Why do poor whites vote agaisnt their own economic interests?


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because trumpcucks are, well, cucks, and they get gratification from being on their knees worshiping at the feet of their betters.

its why yankee states drive the american economy and red states live in squalor.

Why do you post this thread daily?

Identity politics are cancer.

Because it's the truth.

And you can't handle it, so we repeat it, until those two brain cells casually bump into each other.

Fake and gay.

butthurt trumpcuck detected. do you and your dad jerk your little flaccid dicks together while your mother gets banged by niggers?


What do you mean? Surely trickle down will work this time around. Right guys?

Fake and really gay.

>endless gibs for niggers and spics are in white people's interests

blacks and spics may chug down "gibs" at a higher rate per capita, but poor rural whites still blow them away in total, its not even close. the reality is that conservacucks are just parasites through and through, so they expect libtard tax dollars to take care of their families for them. it's pretty sad.

idk, digits don't lie.

trickle down going work y'all

But more white people get gibs than any other group.

just like more white people get shot by cops

whites deserve it, the only thing niggers deserve is a ticket back to apefrica LOL

True. Isn't white privilege amazing?

Its another "every poor person is a communist or is stupid" thread

reminder that conservashits are celebrating 1.5 trillion in new debt and have lost the right to ever complain about government spending.

>Why do poor whites vote agaisnt their own economic interests?

good question.

eg, retarded democrats voting to bring in more 3rd worlders to keep their wages low

Why do Blacks vote against theirs?

Working hard is more important to them than free money. Poor country living ain't even that bad, rather fun most of the time as long as you don't get caught up in the opioid epidemic.

My taxes are going down 5%. I'll be voting for Trump in 2020

>vote Republican
>get tax cuts

I don't see a problem here

>These same threads every day with the same exact talking points despite being so easy to argue against.
I enjoy the game: Shill or Liberal?

The problem is that they don't get tax cuts.

Rich liberals do.

why is a jewish social media site liberal...

Also people never bother to look this shit up they simply automatically go to ''muh tax the rich more, tax the poor less'' but that's literally already what's happening. Democrats offer zero solutions because their solution is already in place, the rich in America are taxed at 40%. It's the loop holes you need to to close and honestly until (((they))) are called out nothing is going to change because those loop holes are a huge reason (((they))) can stay as rich as they do.


I laugh at how irrelevant that lame meme will be in a few months. The tax reform which is objectively giving money back to everyone will make all the regular voters (not partisan retards like you) love him more, all while making the media seem even more untrustworthy for getting it wrong once again. Oh and did I mention the economy soaring? more jobs? weren't you telling us it would crash when evil drumpf was elected? fucking morons. Like it or not, Trump knows what he's doing. He already stands a very good chance of winning again, since the incompetent democrats can't seem to get anything of importance done.

I voted FPÖ and still take handouts the SPÖ established before (like butt raping your landlord if you signed a contract with "too high" rent according to planned economy standards, after you move out).
So joke's on you.

well, good - Michael Moore is looking a bit thin, with the new tax cuts he can afford to stuff his face with lard glazed quarter pounders

They do, you're so fucking stupid it's not even funny.

So who is "we"?

hows it in their interest to vote for nig nogs getting free shit?

>not understanding that people want whats best for society and not just themselves
Typical leftist

>New tax cut.

He makes mad money in every republican government, he always brag about it in his books.

""I don't think it's a good idea to keep your
money in portfolios," I replied, "or in a
briefcase, or even under the futon. I save what
little I can in a place called a 'bank,' where I
have what the old-timers call a 'savings
account.' "
He was not amused. "You're just screwing
yourself," he said. "And you're being
irresponsible. I remember reading you made a
lot of money from your first film, right? Do
you know how much you'd have today if
you'd invested it in the stock market ten years
ago? Probably about thirty mil."
Thirty million? Dollars? Coulda been mine?
Agggghhhh!!! What was I thinking?
Suddenly I got very queasy, and it felt like all
my principles and beliefs were about to end
up on my shoes. I excused myself and went
Some time after this event, the stockbroker
guy got hold of my home address and started
sending me weekly "market updates" and
other propaganda in the hope that I'd give him
my kid's college fund to gamble with on the
Strip known as Wall Street."

>in total is more relevant than per capita
I'm sorry, sir, but it seems you have a terminal form of retardation

stickin' it to the liberal elites by giving them a huge tax cut

Dont firget millions of ilegal immigrants crossing the border effectively driving down wages...

>B-but mah corporayshuns

Michael Moore is a complete fool and an opportunistic douchebag. His appearance suggests this as well.

Uhhh ya giving money back to everyone was kinda the big idea. And when you say liberal elites, you DO understand that means most of them will turn and vote for him, right? Everybody getting money back will be more inclined to vote for him, despite what your corporate legacy whore media speculates and feeds to the masses.

Relax Hebe. They will expire in 8 years and you can go back to hording piles of Jew-gold.

I fucking hate Michael Moore. He comes to Canada and tells Americans we don't live in a fear culture. He should have went to Jane and Finch in Toronto, Montreal North or any of our native reservations and gotten back to me on that. America is a nation of fear because it has more niggers. The few places we have niggers/indians in this country it because a culture of fear as well.

>you DO understand that means most of them will turn and vote for him
Yeah just like the Obama tax cuts made all those rednecks in fly over country turn around and vote democrat.

well, they still get off on cold war propaganda, because centralized health care and no tax cuts to people that litteraly make billions would make them commie scum and they would lose all their rights

being addicted to gibs is not in our own interest.

How is someone voting to be more dependent on government welfare in their best long term interests?

Because they have moral principles that the left shits all over to the point where they’re willing to stay poor.
Socially conservative but fiscally liberal would be a hot meme.

This too.
White people dont like funding the retarded decisions of black people without also having more power.

>well actually if you don’t look at per capita

Based Sowell

fuck social Conservashits. I don’t want the USA to turn into a Christian theocrat extemist nation

This also. There are ways in which it isn’t in their interest.
Appalachia used to be crawling with union activity and they let anarchists help.
What they don’t seem to like is being undercut but illegal labour, having their ability to organise and enjoy life impeded by importing diversity that makes both way more difficult, and being told they’re morally bad for opposing it. (Particularly when the people telling them consider themselves a foreign ethnic group - ie Jews and Yankees).
Trump was a brick through a window saying “fuck you faggot”.

Why do slide thread posters hate it when you bring up Pizzagate or Bill Priestap?

The amount of urban and costal retards who dive in when a pizzagate thread is posted is pretty high. Only makes me think there’s something to it.

>ideological purity over getting things done

How about you worry about your third world shithole?

God you peoplr are so fixated with the united states you are following out tax code, thats fucking pathetic

Republicans are very good at playing to their fears. Libs are coming for your guns, Obama is going to implement sharia law.
Somehow illegal immigrants are both sitting around popping out children for welfare and free healthcare, while at the same time taking all of our jobs.

Last time i checked your flag or id dont tell you wether you live on a coast, suburb, or rural area

I'm a staunch liberal and even i will admit Tumps tax plan is actually good for everyone. The middle class especially. Lazy people not so much but we shouldnt be encouraging that

Trump Executive Order

Liberal elitists aren't the same as redneck retards who support Drumpf no matter what. You are one dumb fucking piece of dogshit eh? Fact is, Trump is giving money back to the people, unlike his royal nogness, and that equates to more votes for the majority of the voting base.

Most whites don’t vote for republicans because of their economic policies, it’s because they are the only ones who will even remotely slow down the browning of america.

I’ll admit i’m a little left leaning on economic policies, but that’s not near enough to even make me consider the democrats with their anti white agenda.

I’d votr for a fucking anarchist or commie party over dems as long as they arent anti white like the dems.


False flagger

Why didn’t any liberals vote yes on the bill if it’s good for the middle class ?

T. Newfag (or shill) who missed the “rural and suburban retard” meme/shill line

>I’d votr for a fucking anarchist or commie party over dems as long as they arent anti white like the dems.
This would be political dynamite

You do know that the "rayciss white rednecks" don't tend to vote GOP because their economic policies but rather because they're the only party that seems to somewhat care about preventing the browning of america and don't run anti-white policies like most leftists?
These people would vote for a commie party for all they care as long as they dont push for anti-white shit and do something to prevent more brown peope coming in and deporting the ones already there

There’s more to life than money

Why would anti brown whites vote agaisnt their economic interests just to see less brown people? Are you admitting that many republican voters believe republican economics is shit and provides no net benefit to the general public except mega wealthy corporate ceos?

Because poor whites don’t want to be rich they just want to be with there own kind. Outside of Huntington and Charleston WV isn’t so bad. It’s the poorest state in the Union and while it has problems with drugs it doesn’t have problems with violent crimes. Just leave us alone we don’t want to be rich we just want to live away from Jews, Niggers, Muslims, and Spics is that too much to ask?

Exact same image and quote is posted several times a day. Shills need to up their game. sdleif laa in egaS.

>retard trying to understand politics
Entertaining desu. You talk too much for someone who knows so little though.

poorly educated

I'm just a regular 4channer and your internet defense force keeps us upto date in verything, not my fault not being completely ignorant.

Ive been on Sup Forums since before pol

You added coastal, you fucked it up

>that equates to more votes for the majority of the voting base.


they can run the pussy tape again and ruin his legacy, voting in america with their adhd puppy behaviour will always be a gamble.

You do realize that we're all going to do our taxes here quite soon right?
Why do morons commit to lies that are guaranteed to be exposed?

because we hate niggers more than we want to have jew money

Because even the poorest and lowest IQ trailer trash whites are smart enough to support what is best for society as a whole rather than aim for temporary personal gain like niggers.

Nah , you’ve outed yourself as the complete retard you dumb inbred leaf

> trump is giving money back to the people

Lmao nice try Cletus

Corporate tax in Sweden and Norway is 22%. 20% in Iceland and Finland. 19% in Bongistan. 12.5% in Ireland. Pretty much all the great socialist utopias leftists won't stop talking about.

So explain to me why this 21% corporate tax is such a disaster?

Liberals are fucking disgusting. They care so much about their shitty welfare programs because muh community and yet they think premarital sex and abortion and gay marriage are totally fine because freedom lol. No consistency.


Trying this hard should be a bannable offence.

>Why didn’t any liberals vote yes on the bill if it’s good for the middle class ?

Liberals don't care about the middle class. They never did.
Liberals depend on the poor and minority voting block and the uber-wealthy for political donations.

The so-called "working middle class" is mostly Republican/Conservative Democrat.