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this is the dumbest thing iv heard of.

>its only murder if the child's going to be dependent on the state or its parents for life.

To be fair, Ohio is full of retards. They just don't want their demographics to change.

Makes perfect sense. More downies, more conservatives.

what a beautiful proposal it will make the SJWs go nuts about it.

if you disagree with it you are an anti disabled person
if you agree with it you disagree with the "muh boy muh choice"


>it's only murder if you have a reason to do it
>if it's just arbitrary and based on your whims, it's okay

He's forcing White women to water a potato for 20 years.

I still don't get this.. I am against abortion,except in rape cases or when retard baby pops out. Now you can abort everything except your downtown abbey baby????? Plus all the shitskin rape babys, this is all jewish work for sure.

Liberals fucked themselves once they boxed in conservatives with the “whaddabout victims of rape and incest” argument. They did gain ground by getting conservatives to agree with it, but now the pendulum is swinging back.

>Doesn't do anything about the 99% of abortions that are unjustified
>Does something to stop the 1% that are

Fucking Republicans trying to create more Republican voters. This is exactly how they rig the system.

Can they just go get it done in the next state instead?

Still 1% more than most of the GOP.

But why?

Did I need another reason to hate the cess pool known as Ohio? No. Did I get one? Yes

Imagine an army of downies. Liberals hate competition.

Ok maybe to low.

They fear the downies due to their ability to reason moral logic.

How far is too far to drive to kill your baby?

>only way to stop globalization is to create more white people
>introduce laws to make white people scared of reproducing

Almond status: engaged

There's no way this will hold up. Completely unconstitutional. Btw- I thought RWNJ's were against the govt meddling in our lives?


I know britbongs have the same all left leaning cuckservatives as Canada and no real conservatives, but please fucking butter knife yourself since real knives are banned in the UK.

Can't people who want to abort retards just go to another state?

They don't give a shit, they defend Indians using tax dollars to murder healthy brown female fetuses

Anything that results in more dead babies is good as far as liberals are concerned

then Sup Forums must shill on twitter pretending to be SJWs. this is a good opportunity to make them turn on each others imo

Yes, this law just made it more inconvenient

Also, you get test done at facility #1
Go to facility #2 and tell them it was an accident baby and you want an abortion

Unless the government is centralizing and analyzing people's medical records, how would they know?

Here you go


Goddamnit. Stop ruining my state. This is literally something that everyone should agree upon, even the religious, because raising a potato is a waste of fucking money.

They're not banned, and your laws are nearly as fucked as ours are. They're less well defined too so it'll be easier to restrict them.

kek typical poos


fuck cuckservatives

The only thing that changes is the addition of another 'yes/no/ question on the legal forms. Unfortunately, this bill does nothing to stop child sacrifice. Outside an obvious dead on arrival, like conjoined twins at the brain, I personally am against such practices.

The people freaking out the other way don't really realize that the doctors and nurses will coach the answer even if the parents admit that its their primary reason. It changes nothing.

Downies (and others with severe mental or physical handicaps) are a huge financial burden on taxpayers. They're eligible for life-time gov handouts and services starting from the date of birth.

At one time, infants and young children had very high mortality rates. While emotionally hard on parents, this served as a natural selection process for us. Somewhere along the way we developed the stupid idea to save everyone and shift the entire financial burden of the weak over to taxpayers.

Fuck that. Let the Ohio Reps who supported this law pay out of their own pockets for every single Downie who is born from this day forward.

How about you make pre-natal diagnosis illegal instead? I can somewhat understand his point since we have made abortions illegal based on discriminatory behaviour. It is illegal to abort a baby because of it's gender. Testing for genetic defects is also prohibited.

>conservatives want more retards and babies with disabilities to be born
>conservatives bitch about having to pay taxbucks for their existence

They can't pull their own weight and properly support themselves. Why do so many conservatives stop caring about their lives right after birth?