass reduces test. Everything else is a meme.

I'm pretty sure it's a meme my brother eats soy stuff all the time and she's fine

I'm well aware that you anglos do love your milk, but it is true. animal oestrogen does way more "damage" than phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are pretty much harmless.

I can imagine you saying this in a lisp

His nipples aren't that pink either...

It's more dependent on what you're doing, if you're lifting you'll get big gainz from milk thanks to the GH and high IGF-1 concentrations and will avoid the negative side effects of the growth hormones used for the most part, in addition the saturated fat and cholesterol content help testosterone production a lot. It's not the devil but if you're a sedentary porch monkey you'll get boobs. Getting all this from other sources is ideal. That said, as soon as I cut soy from my diet I lost weight and felt better. It was probably a personal reaction to eating better quality to avoid it, but I'm not fuckin with no soy.

Well, of course. I did say that weak men are merely a product of the times some posts ago. People don't do much physical work nor exercise anymore. That's the cause of the tanking test levels in recent times, not the foods people are eating.

So that's why my dick is small huh...

it doesnt reduce t levels.. more like low t levels make u want to consume soy.. its just what low t boys do..

Soy boy

Even the cheapest of store bought walmart brand milk doesn't have rBGH anymore

>Avoiding chicken and milk
DYEL detected.

no it boosts estrogen making u a tranny fuck

Tfw doing that